Xie Lian Chengzu?? Xie Lian takes charge of ghost city for the day

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I always thought the dynamic between our ghost city residents and Xie Lian was adorable (that is after they find out what Xie Lian is to Hua Cheng). So here's Xie Lian being the boss for today and some HuaLian fluff!

"San Lang, we've been close for so long but I've never quite figured out everything you do as Chengzu of ghost city." Xie Lian's statement was out of the blue.

The two of them were currently residing in Qiandeng temple overlooking the bustling streets of ghost city. The sun had just set and the inhabitants of the city slowly came to life, setting up their stalls for the day and opening up for business. While the city in the daytime was quite active, at night it was a thing of marvels, with all sorts of creatures both living and dead roaming the streets.

"What does gege want to know?" Hua Cheng asked. He lay with his arms behind his back, using them as a pillow for his head. Xie Lian thought the raven locks that were strewn messily through his fingers looked especially beautiful when it glimmered in the moonlight and took a moment before responding, a little distracted.

"When you're with me, you always seem to have all the time in the world on your hands. But I also know you take lots of care in managing ghost city." Xie Lian said.

Hua Cheng chuckled "Everything else seems boring when compared to being with gege. Of course I'd set everything aside to be with you. But if gege really is curious, why not try being in charge of ghost city for the day?"

Xie Lian was taken aback by the offer. "In charge of ghost city?"

Hua Cheng only smiled at the bewildered look on his face "don't worry gege, you'd certainly do an excellent job. Maybe after you try ruling the city for the night, no one will want to listen to me anymore!"

"Don't tease San Lang."

"It's not teasing, I'd also like to see how gege would handle ghost city. Everyone seems to like you."

Xie Lian himself did not think it was such a bad idea, after all, it was another chance to learn more about Hua Cheng. "What I would I even do?" Wondered Xie Lian.

"It will be fine if you do anything. There is something I want to show gege though." Hua Cheng replied.

Xie Lian perked up immediately. "What is it?"

Hua Cheng only got up from his seat and reached a hand out towards Xie Lian. "Just follow me".

Xie Lian accepted the hand almost without thought.

"Does gege remember the first time we held hands like this?" Hua Cheng asked after a moment.

"That time at mount Yujun" Xie Lian exclaimed.

Hua Cheng only smiled and gripped Xie Lian's hand a little tighter. "The place we're going to is actually made because of you."

"Because of me?" Xie Lian was confused.

Xie Lian's confusion only grew when Hua Cheng approached an elaborate-looking building that looked more fit for the heavenly realm than ghost city, although it was quite different in style from a heavenly palace.

"What is this place?" Xie Lian asked.

"Gege will find out soon." Hua Cheng said as he led Xie Lian inside the building. As they walked past the elaborate double door entrance, Xie Lian couldn't help but marvel at the effort that had gone into constructing the building. Hua Cheng took care to pause at the high threshold, making sure Xie Lian didn't trip, and proceeded to lead him into the building.

The building itself was packed with people on either side, but from the entrance where Hua Cheng and Xie Lian stepped in, there was a straight path cleared to the opposite end. At the end of the path rested two chairs, although it would be more accurate to call them thrones than chairs. The high backs and commanding countenance wasn't something every chair possessed. Everything in the building was artfully decorated, juxtaposed by the ragged and strange gathering of ghosts inside.

"Just what is this place?" Xie Lian asked.

"Gege knows that while many come to ghost city to gamble and indulge in pleasures secretly, there are also those who are here not by choice but by necessity. This is a court for them." Hua Cheng explained.

"A court?"

"When someone is desperate and relies on ghost city to help them, it is incredibly hard for that person to receive help, let alone walk out of ghost city unscathed. This court is built to help those who deserve it." Hua Cheng said.

"Ahh, and the court is a way to judge if they did deserve it or not" Xie Lian said as the realization dawned on him. "What an excellent idea San Lang!"

Hua Cheng laughed "I thought gege would like it."

As they spoke, the two had already made their way across the room and the building had grown silent. Hua Cheng led Xie Lian down to the throne with flowers carved into it and Xie Lian sat down.

Hua Cheng however remained standing, he faced the audience as he said "Today's court shall be done differently than usual. Gege will preside over it in my place. To disrespect him is to disrespect me." With that short and simple speech, Hua Cheng sat down on the throne beside Xie Lian.

Xie Lian personally was panicking a little bit. What did he mean doing anything is fine, wasn't this clearly a very serious affair?? Although Xie Lian doubted his ability to properly handle the situation, he felt somewhat touched and happy that Hua Cheng would do something like this. Whether it was for him or not, Xie Lian preferred Hua Cheng helping those in need and letting his kindness show.

And with that, the court began.

I feel like we need a bit more of good person Hua Cheng right?? Don't worry, the next chapter has more fluff. 😊

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