Chapter 1 - Grand Opening

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***Hi everyone, Suka here, well I won't ramble on, here's a new story that I hope you enjoy!***

-- Third Person P.O.V --

A girl with long, straight, dark brown hair and bright blue eyes (see the picture) sits with her knees bent towards her chest on a rooftop. She sits alone, lost in the Free! Iwatobi Swim Club manga book that lays in her lap.

???: "Kaika, how did I know you were going to be up here?"

Kaika didn't bother picking her gaze up from the book, she'd recognize that voice anywhere.

Kaika: "Don't you know me so well Emiko."

They both smiled as the girl with dark blue eyes and long purple hair pulled into a ponytail known as Emiko walked over to Kaika. She tilted her head looking at the manga in Kaiko's lap.

Emiko: "Is that the manga for the anime you've been watching?"

Kaiko simply nods and Emiko laughs patting her shoulder.

Emiko: "I love that stuff as much as the next person but I'd say you're a bit obssessed Kaika."

Kaiko looked up at her and playfully hissed: "I am not, it's just really good."

Emiko laughs even more: "You missed our last two periods to come up here and read."

Kaika tilts her head: "Huh? The school day is already over?"

Emiko nods and puts out her hand to help Kaika up: "That's right Ms. Otaku, now come on let's go home already."

Kaika takes her hand and is pulled onto her feet. She brushes off her jeans and puts up her black neko hood as she heads for the stairs walking beside Emiko. The two friends start to make their way home when they see a large crowd of people completely taking up the road, down one of the side streets. Emiko looks at the crowd with curious eyes and taps Kaika's shoulder.

Emiko: "Hey Kaika, what do you think is going on over there?" She points in the direction of the crowd.

Kaika looks behind Emiko and shrugs: "Who knows, people get excited over some of the littlest things."

Emiko reads a banner out loud: "A.C.T.L? I think it's a grand opening for a new store or something, how about we go check it out."

Kaika looks at her hesitantly and shakes her head: "I rather not. You know how much I hate crowds, and we should stick to the same route we always walk."

Emiko: "You know if you keep playing everything safely and never travel outside your comfort zone you're never going to have any real fun in life."

Kaika: "Keeping to myself and my normal routine maybe seem boring but at least its safe and easy, just like I like so ehh." She playfully sticks her tongue out.

Emiko just laughs and shakes her head: "Okay okay, I'm not going to force you to do anything you know you're my best friend, I love you just the way you are."

Eventually the two girls reach their houses which are right next door to each other. They wave goodbye and then enter. Kaika leaves her shoes and bag by the door and walks over to a picture on a shelf like she always does when she comes home. It's a picture of three people, a woman with bright blue eyes that resemble Kaika's and black hair, a man with dark brown hair and green eyes, and a little girl about 7 years old, that looks like a younger version of Kaika.

Kaika picks up the picture and smiles sadly as she clutches it close to her chest and her eyes begin to water. "I miss you Mom and Dad... I miss you..." She whispers in a low voice walking over to the couch and sitting down. "I can't believe it's been almost 10 years..." Tears start to slowly stream down her face when she hears a knock on the door.

Kaika quickly wipes her eyes and tries to hide the sadness in her voice: "Is that you Emiko? Just come right in."

???: "Excuse me miss, you have a delivery."

Kaika furrows her brow and thinks to herself: Delivery? I haven't ordered anything recently. She walks over to the door and opens it to see a large crate. Huh? What on earth could this be? A guy wearing sunglasses wheels the large crate into her living room. Kaika turns for just a moment to look for a pen to sign for it like she always does with her packages but when she turns back around, the guy is gone.

She looks around and peeks outside but the guy is nowhere to be found. What the-? Where did he go so fast?? She closes the door and turns back to the crate, walking around it, and looking at it suspiciously. Could Emiko have ordered something for me? Just as she reaches the front of the crate again, the plank falls open. She gasps loudly seeing what's inside.

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