Xie Lian asks for dating advice part 1

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This idea I heard is similar to an actual extra but I swear I came up with it myself first and have not read said extra lol.

Xie Lian was stumped, he had been thinking it over for a long time and still couldn't think of a single thing to do for Hua Cheng's birthday. What could he give to someone that had everything?

For one, Hua Cheng was no stranger to money. Anything Xie Lian could buy him would pale in front of what Hua Cheng could attain himself.

Second of all, the only feasible thing Xie Lian could think of that he could do better than Hua Cheng was calligraphy. And Xie Lian would much rather Hua Cheng improve himself in that subject than write for him.

So what did that leave him for a birthday gift?? Absolutely nothing.

What Hua Cheng actually wanted from Xie Lian for his birthday, he did not know. All Xie Lian knew was how was he supposed to beat 3,000 prayer lanterns???

With Hua Cheng's birthday only two days away now, Xie Lian had been growing more and more visibly distraught. It had gotten to the point where Hua Cheng had asked if he had been feeling bad lately. After that, Xie Lian felt guilty for worrying him and proceeded to worry with double the intensity in the moments they were not together.

This would not do, he was 800 years old! How could he not think of a birthday gift?

Admitting his defeat Xie Lian thought for a moment what if he asked some friends for advice?

He didn't expect anyone to know Hua Cheng or what he wanted any more than Xie Lian did, but it would help to have other opinions, after all, Goushi had said himself that he was rather inexperienced on the topic.

Xie Lian first turned to Shi Qingxuan. While it was true at first the lord wind master remained completely oblivious to the nature of his and Hua Cheng's relationship, he had eventually taken the hint. The look of shock on his face when he realized was worth millions.

And so Xie Lian headed out to where Shi Qingxuan now lived in the mortal realm, a clean and tidy little house in the city. He knew that Shi Qingxuan had been working hard in his efforts to help the poor and homeless of the capital city and greatly loved aiding his friend when he had time off from his own responsibilities.

By the time Xie Lian had arrived at Shi Qingxuan's quaint and cozy home by the side of a small river, the sun was already setting. Xie Lian raised a hand and knocked on the door, adjusting his bamboo hat to a more comfortable position around his neck.

When the door opened however It was not Shi Qingxuan who answered. In his place was a handsome young man with sharp features and a cold countenance, very unlike Shi Qingxuan's warm and vibrant personality.

Xie Lian was taken aback for a moment before he hesitantly asked "Is Shi Qingxuan home?".

"Tell him I'll be right there!" Shouted a voice from further inside the house.

The man who propped the door open simply raised an eyebrow at Xie Lian as if to say you heard him.

True to his word, Shi Qingxuan arrived shortly after, sparing Xie Lian from having to make awkward small talk with this man who didn't look like he knew what small talk was.

"Xie Lian!" Came Shi Qingxuan's happy voice, and the features of the man beside him visually turned colder. "Don't mind Shi Xuan yeah? He's not that good at talking to people. Come in, come in!" Shi Qingxuan ushered him inside the house and the man behind him shut the door with surprising gentleness.

"So what brings you here?" Shi Qingxuan chirped.

Xie Lian's ears immediately turned red "umm I'm a little lost on what to do and I was hoping you could be of help to me".

"Of course of course! You came to the right place." Shi Qingxuan then leaned closer and whispered "Is it about Hua Cheng?"

With his words, Xie Lian's face grew even hotter and he could barely respond, only nodding his agreement.

Shi Qingxuan's understanding was remarkable, he immediately ushered Xie Lian into a room and shut the door, making room for Xie Lian on the bed so they both could speak.

After calming down, Xie Lian finally said "Hua Cheng's birthday is soon, and I really can't figure out what to do for him!"

Shi Qingxuan paused for a moment, a hand thoughtfully held under his chin, and responded "I can't think of anything Hua Chengzhu could want that he doesn't already have... except maybe..." his eyes grew mischievous.

"Hua Cheng's favorite color is red right.. have you ever tried wearing red for him?"

Xie Lian was taken aback by the question. "But why would it be a birthday gift for him if I wore red?" The moment he finished speaking his eyes widened in understanding and his face flushed. He stood up immediately. "I didn't mean that kind of birthday gift!" He said indignantly.

"What kind of birthday gift?" Shi Qingxuan feigned innocence.

Xie Lian sputtered out "Th-that kind! I really don't understand fully but I don't trust it!"

Shi Qingxuan chuckled "alright, alright you don't have to. But I really don't think there's much to do for Hua Cheng besides you doing something he likes."

Xie Lian paused to consider this point, Shi Qingxuan wasn't wrong, it would be almost impossible for Xie Lian to gift Hua Cheng something. "Thank you for your time," he told Shi Qingxuan.

He had only been over for 20 minutes before Shi Qingxuan had suggested such an indecent plan. Xie Lian had a vague idea of what Hua Cheng would do to him if he wore something special for him and shuddered. Sure enough, it was better to come up with a different idea.

Our man wind master knows what's up haha.

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