In which the lord wind master steals a kiss

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I know beefleaf is kinda toxic but they had such good chemistry and I can't get over it! This occurs before the blackwater arc.

Shi Qingxuan was very drunk. He had finally convinced Ming Yi to go out with him to feast at the royal capital but ended up drinking so much he probably wouldn't remember what happened the next day. What a pity.

That reminded him, where was Ming Yi?

He could have sworn that stoic and ever present figure was right behind him, but when Shi Qingxuan turned around, there was no one to be found.

It felt wrong without Ming Yi, so Shi Qingxuan removed himself from the man who had somehow passed out on top of him and staggered to his feet. He spotted his wind master fan laying on the floor beside him and stooped to pick it up, almost falling over in the process.

He stumbled around, blurry faces passing by and was barely aware of what he was doing. He tried calling out to Ming Yi a couple times, but his lips wouldn't move right and the name ended up sounding convoluted and muffled from his mouth.

Where had he gone? Had Shi Qingxuan gotten so caught up in drinking he hadn't noticed his best friend leaving?

He stumbled around a little longer before finding a nice place to collapse in, making himself comfy as he tried to recall Ming Yi's private communication array password in his befuddled mind.

If gege saw me like this he'd never let me out again. Shi Qingxuan thought.

He heard a voice ring out.
"where are you?" It was Ming Yi.

Delighted that Shi Qingxuan had finally remembered the password he shouted "I'm over here!", not realizing it was Ming Yi who initiated the conversation and that he had replied out loud. Shi Qingxuan slowly got to his feet, supporting himself with a wall.

He stumbled forward some more, right into something hard and solid in front of him. The thing he was touching felt a little weird. Walls shouldn't feel like this should they? He thought.

Yes I did the wattpad wall trope don't judge me 😂

Shi Qingxuan groped around a little before finally looking upwards, shocked to come into contact with a pair of angry looking eyes.

"I left you alone for five minutes! How did you become like this!?" Ming Yi exclaimed, genuinely confused.

Shi Qingxuan didn't seem to process Ming Yi's words at all as he completely collapsed onto the man in front of him. Ming Yi sighed and supported him, staggering back a little. Ming Yi was already really fed up with drunk Shi Qingxuan, not wanting to deal with his attitude for a moment longer.

The reason for this became apparent soon, Shi Qingxuan became a very affectionate person when he was drunk. Ming Yi had already been victim to this several times and each time had discreetly dumped Shi Qingxuan to someone else without him noticing.

Shi Qingxuan started mumbling something incoherent and sure enough, he reached out, putting his arms around Ming Yi and sighing before going completely limp.

Why the fuck do I have to deal with this, thought Ming Yi.

It was bad enough that he had to put up with a sober Shi Qingxuan but a drunk one was really too much for him!

Figuring Ming Yi should just do what he always did and find an unsuspecting passerby to transfer Shi Qingxuan's affection to, he looked around.

Why was there no one nearby???

Shi Qingxuan had managed to pick such a perfect alleyway to collapse into that there wasn't a single soul nearby. Ming Yi doubted even he himself could find this place if he hadn't been constantly tracking Shi Qingxuan's location.

Ming Yi sighed to himself, at least not all hope was lost! There was always the option of dumping Shi Qingxuan in his wind master palace. Ming Yi resigned himself to do just that and scooped up Shi Qingxuan into his arms.

He felt vaguely weirded out by the position, holding Shi Qingxuan with one arm under his knees and one around his shoulders, but it was also the easiest way to carry him all the way back up to the heavenly court. God forbid anyone saw.

Ming Yi used his years of experience as a spy and various secret paths to make it back to the wind master's palace unnoticed, planning to dump Shi Qingxuan into his bed and leave promptly after.

He approached the bed to do just that, but when he finally let go of Shi Qingxuan, he found he wouldn't budge at all!

Shi Qingxuan had been incredibly obedient the entire way up, not making a sound or alerting anyone, sparing Ming Yi the task of gagging him so they wouldn't be discovered by anyone.

At firs, Ming Yi thought he was asleep because he had been so quiet, but a quick look down and he met Shi Qingxuan's eyes, staring at him in a weird way the entire time. He had ignored it up until now but it really was impossible to do so further.

Ming Yi's annoyance grew, "how about you let go of me now and go to bed huh?"

Shi Qingxuan didn't reply at all, only tightening his grip around Ming Yi's neck.

Fed up with his behavior, Ming Yi tried dumping Shi Qingxuan on the bed regardless, but in his carelessness accidentally fell on top of Shi Qingxuan! And so he ended up supporting himself on his elbows above the wind master, who still had his arms tightly around Ming Yi's neck.

What was this situation??? He was black water, a ghost king! Why did he now have to take care of his enemy who was not only incredibly drunk but had somehow dragged him, blackwater, onto the bed with him??!

Just as Ming Yi reached the peak of his annoyance, about to give Shi Qingxuan a piece of his mind, something happened that Ming Yi never could have foreseen.

Shi Qingxuan reached up and kissed him!

Where Shi Qingxuan had suddenly gotten this ridiculous arm strength from Ming Yi didn't know. All he knew was that he was furious. What was the lord wind master doing???

Ming Yi immediately tried pushing him away but Shi Qingxuan clung to him like a damn hitchhiker seed, not even letting him pull away for a breath of air!

Ming Yi had just about had enough with this situation he never signed up for and placed a sound blow on Shi Qingxuan's head, knocking the other man out and finally extricating himself from Shi Qingxuan's arms.

What the fuck??

Ming Yi reeled back, placing a hand on his swollen and slightly tingling lips and looking at Shi Qingxuan's sleeping form in horror.

He backed up a few steps, felt his face was very hot and resolved to never speak of or think about this again. Shi Qingxuan likely wouldn't remember anything, but if he did and remembered it, Ming Yi would likely end him right there, regardless of what he planned originally.

When Ming Yi finally got back to his own earth master palace he was incredibly annoyed and slightly dazed. He reached up to find his face to find it was still hot and his lips still tingled, what was this??

He would definitely remember this, and he'd make sure Shi Qingxuan paid for his actions tonight fully and thoroughly, Blackwater thought.

Hehe next chapter will be blackwater receiving his payment.

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