Blackwater gets paid back, a very wet adventure

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One shots are so fun to write??? This occurs after the novel where Shi Qingxuan is living as a normal human and blackwater goes undercover to see him. :) Everything in the novel happens like normal, I haven't changed anything. More beefleaf!

He Xuan had never regretted what he had done to Shi Wudu. The water master had fully deserved his fate. The only thing he maybe felt a tiny bit of remorse over was Shi Qingxuan.

He really couldn't help it, for years Shi Qingxuan had clung to him, calling him his best friend and treating him as such.

There were perhaps only two people He Xuan could consider friends in this world, and both of them were very questionably added to this list. Hua Cheng had reached an agreement with him long ago and both were on reasonably good terms with each other, but could they really be considered friends? And Blackwater had long since ruined anything he had with Shi Qingxuan.

It was boring being a ghost king. When he had nothing but revenge fueling him, He Xuan seemed to have an endless list of things to do, but with all of that done and gone, he really had nothing he wanted to accomplish. It was in a fit of boredom like this that his thoughts drifted... Shi Qingxuan... what was he doing right now?

He Xuan really might have let the two brothers off too easily from what he had originally planned. But at the same time, he felt anything more cruel to Shi Qingxuan might be too much; he was a very reasonable person after all.

Blackwater had many spies in the mortal realm, it was his specialty. After all, even Hua Cheng had come to him for information on the comings and goings of the heavenly realm.

He Xuan turned his gaze towards the crystal ball in front of him that allowed him to see through the eyes of his spies. In it appeared a barely recognizable Shi Qingxuan, whom Blackwater had long since assigned someone to watch over.

Shi Qingxuan was bent over and seemed to be working on something, his surroundings were vaguely unclear but his person was plain. Dirt covered him from head to toe and he looked in deep need of a shower, yet even with his unseemly appearance, he wore a large grin on his face.

He looks the same, thought He Xuan. While some might not even recognize the man in the crystal ball to be the lord wind master, blackwater would never fail to know who he was. He still had the same stupid grin on his face when he was a god.

Seeing that grin inexplicably filled He Xuan with anger, I'll see how much longer you can keep smiling for.

And so He Xuan in his eternal boredom decided to do something he never thought he would, he picked out a human form, transformed, and descended to the mortal world.

Blackwater didn't particularly enjoy setting foot in the mortal realm, especially not the slums where Shi Qingxuan was. But, he had already made his mind and resolved to go see him, so he might as well follow through with it.

His subordinate reported Shi Qingxuan's location and He Xuan set off immediately. On the way, he began to think of a way to meet the previous wind master without revealing his identity.

He knew Shi Qingxuan often helped treat and care for the injured and sick residents of the slums and an idea came to him, what better way to approach Shi Qingxuan than to be his patient?

And so without hesitating He Xuan reached up and smashed hard down on his left arm, breaking it with one strike. He had a high tolerance to pain and brutal strength, the combination of which meant he did not so much as flinch or hesitate as he made the movement.

It wasn't long before he reached the building where Shi Qingxuan was, even from outside the wails and cries of the mortals could clearly be heard and He Xuan wondered how Shi Qingxuan could bear working there without getting a headache.

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