Xie Lian Chengzu part 2

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Bro writing gay fan fiction while waiting for your plane hits different. I wrote this whole chapter in like an hour 😅. Added some more fluff at the end of this because I felt the first one didn't have enough haha. Enjoy Hua Cheng being carried 👀.

Xie Lian kind of felt like Hua Cheng had put him on the spot with this situation. But taking charge was something Xie Lian was experienced in and he soon grew more comfortable on the throne.

Besides him, Hua Cheng spoke. "Begin."

While ghost city was a city of pandemonium, it looked like things were done differently within the court building. Ghosts and humans alike lined up in an orderly fashion. While the building was packed, there seemed to be a method to the madness.

Upon hearing Hua Cheng's words, the first human stepped up in front of the two thrones.

He looked incredibly young, no more than 14 or 15 years old. The boy had disheveled hair and looked like he hadn't slept properly in weeks judging from the large bags under his eyes (me as a college student omg).

The boy stepped foreword upon hearing Hua Cheng's words and spoke "My lords." He bowed.

"I've come to ghost city because my mother is sick, the doctors say the disease is incurable by human means and to give up on it. But they say ghost city can work miracles." His voice broke as he spoke. "Please, I'll give anything in return."

Xie Lian felt pretty confident in his ability to judge when someone was lying, this boy had likely been telling the truth. Still, anything he agreed to here would likely come straight out of Hua Cheng's pocket and Xie Lian hesitated a bit before speaking.

Hua Cheng seemed to have noticed this and reassuringly grabbed his hand, not caring at all that they had an audience. He seemed to stand by his words and wanted to let Xie Lian handle the matter.

"What manner of illness is this?" Xie Lian spoke after his moment of silence.

"They say it's the incurable disease," the boy replied.

What a fitting and straightforward name, Xie Lian thought.

Remembering Xie Lian's own mother, his voice softened and he spoke, "Rest assured, we will help your mother. As for what you'd be giving in return, it won't be anything that you can't pay and it won't be anything that will keep you from reuniting with her either."

The boy visibly brightened as Xie Lian spoke. "Thank my lord so much! His highness is benevolent and I'll pray to you twice as hard from now on!" He said, passion filling his voice.

Xie Lian chuckled a little at his enthusiasm, "I'm looking forward to it." He said.

The concept of this court was quite similar to praying actually, someone would ask and if Xie Lian felt this person was worthy, he would deliver. Things proceeded like this for quite some time and word quickly spread throughout ghost city. "Did you hear? Hua chengzu's boyfriend is granting wishes! I even heard he does free therapy. Some ghosts even moved on from this world after seeing him!"

As time went on, Xie Lian noticed something strange. How come the number of people in this building was getting bigger and not smaller the more he worked?

He looked towards Hua Cheng beside him, who had long since stopped paying attention to what was going on and instead spent his time idly staring at Xie Lian. He even occasionally pulled at Xie Lian's hair or played with his fingers. He really began to wonder if the reason Hua Cheng had proposed Xie Lian be in charge for today was just so he could slack off and stare at the latter shamelessly. Hua Cheng really had not spoken at all since this whole thing had started!

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