Stray Cat | 10 🐈

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⚠ Sexual Activity Ahead! ⚠ (A/N: In other words, hide your phones if you're around your family members or friends, lol 😂😜)


Zoro's POV:

One minute he wants to kill me, then the next he wants me to help him? Come to think of it, he wants me to help with what's killing 'him', so it makes sense.

"Dummy, why didn't you get rid of it earlier?" I scolded him as he hid his head in my shoulder, too embarrassed to even look at me.

"Because... It's my first time getting one." This came as a shock to me. Not only was this his first erection, but the way he was admitting to it so easily.

"But you're an adult already, this is something you get and learn to get rid of when you're around this age, or... Younger." I told him, but he seemed completely clueless on what to do.

Seeing him this way made me frustrated, not to mention how strange he was acting. His body was reacting different from normal humans.

"H-have you done it too?"

"Of course I have!" I gritted my teeth, feeling my face heating up. It's not every day that you need to answer questions this personal.

Having said that was a grave mistake.

"Get rid of mine too then!" First, I invite a cat into my apartment, then it turns out it can talk. Two days later, it becomes a boy, and today it's a devil with angel wings.

I'm never letting another cat into my apartment, again...

"HUH?! That's something you have to do on your own." Though I attempted to convince him, he was too stubborn and whiny. I didn't really have a problem in helping him out, after all, I am a guy too.

"I don't know how!!"

"Just learn to do it then, weirdo!" He continued to hiss at me, begging me to help him.

"TEACH ME, at least... A-ah.. Ow.." His breathing slowed down, but that didn't prevent him from being loud.

"Teach you?! This isn't a school, you know. Besides, there isn't science needed to-"

"Show me how... How you do it... Then." As absurd as this sounded, my mind was leaning towards a different answer than what I intended.


"Really!?" He's such a devilish angel, I keep falling into temptation, but he won't make a fool of me.

"I lied! Did you think I would actually do something like that?!... Luffy?" I walked over to face him and saw his body coiled up in his cat form.

"Knock it off, you confuse me by doing that so much." He wasn't talking back to me, let alone arguing.

He wasn't moving at all. What's wrong with him now?

I rocked his body from side to side, and it didn't even make him flinch.

"Hey, stop joking around. Wake up already." His chest wasn't rising anymore. Is he... Dead?

"Impossible. You're just being lazy, ha..ha.. Very funny, Luffy. Get up now, it's not time for sleeping." He started giggling and my heart dropped.

"Don't scare me like that, you MORON!" I held my chest, breathing easily like before.

"So, you would miss me if I died then?"

"Of course not!" Of course I would... Doubt I'd ever admit that to him, though. My pride wouldn't let me.

"Heyyyy, Zoro... You look different." His laughter was slightly intimidating to me, one minute he's yelling, the next he's awfully calm.

"Different? How." I asked while he crawled beside me, getting closer to my face.

"Nice." If anything, I'm anything but nice, what was he thinking?

"What are you doing? Mmh..." He suddenly climbed on top of me and attached his mouth to my neck, similar to what I had done to him earlier.

I placed my hands around his hips, carrying him onto the bed once he detached his lips off of my neck, moving them up to my face.

We helped each other with the process of removing our clothing, one by one, letting everything fall to the floor or remain on the bed beside Luffy.

Our nerves started to settle in once we had almost no clothing on, my shy partner being the most nervous in between the two of us.

"Luffy wanna try doing it! Can I try? Can I?" He acted so confident in himself, but when push comes to shove, I know he's unprepared.

"Can you...? I don't think that's such a good idea without being stretched out." I hinted out, thinking he wasn't that close-minded to not understand.

"But I am stretched out! LOOK! I stretch lots! Gomu gomu no-"

I definitely underestimated him...

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!!?" My head collided with the floor and bedside table when Luffy's limbs went haywire.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it: I also ate the Gomu-Gomu devil fruit when I was little, which turned me into a rubber person! See? WEEEE!" He wrapped his arms above my door, swinging himself from it.

"Wait... So you stretch?"

"Yup!" This gave me an advantage in how to handle him now, so when he landed back onto the floor, we started to talk things over.

"I see, should we try again then?" I nodded, slipping off the last piece of clothing I had on me, that being my underwear.

Luffy still had his on, which surprised me, since we were both planning on taking them off at the same time.

I wonder what held him back.

"Big.." He unintentionally whispered, unaware I had heard him.

"What's big?" I ask, just to tease him.

"N-nothing!" Ouch... That hurts my feelings, you know?

"Big? Did I say big? I meant 'dig', cats love digging!"

"Dogs are the ones that dig, cats don't dig." He then grinned at me, making me question him.

"Well, this cat can dig, you just haven't seen me yet." I was lost for a moment, unsure of where he was headed, but soon, I figured out what Luffy was trying to tell me when he climbed on the bed.

When he positioned himself, arching his back, I stood behind him, running my hands below him.

"Let me tell you something, this is something you can't get back. I don't want you regretting anything later on, so are you sure you want this?" I asked, making sure we were both doing the right thing.

"Yes, Master. I'm sure!" Earning his consent, there was nothing stopping us from now on.


ZoLu Imagines |【Zoro x Luffy】🔥Where stories live. Discover now