Hua Cheng and Mt. Tonglu part 2

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I apologize in advance I really don't know how to write good fight scenes ahh 😭.

Hua Cheng didn't have to walk for long before he sensed an overwhelming bloodlust.

He approached cautiously, his grip on the little knife drawing tighter as he tried to make his steps as quiet as possible. In the distance he could make out a figure dressed in black, surrounded by bodies.

From this distance Hua Cheng could smell the heavy scent of blood that saturated the air, he could even see traces of red on the figure's robes, vivid even against the dark black.

The figure had likely already sensed him, but even so it had not moved from its position. The sight was incredibly gruesome. The figure had one hand grasped tightly onto what looked to be a scythe and the other gripping the hair of a victim, clearly having just severed its head off.

If Hua Cheng had been alone and not responsible for the lives of others at the moment, he might have tried avoiding this creature. He was incredibly fast and could maybe stand a chance to outrun it. He considered it for a moment. Considered abandoning those foolish villagers who had trusted him and probably still did, clinging to the small form of protection the bamboo stick offered.

It was as he was considering abandoning them that a voice rang in his head "I want to save the common people".

How could his god forgive him if he abandoned them here? How could Hua Cheng face him again if he knew Hua Cheng had led them to their deaths. He reached up to fidget with the small earring tried to the end of his braid. The thing that had gave him courage since he first obtained it, and made up his mind.

He would fight here.

Hua Cheng observed the figure carefully. It resembled something of legends, a grim reaper than came and brought death and destruction in its wake.

The reaper withdrew from the pile of bodies it was surrounded by, approaching Hua Cheng slowly and gently, without any grace of the killing intent that so profoundly filled the scene earlier.

Hua Cheng would probably die here. He couldn't do much with the measly knife in his hands and his option of forging the weapon that could offer him salvation was gone. But was it?

The more Hua Cheng thought about it the more another option came into view. He had always felt uncertain about his appearance, always covered up that right eye of his that brought him so much pain for its difference. That blood red that his mother once admired but soon brought his family to ruin. That eye that he had kept covered up ever since. Surely his eye was more powerful than all the humans put together.

Even with the option now at hand Hua Cheng wavered. How could he not? The only thing he could do in this situation to live and save others was sacrifice a part of himself!

The black figure on the other end of the path still just stared at him, lips curved into a small smile. And so Hua Cheng smiled back.

He brought that small knife to his face, took a deep breath, and slashed.

Red instantly filled Hua Cheng's vision and he bent over, clutching his face in pain.

The black-clothed figure on the other side let out a soft chuckle and seemed to get comfortable, enjoying the show he was witnessing. It seemed confident in its own power, like nothing Hua Cheng could do would help him defeat it.

Hua Cheng hated that laugh. But he didn't spend much time dwelling on it because his eye really fucking hurt. The hand that was holding the knife shook and could no longer maintain its grip. The knife fell to the floor with a clang and Hua Cheng staggered back, supporting himself against the cliff wall with a hand.

It wasn't long before that hand slipped, slick with blood and Hua Cheng's knees gave out. His mind was numb, only registering the intense pain ringing out from his right eye. He raised his trembling hands to it, took in a deep breath, and pulled, finally separating it from his face.

The only thing that was left was to say the incantation and impale the offering, as Hua Cheng numbly completed the ritual he barely recognized that his voice was trembling and his hands were unsteady.

He then stepped back and watched as his now removed eye began to glow, spinning around and around like it was still alive. The corpses around the black-clothed grim reaper began to twitch, some kind of strange black energy emerging from them and gathering together, headed for the eye and dagger that lay in front of Hua Cheng.

They swirled above the eye, growing more concentrated and brighter each second, until Hua Cheng couldn't bear to look anymore.

The grim reaper seemed to let out a strange scream, not unaffected from the chaos around him. It picked up the scythe it had somehow dropped and came running at Hua Cheng, who still lay collapsed by the eye with his attached eye tightly shut, blinded from the light.

Hua Cheng barely dodged the blade, forcing himself up from his collapsed position and staggering back as he avoided the deathly fast blur of silver before him. Now that the black creature was closer to the eye it seemed to be more and more affected, screaming even louder than it had before. It reached for the eye, attempting to claw at it and stop whatever Hua Cheng had started. But just as it made contact a booming sound rang out and the black figure was flung away, scythe still in hand, back towards the pile of corpses.

It was only then that Hua Cheng got a clear look at what had become his eye and dagger. The strange amalgamation of the two lay before him. The weapon forged took the shape of a scimitar, wicked and beautiful, his eye resting near its hilt and the body gleaming and humming with a strange power.

Hua Cheng approached it, his right hand still clutching the empty socket that gushed blood, trying to hold it back and reached out with his left hand. He gently grabbed the hilt of the scimitar and held it up, admiring its incandescent glow and bloody aura as he began to walk slowly to where the black creature was flung to.

Scimitar in hand and steps slightly stumbling Hua Cheng was sure he looked like a madman. But at that moment he simply didn't care, overcome with the adrenaline from pain and power rushing towards him from the strange weapon in his hands.

The black creature slowly rose to its feet and once again picked up the scythe that had been tossed near it. It seemed to regard Hua Cheng with a newfound sense of caution and fear and Hua Cheng reveled in the feeling. His almost dissipated state seemed to be a vague memory in front of the him now. And while his whole body shook in pain, the scimitar in his hand made him feel more powerful than he had ever felt before.

Hua Cheng took a moment to steady himself, then launched himself at the black creature, skillfully wielding the scimitar as if he was born to hold it. His experience in the saber shined through and his years of practicing martial arts aided him in striking, swinging the newly formed blade as if he had trained with it from birth.

The scimitar forged from the eye of a supreme was much stronger than Hua Cheng anticipated and it was almost no time before he had the black-clothed figure on its knees. With a final blow, Hua Cheng felt even more power rushing into him from the grim reaper that had already killed so much, absorbing its strength to use as his own.

With this, Hua Cheng had finally become strong enough to survive mount Tonglu and strong enough to keep his promise, both to his highness and the young boy that had lent him the dagger.

Last one shot until I get some proper inspiration! Thanks for sticking it out to the end and hope everyone liked it :). Maybe I'll do some WangXian extras or Bingqui stuff in the future. 👀

I tried to stick to MXTX's writing style and tried not to do something too ooc, but apologies if I did. Have a good day everyone!

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