Chapter 9 ~ It had perished.

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~Dream's POV~

I need to know. And there isn't any reason why I shouldn't. Though we had won the war, it wasn't easy. "Could someone bring Eret in here for me, please?" I ask.

George, Sapnap and I were sat in the castle dining hall, discussing about the war. And even if it had just ended yesterday, I couldn't get that girl out of my head.

I hadn't mentioned her to any of the boys, knowing they were probably as clueless as me, but I do have a feeling Eret might know something. The doors open and Punz comes in with Eret following behind him.

"I'd like to talk to Eret in private." I tell the rest, as they leave the room, leaving me with just Eret. He sits on the chair across from me and keeps his head down.

"I have a few questions for you and I want you to answer me honestly." I tell him. He just nods, staring down at the table.

"Who was the girl?" I ask.

He looked up at me and brings his sunglasses down, revealing his confusion filled eyes. He lifts an eyebrow up, hoping his face would ask the question for him. "Girl?" He asked.

"That girl in the war." I say, she was probably the girl Sapnap had mentioned, but he never said anything about the mask she wore. "What's her name?" I ask him.

He sighs and looks up at the ceiling shaking his head, letting out a deep chuckle, before looking back at me with a playful smirk on his face. "You wanted me to be honest?" I nod.

"I genuinely don't know." He says blankly.

"What do you mean you 'Don't know'?" I slowly stand up from my seat, firmly gripping the edge of the table. I don't know what it is, but to receive the answer 'I don't know' makes me mad for no absolute reason.

"I mean, I really don't know." He tells me, which only makes my blood boil. "I've never spoken to her and no one has ever mentioned her name. I've seen her without a mask once, but her head was down low and Wilbur was right with her. And I don't think he ever leaves her side." He says, throwing his arms to the side and back down.

He has to be kidding. For a girl so ambitious to fight like her, it's hard to believe. I've seen her strength and I've seen her fight and she has to be the best in L'manburg. Just by her actions, I don't wanna believe for someone to say she was as restrained as what Eret just described to me right now, because she clearly isn't.

Not when she'll express all her emotions into a war. She doesn't seem like the type of person to be shy and neither she seem like the type of person to be quiet. And she may not be the most verbal person, but there's something about her when I saw her fight.

She reminds me of myself.

"You need to get her name." I tell Eret. I don't know what makes me so intrigued to know this girl's name, but I know there's something I don't know. "You really expect me to get her name after what you just made me do out there?" He asked, gesturing to the door.

He's right. There's no way any of them is talking to Eret after yesterday. "But, I do know a something." He said, standing up, slowly walking around the table, this catches my attention. I want all the information I can get.

He stops right next to me and brings his mouth just next to my ear. "She lives with Niki." He whispers and immediately start to think of plans.

But before I could ask some more, he had already left the room, leaving me even more questions unasked.

"Dream." I hear George say, which startles me, as I turn to face him stood by the door. "There's someone who'd like to speak to you." He says and I tilt my head to the side to show my confusion, knowing they can't see my facial expressions.

He steps to the side and there stood Wilbur and Tommy.

<<Time skip Y/n's POV>>

"You agreed to a bow duel with Dream?!" I question. "I was desperate." Tommy says back and of course he was, imagine the limits he'd go to win L'manburg's independence. Now I wonder if Wilbur even tried to stop him.

"When is it happening?" I ask them. I'm quite anxious about it and I'm not sure whether or not I want him to even be there at all. I know Tommy can fight, but can he fight against the most powerful man we know with all that pressure in him, knowing it'll decide whether or not L'manburg will get it's independence?

"Tomorrow before sundown." Wil replies and I just nod. I still don't think this is a very good idea, but it seems to me that they had already made up their mind.

"Y/n, you should probably get your mask on and get on patrol. You can go on your own, right?" Wil says and this is my first time on night patrol. I've went once with Fundy, but I've never went alone. "Yeah." I say bluntly.

I don't know what to expect, but it can't be that hard. Just a few creatures here and there to fight off. I know how to fight and if ever someone does come I know how to scream as well.

<<Time skip>>

I've been here a while and it has been raining ever since I left the walls. I was told to come back by midnight, but by the cloudy dark skies, I can't tell what time is it. The moon seemed to had left me and darkness is all I see.

I can try and estimate what time it is and it seems to me that I probably have an hour or 2 to go, before I have to get back. There's been a few creatures I've had to fight off, but not a lot. The area was pretty well lit, so I haven't been doing much but instead just stood there and thought of what tomorrow had instore.

I still don't agree with the idea of a bow duel, but I can't say much about it. I've only been here for a few days, so I don't see much of a right for me to speak. I feel like more of a visitor rather than an actual citizen.

What do I know about Dream? He may have won the war, but he could also really suck on a one on one fight with a child.

I hear a few rustling of leaves from behind me. Probably the wind, but as I turn around, I see a skeleton with an arrow pointed straight at me.

Before I could react, the arrow was already in the air. This is it, I thought. This is how I die. An arrow straight through my skull. Everyone will wonder why I didn't defend myself. And if I were given the chance to explain, I'd stay silent.

I shut my eyes and take in the little time I had left, before I feel a gush of wind hit the front of my face. I'm dead, aren't I? I ask myself, but as I begin to open my eyes, I feel a warm hand plant itself on my lower back.

I open my eyes to see an arrow inches away from my face, no longer held by the air, but held in someone's hand. The arrow falls and is dropped to the ground and whoever this person was pulls out a crossbow, shooting the skeleton right in the skull, right where I was nearly shot.

I watch the bones diminish, as they shatter and all fall to the ground, before all that was left of it was a pile of dust, blown by the wind. It had perished.

I look up to see the person who had saved my life, but all I see is white. Maybe I did really die.

I begin to back up and I feel an instant whiff of wind hit my lower back, as the hand is no longer there. I look back up again to see the only person I dread to see.

I see Dream.

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