Sick Day | 4 🌧

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The sounds of a faucet opening echoed throughout the ship. With almost everyone gone, Luffy didn't worry about spending a couple of hours alone in the bathroom.

His clothes was messily scattered across the floor, as he slipped into the shower, an inhumane scream emitting from his mouth.

"What's that idiot doing?" Hearing such abnormal noises, Zoro knew Luffy was up to no good, therefore, he finally cracked and got up to go search for him.

Hearing the sounds of water running lead Zoro to the bathroom where Luffy was, making him screech.

"You? Showering? Two days in a row??" He questioned, unable to understand why the boy was in the shower, not to mention why he was squirming around so much, judging by the silhouette behind the curtain.

"Y-Y-Y-YUP!" Luffy shivered, his jaw trembling as if it were about to fall off at any minute. Zoro startled him when he slipped his arm behind the curtains, making the boy retreat from the showerhead.

Just by grazing the water with his hand, the older man instantly pulled away.

"Luffy, is there no hot water left?" He asked him, feeling slightly concerned.

"Yes, there is. Why?" Luffy innocently returned the question, peaking his head out of the shower curtains.

"Stop using the cold water then, moron. Move, I'll turn it hot now before you become an iceberg."

"I-I-Iceberg? That old guy?" The boy joked through his chattering teeth. When Zoro reached for the faucet, the boy slapped his hand away.

His hasty decision alarmed the Swordsman, yet all he did was reposition his hand against the faucet again, to which Luffy denied him access to like before.

"Why are you so stubborn! The water's freezing."

"I WANT IT COLD!" The younger admitted, revealing his secret to Zoro, who was now looking down at the boy.

"Can you really not wait until I get better from this cold?"

"J-just go wait for me outside!!" Luffy ran his body underneath the showerhead, breathing rapidly after the coldness left him in shock for awhile.

The Swordsman complied, walking back to his bedroom where he remained, unphased by whatever the younger boy might be doing.

"Well, I suppose he is a man too..." Zoro thought to himself, his own imagination leading him to laugh in silence.

~ Three hours later ~

"Hmm?" A strange, anonymous panting startled Zoro before he could look over to his side, realizing who the sounds were coming from.

There, stood Luffy with a towel wrapped loosely around his waist.

"MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!" He spoke, making Zoro choke on thin air.

"You shouldn't admit it so loudly! Besides... Judging from the way it looks, I don't think you did a good job in the shower." Luffy stared at Zoro with confusion.

"The way it 'looks'? What do you mean by that, Zoro?" His question seemed too obvious to the older man, so much that it almost sounded absurd to him, the fact that his Captain was still asking him about it.

"You know you didn't get rid of it, right?" The man confidently smirked, vaguely coughing to not make things so awkward.

"G-got rid..." When Zoro's eyes aimed towards Luffy's midsection, Luffy followed them and realized that he had unintentionally developed an erection.

Seeing this made him blush, feeling beyond embarrassed in front of his first mate.


"ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU SHOWERED WITH COLD WATER FOR?" Zoro shouted back, watching Luffy hide his face.

"No... That's not why. You got sick because of the rain, right?" Luffy asked, his voice toning down to a shy, low-pitch mumble.

His mate nodded, shivering in his cold bed.

"I thought that I could get sick too if I took a shower with cold water." His unbelievable response left Zoro speechless, unable to comprehend such stupidity all at once.

Not to mention, how ridiculous it sounded.

"Who would deliberately want to be sick?! Stop copying me and put some clothes on before you really do get sick." He demanded, yet Luffy wasn't one to obey orders from anyone.

Contrary; he was far more skilled in giving out orders oppose to obeying them.

"That's what I WANT."

"What, to get sick?" Zoro teasingly laughed as he reached for his glass of water, not knowing how serious his Captain was being.

While taking one sip of his beverage, Luffy's towel dropped to the floor and so did the glass cup when Zoro let the water over spill from the corner of his lips.

"To be with you. That's what I want, even if it means being sick.

Come on now, you don't wanna leave your Captain like this, do ya'?" The younger man's nude structure that stood before his first mate who he's known all his life, had left the Swordsman captivated.

"Hot damn...."


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