MINE | 3 🔥

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Zoro walked behind Law and Luffy, watching them carefully to not lose sight of the younger boy. He's never had anything against Trafalgar, but seeing him closer than usual to Luffy made him feel suspicious about the man.

That suspicion of his drove him to following them everywhere they went. Hearing Luffy's laughter from far away was making the other grow impatient.

"Zoro? Where are you going? The party's this way." Sanji said, pointing towards the event that was opposite of where Zoro was walking towards.

"Hey, Cook... If the party's that way, why the hell is he headed this way then. What's in that place?" Zoro asked, facing Law who was happily walking beside Luffy.

"Oh, he's probably taking Luffy to the mini Café." The other raised an eyebrow at Sanji, staring at him with confusion.

"Mini Café? Looks pretty big to me." Sanji started laughing.

"Idiot. It's just called "Mini Café", truth be told, I'm kind of surprised Luffy agreed on going there with Law. He doesn't seem like the type to enjoy reading." The more information Sanji gave Zoro, the closer he was to getting a clear answer.

"Reading? What, the menu?" He replied in a sarcastic tone of voice. Sanji rolled his eyes at him, grabbing onto Zoro's head.

"Not exactly, but you should see it for yourself..." Zoro's eyes squinted as he got a closer look at what Luffy was doing.

The energetic boy was wrapped around Law, just like before, as the older, raven haired man held a red book in his hands, reading it to him with a soft smile.

"Tsk, big deal. It's just a book." Zoro spoke with little to no interest in their interaction.

Sanji, who was still looking at them from afar, noticed something that made him grin with mischief.

"You're right, moss head. It is just a book... But I wouldn't be so sure about them just reading it." He teased, looking ahead of Zoro.

When the other turned around, his heart started racing again.

"NO WAY. Luffy is..." From the looks of what both he and Sanji were viewing, Luffy had leaned in on Law.

There faces were just inches away from kissing, so it seemed to them.

"Oh... That's gotta hurt. Sorry, buddy." Sanji teased, walking away.

"Don't do anything crazy now, see ya' around!" As the blonde boy left, Zoro grabbed ahold of his sword on his hip, walking towards the Café that was just a few steps ahead of where he was standing.

"He's dead."


"Ohhhhh!!! Are you serious!? Gold Roger looked like this when he was my age?!" Luffy's eyes couldn't get any wider than they already were. His excitement could barely keep him still in one place.

"Hey hey, calm down a bit. You'll break the chair." Law was being entertained by the younger boy's actions.

"Jeez, you're like a little boy. So cute..." He praised, side eyeing Luffy with a smile.

"Can I keep this book, pleaseee?" The boy pouted, watching the taller male standing up from his seat.

Luffy was curious, staring back at Law who was now talking to the cashier up front in the Café.

"Yes, hello. I would like to purchase this one. Thank you!" He held the red book in his hands while heading back to his good friend who he was growing closer to.

"It's all yours, birthday boy. Take this as a little present from me to-"

"TRA-GUY!!!!! I LOVE YOU." Luffy's overly exaggerated reaction made Law feel happier than ever.

"That's a little bit straightforward, don't you think?" The boy shook his head, smiling into the hug he gave Law.

"Why would it be? I'm happy for everything you've gotten me today, especially this book!"

"Luffy... I didn't say that." Law admitted with a nervous look on his face. Luffy slowly got off of him, holding the book in his arms.

"No? Then who did?" As the boy looked up, he noticed a man was stood right in front of him with a look that made every customer in the Café feel intimidated.

"Say it again, I dare you to." The smile on Luffy's face suddenly faded away with concern.



ZoLu Imagines |【Zoro x Luffy】🔥Where stories live. Discover now