Stray Cat | 1 🐈

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It was a rainy morning in Japan. Zoro was living alone in a downtown apartment where many homeless animals resided, ranging from newborn kittens with common breeds, to rare dog breeds that were often left without a home.

This was either due to lack of compassion from their owners, or because they were born and raised in the streets, with nowhere else to go.

That was the case of a very rare species of cat that appeared one day on Zoro's doorstep.

While he had just woken up to start his daily routine, the man noticed that his pathway outside was obstructed by something.

"Huh?" He softly poked at the lump, analyzing it. From his perspective, it appeared to be a normal looking cat, so he simply walked around it, not wanting to disturb it.

"Eh, it'll be gone by the time I come back. Nothing new." Paying little to no attention to the seemingly normal cat, the man walked away and headed outside, his destination being a rundown corner store that's located nearby his neighborhood.

Having purchased a few groceries to get by for the day, he walked back to his complex house, seeing many different cats along the way.

"Must be dropping from the sky because I see this neighborhood crawling with more of these everyday." He spoke to himself, regarding the many homeless cats he was met with on a daily basis.

To his surprise, the cat that was on his doorstep when he left his house this morning, was still there, living carelessly on the man's rug.

"You again. You're still here, huh?" He shrugged at the fuzzy little animal, minding it.

"Meeeeow!" His legs started to wobble when he felt something caressing it. The man looked down, realizing that there was a cat rubbing his head against him.

"Stop doing that, you almost made me fall." He looked at the cat's oversized red hoodie, wondering how it could walk in such a large piece of clothing without tripping over its own paws.

Not that it was any of his concern, that is. The man had plans on moving out of the house he lived in sometime soon, therefore getting a pet was out of the question for him.

First off, his stingy landlord wouldn't allow pets where he lived.

Secondly, Zoro wasn't particularly interested in having any pets, let alone a cat.

Lastly, there was no way he would be able to maintain it. He could barely afford to buy himself food for the week, let alone pay rent, so paying for pet supplies would be inconvenient for him.

"Ah, that really hits the spot." He pushed his head back, gulping down on a bottle of sake. Often, he preferred alcohol over cereal or coffee in the morning.

On such a rainy, cloudy day, Zoro could only think of going back to sleep for another five hours, as he normally would.

After downing a bottle of sake, he grew tired, so this made him treat himself to a nap, which he was looking forward to.


Not two hours later, he woke up startled by weird noise coming from the outside of his door. The rainstorm had gotten worse, but that wasn't anything new to Zoro either.

He lazily tossed on a black hoodie of his that was lying on the couch where he was sleeping, then he walked back outside.

"Oh... It's you. What're you doing scratching at my door?" He asked, as if the stray cat would answer him. The cat suddenly pushed his head through Zoro's feet, making himself right at home.

"WH- HOW DID YOU- Hey hey, this is my apartment. Beat it." The man attempted to remove the feline from his house, but just then, he saw the way it had run all the way up to his bedroom.

"No no, Not on the bed! This damn cat..." Getting angered by his rude presence, the man carried the stray cat back outside, pushing him away with a broom.


"Meow.." The cat seemed rather disappointed by his actions, pleading to stay with the man in his home.

While Zoro didn't have a true liking to cats, he didn't hate them either. So seeing how upset that one was looking at him, he decided to feed it.

"Here, is this what you want?" Throwing it a piece of chicken, the cat's eyes sparkled with glee as he showed his gratitude to the man by jumping onto his lap.

"Hey, get off of m... Hello? Did eating make him fall asleep?" This made the man chuckle softly, slowly getting attached to the strange cat.

He carried it into his apartment, placing him on his lap for a moment before heading back to the kitchen.

"Feeding him made me get hungry too... Guess it's dinner time." Zoro took out his leftover dinner from last night, placing it inside of his microwave to heat it up.

Meanwhile, his furry buddy was still sleeping soundly on the couch he had left him in. He was surprised to see how much the cat could sleep.

"You've been sleeping all day, little guy. Ha, maybe we do make a good team together: Sleepy cat, and sleepy owner." The man spoke to it, running his hands through its soft, silky black and yellowish fur.

"I wonder if you have a name..."


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