MINE | 1 🔥

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Luffy's POV:

My eyes fluttered opened as I woke up after a good night sleep. I slept for nearly 12 hours, which almost broke Zoro's record, but let's be honest, nothing can beat staying asleep for three days consecutively.

I almost had a mental breakdown while Chopper started doing CPR on him, only to find out that he was sleeping the entire time! Talk about dedication.

If only he gave our 'relationship' that much attention. I get it, I get it: Fighting everyday can be draining.

But jeez, he could at least remember my birthday every now and then. I remember his every year, but he remembers mine every two or three years.

Speaking of... I wonder who's singing the Happy Birthday song outside?

Yosh! I'll go find out!

Author's POV:

♪ Happy Birthday to you ~

Happy Birthday to you ~

Happy Birthday dear Luffy, happy birthday to you! ♪

Luffy's crewmates all sang in sync, greeting him with a surprise birthday cake, first thing in the morning.

But not just any regular cake...


"I call this masterpiece: The steak cake. Bon appetite, birthday boy." Sanji spoke, welcoming a new menu into Luffy's life.

(-- A/N: Don't worry, to anyone reading this out there, Sanji's a good guy in this one and his food is NOT poisonous this time! -- 😂)

"SANJIIII, T-THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE." He thanked his chef, viciously stuffing his face with his delicious food, crying tears of joy.

"Looks like someone forgot his captain's birthday again, didn't he?" Everyone pointed at Zoro who had a guilty facial expression on him.

"Oh, did you... Zoro? Again?" Luffy smiled to make it seem less awkward, but deep down inside, he still had high hopes for Zoro remembering his birthday.

"Of course I didn't, it is Children's Day in Japan, after all. Why would I forget Luffy's birthday when it's on that da- YOW! OW OW OW." Nami and Sanji immediately started to give Zoro all sorts of hits to the face, so much that a stack of lumps accumulated on his head, causing him to look like a mini snowman had appeared on him.

"It's okay, no big deal!" Luffy said, obviously lying to not make matters worse, despite feeling a slight ache in his little heart.

He stood up from bed, escorting everyone outside so that he could change out of his pajamas and into his regular everyday clothing.

"Hmm, let's see... Yellow shirt, blue shirt, red shirt, other red shirt, red s- Perfect! My lucky red shirt!" Pulling out one, of his many red shirts, the boy slipped out of his blue pajamas and tossed on his clothes.

Greeting the rest of his crewmates, Luffy was surprised to see them all shout out "Happy Birthday!" In sync, earning an excited bright smile from the birthday boy.

"Thank youuuuu!!" Luffy chuckled, being spoiled by Chopper, Usopp, Brook, and Franky while they all entertained him, shoving chopsticks in their noses and playing their famous instruments.

Luffy started clapping, enjoying their comedic show and admiring their kind, wholehearted gesture.

"Luffy, where do you wanna go to today? Any place in particular to celebrate your birthday?" Nami asked, smiling sweetly.

"Hmmm..." Zoro suddenly walked over to the indecisive boy, wrapping his arm around his shoulder.

"Oi Luffy, I heard there was this festival going on in town today, to celebrate Children's Day and all... Why don't we all celebrate your birthday at the festival?" He suggested.

His mention of Children's Day made Luffy frown, slightly, given the fact that the man had only remembered that and not his birthday, but then he smiled, seeing how hard Zoro was trying to make it up to him.

"Alright! Let's go to that festival, Nami!!"

"I'm on it, full speed ahead, boys!" She announced to Chopper and Franky who were handling the speed of their ship.

"Here you go, I'm sorry about forgetting your birthday, Wuffy." Zoro said, modifying Luffy's name to make it sound cute as he pouted at him.

This act made everyone burst out laughing.

"WHAT'S SO FUNNY, JERKS?" Zoro growled, growing embarrassed.

"Nothing, nothing!" They insisted as Luffy wrapped his hands around Zoro, slingshotting himself into the man's arms.

"Of course, I forgive you!" He happily admitted, digging his face into Zoro's chest, cuddling him.

"Good... Thank you." Zoro closed his eyes, smiling for a minute.

"TO THE FESTIVAL!!!!" Luffy climbed on top of the Thousand Sunny boat, pointing at the Island from far across the distance.


Hours later when the ship finally docked, one by one, the crewmates followed behind Luffy when he eagerly got down onto a beautifully decorated Island that had many different attractions to look forward to viewing up close.

Children all over town were happily chanting, playing around with one another as they were being celebrated on such a bright and sunny day.

The music made Luffy move his feet, but the person he encountered on accident made his little heart beat faster than normal.

"T-T-TRA GUY!! OIII, IT'S MEEEE!!" He noticed his good friend Trafalgar Law from far away and rushed to greet him.

"Well look who it is, happy birthday, Luffy. It is today, isn't it?" The tall, tan guy spoke, smiling at the boy.

Luffy's eyes started to shimmer as if there were diamonds within them.

"You... You remembered..."


By the time the other crewmates caught up to him, they were out of breath.

"Luffy, there you are! We can't afford to lose you in such a huge crowd." Nami crossed her arms.

Everyone suddenly stopped to stare at the scenery in front of them. Luffy was wrapped around Law, his cheeks tinted a blush pink while he smiled widely, holding onto him.

"LOOK WHO I FOUND!" Seeing him being extra close with Trafalgar made Zoro feel different on the inside.

"So I see... Hey, cowhead." He gritted his teeth, forcing out a smile.

"Nice seeing you all again, enjoying the party?" The man asked.

"I was planning on enjoying it. But maybe I won't enjoy it so much after all."


ZoLu Imagines |【Zoro x Luffy】🔥Where stories live. Discover now