Chapter 8 ~ The final control room.

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~Your POV~

Today is the day. The day which will determine my brother's future. Not so sure on mine, but I too am fighting in this war, so I guess it does contribute to my future as well.

Doomsday, we call it.

All of us were in the van, coming up with a plan to take down Dream and his army. And just by their words, I'm already terrified. They were so serious about it and I understand why, but maybe I'm just a little overwhelmed.

The plan was too start at the embassy, which I thought was stupid. Our lack of gear wasn't to compare to the armor and tools Dream and his army had. We'd be dead before we can even get there.

"Wil." I say. I wanted to have a say in this conversation. "You mentioned how out geared we are, yet you still choose to fight." Now isn't the time to fight, but to prove a point.

"Y/n's right." Tommy intervenes. "There's no way we're winning this." Everyone starts to nod, throwing in a few comments here and there.

"Then we'll do what we always do." Wilbur looks around. "We'll do it for the sake of L'manburg and not ourselves." He says.

We all start to nod and he somewhat proved a point. This war isn't for our survival, it isn't for whom we've lost and it certainly isn't for Dream. It's for our independence.

"Y/n, I'd like to speak with you for a moment." Wilbur says, which I oblige to, following him into the room in the back, as everyone left the van, ready to hold their ground and fight Dream.

"Y/n." Wil says, which catches my attention. "I know you may not know a lot about all that's been going on and I know you too don't know much about the history of yourself, but there's something I need you to promise me." He tells me.

"What is it?" I ask. He pulls out a uniform from behind him. It's the L'manburg uniform and it's probably also what Niki spent all day making yesterday. I immediately feel the excitement rise in me. "Consider yourself an official member of L'manburg, Y/n." He says with a soft smile.

I jump up and down in excitement, before he starts to mention something else. "But that's not it." He says, pulling out a black piece of cloth from his pocket and handing it to me. I observe it in my hands and I realize what it is.

"A mask?" What am I meant to do with a mask?

"This is what I wanted to talk about." He says. "Promise me you'll keep that on at all times." I'm not so sure what he means, but if that's what I have to do then I'll do it.

"Promise me you'll never mention your name to anyone." He says again, but this time even louder. "Promise me you'll keep yourself anonymous." His voice is firm and he's practically begging me to keep all these promises.

"Promise me you'll keep your face hidden from outsiders." He says and tears start to stream from his eyes. "Promise me, Y/n!" He yells. I'm confused to why he's acting like this, but it must be important if this is what comes out of him.

I pull him into my arms and he buries his head into the crook of my neck, sobbing for dear life. He held me tight, before pulling out and cupping my face in both his hands.

"Promise me you'll me okay..." He whispers.

I feel confused, but at the same time I feel sorry for him. His tears run down his face like a waterfall and his eyes are the color of crimson. He's desperate. Desperate enough to do almost anything to have me stay anonymous to anyone and I don't know why.

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