2.9/Leaky Faucet

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It was Sunday morning and you and a few of your siblings sat in the kitchen eating breakfast.

"You want some syrup for that, bud?" Mom asked Jesus as she poured her coffee.

"Since when do you work Sundays?" Callie asked as mom was in her uniform.

"I just thought I'd pick up a little off duty security work. Unless you don't want me to go. I know that fire was pretty intense." Mom was talking about the fire at the girls United house.

"No, no. I have therapy anyway." Callie told her. "I'm fine."

"You sure?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I'm just glad that everyone got out safe." Callie explained.

"Yeah." Mom agreed.

"So, where are all the girls now?" You asked before taking a bite of your food.

"They went back to juvie, until they can find a new place. Well, if they can find a new place." Callie explained.

"What does that mean?" Brandon asked now in the kitchen.

"Well, I guess there aren't many landlords who wanna rent to a group home, so..." Callie answered.

"Well, Rita doesn't strike me as someone who would give up easily, so I'm sure they'll find something." Mom said as she sat down next to you.

"So, what time is the funeral over?" Jesus asked changing the subject.

"As soon as they get the guy in the ground, I guess. Why? Planning another party?" Mom asked. You nearly choked on your water. You met eyes with Jesus.

"What do you mean?" Brandon asked. Mom just gave him a look.

"I was just asking. I have a paper that I'm writing. It would just be easier if I had no one here to distract me." Jesus said.

"Well, I won't be here. I have a music thing with Lu." Brandon said.

"Oh yeah? Maybe you could take Callie with you." Mom said.

"Oh, no. I don't wanna crash your thing." Callie responded.

"Oh, no. It's not a thing. We're just hanging. You should come." Brandon said.

"Really?" Callie asked.

"Yeah. I can pick you up after therapy." He offered.

"Okay, I'll think about it. I'll call you when I'm done." She said.

"Well, I don't have any plans. Sorry Jesus." You said cleaning up your dishes.

"Well, you better make some. I don't need you here being all, "Jesus, do you wanna hang out?" "Jesus, look at this video." "Jesus, can you take me to the mall?". Jesus said.

"I don't do that." You defended. "You're the one always begging me to play video games with you because everyone else is better than you."

"Not true. I beat Jude every time." Jesus said.

"No you don't. Jude told me you gave him five bucks to say that you beat Brandon's high score when it was really him." You said.

"What? He wasn't supposed to tell anybody that." He said.

"Dude, you paid him five bucks?" Brandon laughed.

"Alright, I'm just gonna enjoy my pancakes and pretend that none of you are here." Jesus said.

"Hey, miss thang. Nice jacket." Mom said as Mariana entered the kitchen.

"Cute, right? Thank you." Mariana said, the second part to Callie as it was her jacket.

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