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I've had suggestions for this, when the girl is roommates with the boy. Let's go!
I think I'll leave it at 5, because I don't really read these that often..

1. Just, the idea. So, tell me please, why would they put two teenagers together in a boarding school? I mean, it's not only a Teen Mom series waiting to happen, it's unethical. What happens when the girl gets Mother Nature's Monthly Gift?

2. How many mixed boarding schools are even left? I mean.. I'd say in Ireland there are about 7 or 8 boarding schools. I don't think any of them are mixed. These schools are as much of a fantasy as Hogwarts.

3. Out of ALL of the guys staying in the dorms, she stays with the player. Of COURSE that would happen. I mean, the chances are just so high that the one guy to have a free room would be the most popular guy in the school.

4. The girl keeps it a secret that she's in the boys' dorms. How. If she's staying in the rooms, and the staff all know about it... Just how could this happen? I mean... Just... I can't even. I actually can't even.

5. They have a massive HD tv, a state of the art games console, not to mention a spa worthy bathroom. Looks like somebody needs to read Looking For Alaska.

Sorry guys, I'm just not feeling it for this chapter. To be honest my other story is like flowing a lot better at the moment. Not to self advertise but if you like this and you're getting sick of my really slow updates check out the Ramblings.

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