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This is loooooooong overdue. I don't read many fanfictions, to be honest, and then I didn't want to throw anybody over the edge what with 1D's drama and all. But better late than never!

1. The fanfictions about before they were famous. Like.. that's not how it works, people. (I'm going to be using One Direction fanfics as my scapegoat) Okay, so for example:
"Zayn Malik is the most popular bad boy in school. He's cruel, heartless and a huge player.
Jess Brooke is a shy nerd with a smart mouth. What happens when these two hit it off? Will this end in heartbreak, or something worth fighting for?"
Now. Now. I highly doubt that Zayn Malik was cool in school. He was probably that weird kid that was always singing, and that nobody liked. The type that auditioned on The X Factor. You all know the kind. What he was not, I'd put money on, is the bad boy. Which brings me on to my next point.

2. When their personalities in the story are nothing like their personalities in real life- on or off screen. Harry Styles would not be a drug lord. What's the point in making a fan fiction if it isn't even following the personality of the person? I actually don't get it.

3. When they find the hater refreshing. It doesn't matter how famous I'd get, if somebody hated my music and hurled abuse at me without actually knowing me, I would not want anything to do with them. Not to mention that so many girls probably do that to get their attention. Sorry, Protagonist. You aren't different after all.

4. All those goddamn Harry Potter ships. There are some with Draco and Lucius Malfoy. I mean.. that's just weird. Idk it bothers me, if you like HP fanfics I'm not judging. If I read them I'd probably like them too.

5. One Direction's Sex Slave. You could not possibly fathom the amount of these I've had to skip past. Why would you dream about being kidnapped? Like.. what? I haven't even read them but I mean what's the draw?
"You're insecure- don't know what for. I want you naked and beat up on the flo-o-or"
Morbid, but that's the way I see them.

Only five, I know, I'm sorry. But I don't read these stories any more! Actually, I don't really read stories at all on Wattpad any more.. pity. I think the next thing I'll do is a chapter (or six) of a satire on all the books on Wattpad. Look out!

Also, is it just me or is the age group on Wattpad getting older? Less highschool drama, more "Vivian Lancaster is a single mother working her way up the corporate ladder." Not my cup of tea, unfortunately. But anyway, adios!

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