I Took That One Personally!

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Dave was alongside Jay in the lunch line. Thing was, Dave almost never had a proper lunch, he almost always had a sandwich. Dave was literally obsessed with these things, and always had one when he could. Jay told him about the Latin lesson he had earlier, and Dave was outraged that the word 'sandwich' wasn't in the Latin Dictionary. So he coined his own word for it in Latin. 'Sandwich' he called it. Dave always boasted on behalf of sandwiches, and how you can make it into anything. He said 'If you put a sausage in it it becomes a hot dog!' , 'If you put vegetables in it and roll it up, it becomes a wrap!' , 'If you put meat and cheese in it, it becomes a burger!' , 'If you put bacon and eggs in it, it becomes and English Breakfast!' and other things that got really technical, like a 'Bruschetta'. (I swear he searched that up, and maybe you should too). Well anyways, Jay and Dave were in the Lunch Line, and a new dessert had been introduced, 'The Arctic Roll'. The thing was, despite it being called an 'Arctic Roll' it was probably best to have it in summer, looking as it was bread with ice cream layered in it. Basically, in Jay's words, an 'ice cream sandwich'. Dave, intrigued by the new sandwich type, decided to have one, like Jay was. They sat down at the Lunch Table.

'I wonder how this so-called 'Arctic Roll' tastes like...' Jay said, having a bite.

Dave also took a bite, but ran over to the bin, and spat it out forcefully.

'This is an abomination!!!' Dave shouted, angrily.

'Abomination?' Jay asked.

'This is a disgrace to all sandwiches!!!!' Dave shouted.

'Why? It's pretty decent' Jay said.

'You can't put Ice Cream in a sandwich! It's weird! Ice cream is to put on cake!!!' Dave shouted, getting more angry by the second.

'Good point, but this is alright' Jay said. 

'You have a taste bud problem. I'm having the marshmallows I saved from yesterday. And marshmallows are something that you can put in sandwiches!!!' Dave shouted.

Dave picked up a bag of marshmallows from his bag, and began to have some. Luckily, Dave didn't stay angered for too long, so he was a bit calmer after a little while.

'Would you like some marshmallows?' Dave asked.

'I don't like marshmallows' Jay said.

'I TOOK THAT ONE PERSONALLY!!! How could you Jay? How could you? If you dare to like that abomination, you could at least like marshmallows!' Dave shouted.

'I really don't like marshmallows....' Jay said, awkwardly.

'First you don't like slushies, then you don't like marshmallows. What is the world coming to!?' Dave shouted.

Jay knew that this was rhetorical, so for once, he didn't answer. Matilda then came over and sat beside them, also having a sandwich.

'Matilda, do you like marshmallows?' Dave asked.

'They're great! Can I have one?' Matilda asked.

'Yeah sure' Dave replied.

'Hey Jay, what about you?' Matilda asked.

'I don't like marshmallows!' Jay shouted.

The whole crowd of people in the lunch hall turned towards him. Jay looked away awkwardly.

'Jay that is an abomination!!!' Matilda shouted.

'Abomination!!!' people began to shout in the crowd.

Jay ran out of the lunch hall, Matilda and Dave with a large crowd running after him. He then bumped unexpectedly into Alfred.

'Well hello Jay' Alfred said.

'Alfred I need to....' Jay began desperately.

'You won't believe what happened just now' Alfred said.

'I won't? Well could we talk about this later?' Jay asked, looking at the large crowd, gaining on his lead from behind.

'I theoretically could, but I'm not going to, I'll forget' Alfred replied.

'Make it quick!!' Jay said.

'So, basically...' Alfred began.

Alfred began to make a long speech, and by the time he was about a sixth way through the crowds had caught up to Jay. Jay started running around Alfred continuously, who somehow didn't notice the commotion. 

'Alfred help!!!' Jay shouted.

'1 sec... So then....' Alfred began again.

'Alfred why?' Jay asked. 'Some friend you are...'

Then Jay got an idea.

'Hey Alfred!' Jay shouted.

'Yeah what is it Jay? I was getting to the best part'  Alfred said.

'Do you like chocolate?' Jay asked, still running around in circles.

'No, why do you ask?' Alfred asked.

The crowds stopped and turned angrily towards Alfred.

'I thought better of you Alfred!' Dave shouted.

'Should I be running?' Alfred asked.

'Yes' Jay replied, casually.

Alfred ran off, the crowds following angrily behind him, as Jay got back to having his 'Arctic Roll'.


On a serious note, Arctic Rolls are disgusting. I don't know what's wrong with Jay's taste buds here or anywhere. Even in real life he hates marshmallows and slushies. What is the world coming to? And so much for respecting other people's opinions.... Please leave a vote, it really helps!

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