Chapter 20 ~ Dream is my drug.

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~Y/n's POV~

I'm lucky to be on patrol tonight. Tonight was Fundy's night to go on patrol, but he came in sick. I should probably feel sorry for him, but if it weren't for him, I wouldn't be sitting on the sand of this glowing, magical beach.

It's 8. Dream is nowhere to be found.He's never late, I thought. And usually the late one would be me, but I don't see him. Maybe something came up. He'll be here, I thought to myself. He always is. And if he isn't, then there's always tomorrow. I can wait.

And so that's what I did. I waited, looking into the water, exploring the small beach, kicking the sand, revealing its blue, glowing hues. But nothing. No green man was to be seen or was to be heard. And so I waited some more, but this time I sat and thought.

The election is in a week and I have yet to find out the names of the other 2 parties other than Coconut2020 and Pog2020. I heard these 2 parties aren't all citizens of L'manburg, but I have yet to find that out as well. Rumors have been going around about how these 2 parties will have a much better chance at winning than the parties I already have in mind.

I don't like this. I don't like any of it. I don't want an election because the thought of Wilbur losing everything he worked for terrifies me. And not because I know he'll be sad, sulking and moping in bed because he's no longer the leader of what he called his L'manburg.

But because of how L'manburg could completely flip the other way around, how could this potential new leader of ours lead us in the opposite direction of the success we've all been begging for ever since the beginning. For all I know, Wilbur has been a good leader. And I don't want anything to change that.

I recall that night when Dream told me how much he admired my eyes and how they resembled stars. I remember what I was feeling at that moment. I felt the butterflies inside me, ready to plummet their way out. I remember how my cheeks were instantly hot as soon as those words rolled off his tongue. I remember the way he looked at me and how that made me feel.

No words are able to explain how much I liked it. I liked the way he looked at me and the way he complimented me, but there are no words to describe how much I disliked it. Not even my own actions can show how much I despised that moment like no other.

And it wasn't him who I despised and it wasn't the moment either, but it was me. I hated myself like never before after that night. I remember crawling into bed that night and if I could punch myself for it, I would. I hated those feelings. How I allowed it for him to make me feel that way, but I can't stop thinking about it.

I shouldn't think about it, I remind myself every day. But I can't. I can't stop, and it's slowly eating me up. I don't want to like the feelings he gives me, I don't want to like it at all, but it's not like I can do anything about it. I don't know how people control their feelings, so I hide it.

I hide the butterflies and I hide the feelings. I don't wanna reveal it to anyone and not even to Dream. Never to Dream, I think to myself. I think of him like a drug. He's dangerous, bad and practically illegal. Dream is off-limits. But he's addicting. He makes me feel something no one else can give me and I like it.

But I can't help it.

I assume this is what a drug is like. It's ugly but addicting. And the addiction is beautiful at first, but once it starts, it doesn't stop. I remember how Dream made me feel before, when every time we met, I was on the ground and he was holding a hand up for me, and I liked it. I liked it a lot.

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