Gear Chibi | 2 👒

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"MEANIE!!" Luffy banged his foot onto Zoro's ankle but his kick was so soft, it merely tickled the man and made him laugh even harder as he accidentally spilled his beer over himself.

"I-I'm sorry but Luffy, what the hell happened to you?" He asked him, seeing Luffy ball his tiny fists.

"I'm g-gonna hit you! No laugh at Wuffy!!" His height was one thing to laugh about, but his voice was to die for. Zoro and Franky slammed their hands against the bar, wheezing loudly.


"EH? Who!? Tell me!" The confused boy shouted.

"PICA! YOU SOUND JUST LIKE PICA." Luffy kicked at Zoro's barstool again, throwing his miniature punches at it.

"Frankyyyy, cola please!" Franky walked over to Luffy, handing him a can of Coca Cola that was bigger than the size of the boy's head.

While the others could easily pick the can up with one hand, Luffy was struggling to use both of his arms to hold onto the oversized drink.

"Luffy, can you say this tongue twister: "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood"?" Zoro and Franky patiently waited for Luffy's answer.

Luffy nodded, inhaling deeply.

"HOW MUCH LEWD COULD A LEWDCHUCFC-" The boy started choking up halfway and by the time he paused, Zoro had drenched Franky in beer.

While he apologized, the man grabbed a mini stack of napkins to clean up the mess.

"Why are you like this, Luffy?"

"I dunnooooo!! All I said yesterday was 'GEAR SECOND!' and now I can't get big again." He sighed making grabby hands at Zoro.

The man giggled, looking down at him.

"What? Baby Wuffy wants uppy?" He teased, making Luffy blush with anger.

"Just carry meeeeeee! I wanna drink more Cola!" He whined until Zoro cradled him in his arms and sat him up on a barstool beside him.

The younger boy thanked him, attempting to take a sip of the gigantic Coca Cola can.

"Oi, Franky! Get him a shot glass." His mate smirked, downing his last drops of alcohol. Franky placed a shot glass down, pouring the Coca Cola inside of it.

Surprisingly, Luffy's little hands were big enough to hold onto the shot glass perfectly, so he started chugging down on his carbonated beverage with glee.

After his third shot, the boy's belly was so big, he started to burp non-stop. Because of this, he was confident that his height would increase by regaining energy.

But it wasn't at all an easy task for the little one.

"Hic! Hic! Big brother, more cola!!" Franky started screaming at that point, seeing the endless stack of Coca Cola cans next to Luffy.

"Little dude, lookie here, I know you like drinking that, but no can do. I need that there cola as well." He sighed.

"I'm gonna step out to see if there's more in the kitchen. But that's it for you, pal. You'll end up getting sick with so much sugar!" Luffy sank in his seat, weeping silently.

"Hey hey, wasn't that a little harsh, Franky?" Zoro felt bad for little Luffy when seeing him whining like a puppy, so he stood behind the bar and went on a scavenger hunt for Coca Cola.

Luffy played with his shirt in the meantime, creating  long sweater paws for himself. Feeling entertained for a moment, the boy stood up on the barstool and started to jump on top of the cushioned seat.

"YIPPIE!! Being little makes everything so much BIGGER! Zorooooo, watch me! Watch me!" The caffeine within the Coca Cola settled in the boy's blood, causing him to spiral out of control.

Zoro lifted his head up from the cabinet he had been searching in only to see Luffy balancing himself up on the chair.

"Luffy, the chair isn't a trampoline. Stop jumping on it or you'll fall from there." He warned, staring at a bottle that contained iced coffee.

He popped the bottle open when he heard a loud bang.

"WUFFY SCARED!" Luffy's eyes welled up as he waited to collide against the hard wooden floor... But what he didn't expect was to fall directly onto a pair of arms.

"Luffy, you little shit... You almost gave me a heart attack." Zoro groaned, hand feeding the bottle of coffee to Luffy as the boy coiled himself up in his arms, drinking the cold beverage.

"Bleh!" His facial expressions changed from cute to cranky when he tasted how disgusting the cold coffee was.

"Yucky, no like. Wuffy want more c-cola." He looked up to Zoro who placed him down on a shorter chair and sat beside him as Franky returned to the bar, empty handed.

"YOW! We're all out! Luffy drank a month's worth of Coca Cola. We need to buy some soon before the engine runs out of fuel." The man admitted.

This news made Luffy feel upset as he sighed, deeply.

"WHAAAT?! NO NO NO, I GOTTA TURN BACK TO MY OLD SELF NOW, I don't wanna be tiny Luffy forever!" He soon began to freak out.

"What'll I do until then? How long will I stay like this?" He started running back and forth.


"When can I be taller than Chopper?"

"Luffy, listen..."


"Hey, shorty!" Luffy finally reacted to Zoro's words and started a fight with him.

"I'm NOT a shorty! Take that back you... You... When did we get here?" Luffy looked around him, realizing he was no longer at the bar but in his bedroom.

"Why don't you try showering to cool off or something." Zoro asked, taking his shirt off to reveal his muscular frame that made Luffy's cheeks become two little cherries from how red they grew.

"WITH YOU?" He asked with excitement.

"Why with me? I'm not going in, you are." The boy felt confused.

"Liar liar, pants... Pants... Can you take the pants off next?" The older man found Luffy's temper tantrum adorable.

"Don't get so excited, Captain Chibi, I was just changing this because it got soaked with beer." Luffy frowned, patting his sweater paws against Zoro's leg.

"SEE? A MEANIE! A MEANIE, I TELL YOU. Don't get me excited like that, you big bully! You got my hopes up!! You- Wait... What did you call me?"

"I recall it was "Captain Chibi", why?" Luffy's eyes widened as a set of hearts beamed out of his pupils, similar to the ones that appear within Sanji's eyes whenever he falls in love with the first pretty girl that he comes across.

"More importantly..." Zoro hovered over Luffy, smirking at him.

"What were you so excited about?"



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