A Not Very Normal Day

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This chapter got so long lol. Happy Holidays!

Xie Lian woke up to a strange feeling. His body ached, which was normal, but it hurt in all the wrong places. He squinted a bit, trying to identify the foreign sensation before giving up and opening his eyes fully.

Slowly, turned to face the man still sound asleep behind him. Only, the man laying next to him wasn't his husband. Thinking he might be seeing wrong, Xie Lian blinked, hoping to clear his cloudy vision, but to no avail. The man sleeping next to him really wasn't Hua Cheng.

It was himself?

Xie Lian blinked again, wondering if he was still sleeping and a strange dream was playing out before his eyes. He tentatively reached out to his own sleeping face, brushing an errant strand of hair and whispering "San Lang?"

The Xie Lian sleeping beside him snapped his eyes open, seeming to sense something wrong himself. His own voice called out to him, "Gege?"

Xie Lian immediately suspected his situation. Somehow, the two of them must have swapped bodies!

Xie Lian changed his voice to a soothing tone, "San Lang, don't panic. I think the demon we fought yesterday had a power we  couldn't predict. It seems we've now changed into each other."

Hua Cheng blinked once, perhaps adjusting to sight with two eyes instead of one. Even Xie Lian was taken aback at how different the world looked through Hua Cheng's eyes, and he could only assume his San Lang might need some time to get used to it.

Xie Lian continued "Likely the effects of the demon should not last for very long, and I don't believe this situation is incredibly concerning. It should be fine if we both look out for each other and carry out our duties, no one would be the wiser."

"Gege is smart as usual. I suppose we have no choice but to carry on like always. Although, we could always spend the rest of the day in bed and have some fun instead." Hua Cheng proposed.

The tips of Xie Lian's ears burned red. Seeing Hua Cheng's mischievous smile on his own face and hearing suggestive words from his own lips was becoming too much for him to handle. "Don't play, San Lang. We still have a lot of things that we need to do today."

Hua Cheng replied without missing a beat, "The first thing on this list should always be Gege."

Xie Lian had a secret tactic for when Hua Cheng behaved like a spoiled boy. He called for Ruoye and the white band slithered over to him tentatively, almost as if it was scared. Xie Lian grasped it firmly and delivered a quick smack to Hua Cheng.

"Even while wearing my face you'd still hurt me, how cruel of gege." Xie Lian's hands twitched as he beheld the growing pout on his own face, now worn by Hua Cheng.

"Like I said; business first and we can play after." Xie Lian responded strictly.

Hua Cheng sighed before finally calling out to E'ming. Only the red-eyed scimitar never responded. He attempted again with more force, but still, nothing happened.

"Is E'ming not listening to you?"
The moment Xie Lian finished his sentence, silver flashed before him and E'ming materialized before his eyes.

Upon realizing what happened, Xie Lian was overcome with laughter "Look, San Lang! Your E'ming won't answer to you anymore hahaha."

He then directed his attention to the scimitar, grabbing the hilt gently and stroking the blade. "What a good boy," Xie Lian cooed. The eye twitched in response to his movements, seeming very happy to be in his arms.

Hua Cheng just crossed his arms and stared at the scene in front of him, visibly restraining himself from reaching out and slapping some sense into his wayward blade that was stealing Xie Lian's attention away from him.

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