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T/W - mention of blood/cuts on Y/n  that general vibe

You wake pleasantly warmer than you had been for the past few mornings, feeling an arm squeezing your torso into their body, their chin resting just above your head. In a half doze you squirm your way round on the spot, trying not to wake him so you can face him. Tom's arm remains around you, his brow furrowing as he feels you move, making you hold your breath. He returns to sleep as quick as he had strayed from it.

The light from outside his window casts a warm, hazy glow over the room, making it look like a painting. You smile through the fatigue in your body as you realise that the subject of the painting was laying curled up in your arms. You wiggle one of your arms up between your two bodies and place the tip of your middle finger at his hairline. You trail it down his forehead, over the bridge of his nose and over the tip of it before carrying down over his lips, his bottom one pulling slightly as you do so. He doesn't seem to stir at all, your movements being light and gentle so as not to wake him; he just looked so peaceful.

He lets out a deep breath, tickling your face as it blows over you, forcing you to hold back a giggle. You watch him for a few more seconds before snuggling your head into his chest and allow his heartbeat to lull you back to sleep.


You wake again to the feeling of cool air against your eyelids, fluttering them open you find Tom now awake, gazing at you as he blows air over your face.

"Morning beautiful" he whispers, his voice scratchy from the first use of the day.

"How dare you, I didn't wake you up" you whisper back.

"When?" he smiles, furrowing his brow at the same time.

"Earlier, I woke up, turned to face you, waited for a bit, then went back to sleep."

"Waited for what?" he asks, bumping his nose against yours.

"Nothing, I just watched you for a bit".


"You looked peaceful!"

The pair of you chuckle at each other, pulling into your grasp stronger, nestling together under the duvet. He smiles at you and takes one of his hands round from your back, trailing it down your nose in the same way you had earlier.

"That's what I did!" you drop your jaw, expecting him to get as excited.

Instead, he beams at you pressing a kiss flush to your lips.

"I missed this" he whispers, his lips still so close to yours they were still brushing against yours as he spoke.

You sit in companionable silence for a while, admiring each other in the mid-morning glow that was breaking through the cracks in the curtains. 

Should you tell him? You wonder. It wouldn't do any harm not to, it's not like anything actually became of it...

"Tom?" you whisper out, afraid to disturb the peace.

"Y/n?" He replies with the same tone.
"So um, y'know when we weren't talking and all, and you bumped into Iris and Kyra?"


"Well, did they mention anything about the uh... the pregnancy scare situation?"

Tom eyes widen as you finally meet his gaze, his palm sliding down and around from your back to press gently over your stomach.

"You're not... are you?"

"No! No no, like I said it was just a scare, but it did happen."

"Well I guess we'll just have to be more careful then won't we?" he grins, seeming more relaxed now that he knew there was in fact not a child inside of you.

A Stroll in the Park (Tom Hiddleston X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now