Start Of Every Story Ever

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I sleepily slapped my alarm clock until it stopped screaming in my ear. I mean, I hate alarms so much! Just like Mondays, Twilight, and everything else that it's considered cool to make fun of.
In fact, since it's so relevant at the moment.. I guess I'll say it. I'm not your average girl.
My name is Riley Ashbrooke. I have short, dead straight dirty blonde hair that falls in curls down to my perfectly shaped butt, and smokey green eyes that my mother said reminds her of the sky. But, I mean, she has to say that. She's my mother. I'm super ugly in reality.
Groaning, I crawled out of bed before landing in a thump on the floor. "Owwwww" I moaned, rubbing my back. Why must the world be so cruel?
I pulled myself up, then went to the bathroom. I showered, dried my hair, and started applying my makeup. I don't wear much makeup, unlike all the skanks at my school with their stupid skanky orange faces and bitchy Prada bags. I only put on some concealer, and some mascara to make my blue eyes pop.
"RILEY! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR YOUR FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL AT THIS NEW TOWN WE JUST MOVED TO IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCHOOL YEAR FOR NO APPARENT REASON!" my young, hip, single, hardworking mother screamed up the stairs. I cursed and threw my hair into a messy bun before running down the stairs.
My mother, of course, had breakfast made for me and my brother. A mountain of pancakes sat before me, drowned in maple syrup.
"Food," I moaned before swallowing a pancake whole. My mother tsked at me.
"Pig," my brother muttered into his food.
"Now, kids, stop fighting" my mother chided gently with a loving smile on her face. I smiled at Mom before kicking my brother hard in the shin. A sickening crunch sounded through the room, and my brother screamed in pain.
"YOU BROKE MY F*CKING LEG!!" he shrieked, staring in horror at his foot, which stuck out at a 90 degree angle.
"Tyler, don't be such a baby." I smirked before hopping up from the table and running out the door to my best friend Cherry, whose convertible was idling in the driveway of our Edward Scissorhands suburb.
I hopped into her car, paying no attention to the fact that I had a best friend straight away after moving cross country. We spent the 45 minute car journey chatting and laughing about how random and weird we were.

When we reached the school, I immediately knew where my locker was, and of course already had my schedule in my bag although no trip to the office happened. Cherry grabbed my timetable to see what classes we shared, before grabbing me happily. "Look, Riles, we share ALL our classes! In this school of 5,298.4 people, us BFFs managed to share every class, even though we don't share any interests!" I looked for a second.
"Uhh.. 5,298.4? How can there be two fifths of a person attending?" I asked confusedly. I'm ditzy like that.
"Oh, Darren the Dwarf is a senior here. He's something like 3 feet tall." I nodded knowingly. That made sense.
Suddenly, a 6'8 tall guy appeared out of thin air and crashed into me where I stood.
"Watch where you're going." He snarled at me. Wow. He was.. stunning. Perfect messy brown hair, and green eyes that saw right through me and pierced my very soul. He had a jawline I could cut diamonds on, and a Roman nose with high, aristocratic cheekbones. Even his pinky finger was perfectly formed. He was wearing a white, muscle hugging tee. In fact, I could see each and every ridge of his 9 pack, and it seemed to be cutting off his circulation. God, what an absolute jerk!
"Oh, my God, I'm so sorry!" I squeaked. The crowd that had gathered to watch this spectacle unfold oohed at my amazing burn, and the Jerk's eyes flashed angrily. I smirked victoriously, I'm known for my sarcasm and unbelievable comebacks.
"Hahaha, she got you there" the Jerk's comic relief, platonic seeming friend said, before clapping him on the shoulder. Now that I looked, his friends were all amazingly attractive as well- but not as attractive as him. The Jerk glared at me again before turning on his heel and storming off. Squinting, I noticed that the tag on his shirt said it was for 7-8 year old girls. Muscle hugging indeed.
"Uh-oh.." Cherry whispered.
"What?" I asked.
"You just pissed off Ryder Cain. He's the most popular guy in school. He owns everything and everybody."
I sighed. This was NOT a good start to my new school.


There is something seriously wrong with me, I just thought of this and started to write. I'm in a pretty weird mood today so this is probably strange, to say the least- but I don't edit so it's coming up now whether it's sane or not. Hope you enjoyed either way XD

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