Stray Cat | 9 🐈

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Luffy's POV:

Not long after master Zoro left, I attempted to distract myself around the house, but I could only get so far with these tiny paws that seemed to weigh down on me with every step I would take.

Truth be told, the reason I switched back to my animal form was to avoid growing uneasy as a human.

For Zoro it might be easy to forget or mask, but being a hybrid, things like these weren't as easy to get passed.

He's counting on me, I can't always be so careless. Showing him this side of myself, what would he think of me?

"Stop over thinking, everything is fine. He'll be home in no time." If I can just restrain myself for a little longer, I could hold back on doing something I'll regret later on.

Ever since I turned eighteen last year, my life hasn't been the same. Supposedly, these things are normal to every regular cat, but I can't exactly count on them for advice since they all hate me.

I've been dealing with this on my own for so long, but having someone in my life... He's changed me. And I know he could help me, but I'm afraid of what his reaction would be.

After all, humans and animals might have similar traits, but do they get this as well? What if I'm wrong.

What if Zoro starts to hate me like everyone else? I'll just have to bear with it.

How hard could it be to deal with anyways?


Third Person's POV:

"WOAH! Someone's oddly energetic today, good work, Zoro-kun." Zoro's sensei was taken back by how much stronger his alumni seemed.

His actions were completed rather faster than everyone else, yet that didn't increase Zoro's chances of getting to go home earlier than his fellow peers.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, Zoro. There's much more to being a samurai than swinging swords.

You need to carry the balance of energy and peace within your body. And right now, I sense an imbalance in you." The teacher spoke, making heads turn directly at Zoro.

"Forgive me, sensei. I must have been focusing too hard." He confessed, wielding a sword on either side of his hands, placing one in his mouth.

As the practice went on, the swordsman trained harder to become stronger and unlock new techniques that could be useful to him in his life later on.

Perhaps the sudden burst of energy he possessed was a cause of the excitement he had in him, prior to arriving at the dojo.

That kept him wide awake like never before, as if unlocking a new command within his body, one that reacted to things quicker and with more precision.

"Luffy, what are you doing to me?" Thinking back to the younger male made Zoro lose focus ever so often whenever he was assuming any activities in his life, but not today.

Today, he was more engaged in his training more than ever. One of the main factors that caused this gradual change in him was his solid motivation for getting back home.

~ 3:00 p.m. ~

~ 6:00 p.m. ~

~ 8:00 p.m. ~

Five hours later, Zoro was finally able to head back home. Unexpectedly, he was kept at the dojo for extra hours, oppose to leaving home early.

This was due to how much more advanced his sensei deemed his skills to be, compared to the other  trainees around him.

Because of this, Zoro went home with a smile he kept hidden in his heart, thanks to how much progress he made as a swordsman in training.

Finally, the moment he had been awaiting had arrived. Jiggling the keys into his door, the man opened the door, dropping his jacket onto the floor almost instantly.

"I'm back!" He called out, expecting an answer from the only person that resides within his apartment aside from Zoro himself.

That one special person being Luffy. But oddly enough, he didn't walk over to greet him like he normally would.

"Luffy?" Wandering around his apartment, Zoro thought that the silence was rather suspicious. He called out to Luffy, but the boy didn't respond when being called by his name.

Even if the person calling him was Zoro, he didn't respond. Worry started to accumulate in the back of the man's mind, yet he didn't allow it to escalate.

He set off to find Luffy as soon as possible. His first destination was the kitchen, after all, Zoro know knew that his love for food was endless.

"He's not here, must be in the living room then." Scanning the living room area, there was no sign of Luffy there, so that left Zoro two more places to check.

"The bathroom, or bedroom. And the bathroom is empty, which means that he's in the room." Sighing in relief, Zoro remained calm, making his way towards the bedroom.

Twisting the door open, he wondered why it was closed in the first place, but that only raised his chances of finding Luffy.

He knew for certain that the boy was in his bedroom. And 'lo and behold, he found him lying on the floor.

"Luffy, there you are! Why are you down here when there's a huge ass bed over there." The boy was still in his cat form, crawling on the floor.

"Still playing on the rug? You're hopeless, little one. Come here." Luffy suddenly spoke after keeping his voice silent for so long, holding back on saying anything.

When he turned his face to the older man, he switched to his human form, exposing his true self.

His eyes were foggy with tears, he had an uncontrollable tremble in his body, and his face was flushed red.

"Hey hey, what's wrong? Hang in there!"

"H... help me, master." Seeing him in this state made Zoro think he had gotten ill.

"You have a fever, let me help you up." The boy attempted to stand up, but his body wouldn't allow him to do so.

"I... C-can't..."

"Can't? Can't what?" Luffy clenched his jaw, pushing Zoro down with strength that he didn't even know he acquired.

"Ow! What was that for?! L... Luffy?"  

"I can't take this anymore." Thinking that he had done something to make the boy so angry, Zoro sighed, apologizing.

"Look, training is important to me. If I wanna become a swordsman someday, I have to train. But I'm here now, so you don't have to be so mad." He dried Luffy's tears, but this only turned him even more violent.

"That's not what I meant, Roronoa Zoro!" He dipped his head down to face him.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT THEN." Zoro asked out in confusion.

Luffy started laughing, menacingly.

"What I do want?" He smirked, removing his shirt.

"I want you... To make me yours."


ZoLu Imagines |【Zoro x Luffy】🔥Where stories live. Discover now