3 | A Chef's Secret III

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Originally, Sanji believed that if he could manage to put Luffy to sleep for a few hours, or at least wear him out to the point where he wouldn't have enough energy to stay around Zoro, he would get the chance to speak with him.

Ever since the day he joined Luffy's crew, he's never gotten along with Zoro, but that's at least what he's wanted to make him believe.

Truth be told, he never hated him at all, and he knows that as soon as Luffy's asleep, Zoro won't be distracted by him any longer which gives him the perfect chance to talk with him.

"Where are you going?" He watched Zoro's arm pat Luffy's back ever so gently, feeling his angst return.

"I'll be back soon... I'm just gonna lie down for a few seconds. Nap time!" His sweet smile made Zoro get closer to the boy, whispering something in his ear in a very discrete manner.

"I wonder what he told him- W...wait a minute." Sanji gritted his teeth seeing Zoro wink at the boy, suggesting that what he had whispered to him was something rather intimate.

"That bastard." His eye twitched as he watched Luffy walk away with a faint blush staining his cheeks.

By the time he went to take a nap, it was close to when the Strawhats usually eat their lunch, so Sanji asked if anyone was hungry yet.

Most of them seemed to agree that they were craving something to eat by now, because of this, their chef headed to the kitchen but not alone.

"Hey, Zoro... Will you come with me for a minute? I need your help in the kitchen." Zoro pointed at himself, raising an eyebrow at Sanji.

"Why me? You know I don't know a thing about cooking." He replied in a sarcastic tone of voice.

"I'm not asking you to cook, I just need you... To reach something for me. It's on a very high shelf."

"Why'd you put it up there in the first place if you knew you wouldn't be able to reach it?" Zoro teased, mocking the cook.

"IT WASN'T ME, Luffy stretched his arm out and put my damn dishes on the highest shelf possible!" Finally convincing Zoro that he needed his help, Sanji was able to get him to go to the kitchen with him.

"Sanji-kun! Will you make your famous tangerine tart for me? Chopper and I wanna try it!" Nami's voice made Sanji stop walking for a moment.

"AYE AYE, CAPTAIN!" His heart eyes reappeared for a few seconds before he found himself heading into the kitchen with Zoro.

Zoro already felt rather bothered by having to do a favor for the one person he's never gotten along with in the ship, because of how blunt and cheesy he could be, so having Sanji make him wait was making him get impatient.

"Sanji, tell me what you need me to get down already! I want to go back to sleep... I might even go take a nap with Luffy. Come to think of it, why didn't I just go with him in the first place?" He thought out loud to himself, realizing Sanji was hearing the entire time.

"THAT- I umm... I just need that plate up there. That idiot put it way too high up." Zoro shrugged, staring up at a ceramic plate that appeared to be way closer than he thought it was.

"Are you a moron? This is a plate even Chopper could reach, dumbass." He stared at the man stone- faced.

The stronger male reached out for the plate and nearly dropped it when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him rather tightly.

"WH-what are you- HEY HEY! You'll make me fall, stupid!" His voice grew silent when Sanji turned him over to speak with him.

"I have something important to tell you, so you better listen to me, got it?"

"The way you say it, I feel as though I have no other choice BUT to listen to you. Idiot chef." Zoro shrugged his shoulders and agreed to listening to what Sanji had to say.

"Let's go somewhere else, the music is too loud down here. Follow me."


"Mmm... Food food!" Soft snores echoed throughout the room as Luffy tossed and turned in his bed, sleeping soundly, despite the noise going on outside.

He was determined to sleep without a care in the world to bother him, however, he wondered what could have made him feel so sleepy in the first place.

The boy felt rather cold, causing him to shiver slightly when covering himself with a soft blanket.

Afterwards, he coiled himself up and remained in that position until he finally stopped struggling to fall asleep and began sleeping.

"Night night."


"Well, you brought me here. This better be important for us to climb all the way up to this part of the ship, man." Zoro sighed in annoyance.

The blonde man suddenly walked closer to him, placing his elbows against the edge of the ship. "Does my presence bother you that much, Marimo?" He chuckled, reaching for a cigarette in his pocket.

"Of course it does. Always has, always will." Zoro coldly stated, looking ahead of the ship to avoid making eye contact with Sanji.

"Wanna know a secret?"

"Not particularly." Seeing the way Zoro was quickly losing interest in the conversation Sanji had failed to keep up with, he thought of adding in a little spice to it.

Chuckling in a low tone of voice, he tucked his hand beneath Zoro's chin, causing him to flinch up and back away from him.

"Touch my face again and I'll slice you up, got that." He threatened, but Sanji didn't seem phased by his overly used threats.

"Trust me, this is something you'd wanna hear. It... Might also have to do with our dear Captain, you know."

Mentioning Luffy's name was a real game changer for Zoro.

"What kind of secret are you talking about, loser."

Sanji knew then, that he uncovered a weak spot for the Swordsman. He smirked at him for a second.

"A Chef's secret."


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