So ... What Exactly Happened To Jay?

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Well, Jay was pretty much fine after what happened. His parents didn't get mad at him, and simply fixed his bag again, properly this time. Jessica just gave Jay his pencil case back, but Jessica wasn't going to let this off for free, so Jay owed Jessica a favour. Basically if she needed someone to do anything for her, she would ask Jay. Jay, for some reason unknown, decided to tell the whole class what had happened that day, and he got some good laughs from the croud. Apparently, he had also dropped his planner somewhere, and he had to buy a new one from the Finance Office. Amusingly, the sign on the Finance Office had been annotated from, 'Please knock and we will attend you as soon as possible' to, 'Please knock and we will end you as soon as possible'. Unlike the sign, Jay's life wasn't ended. And luckily for him, his end isn't going to be coming anytime soon. (Or we'd have to switch him with Alfred, and we don't want to put a mere sub-character in his place).

Jay pretty much forgot about what happened over a few days, as he's always forgetful. But honestly, he had better things to think about like ranting.

Ranting was something that Jay wouldn't usually do, but I guess this shows Matilda's influence on him. He ranted about some of the most basic things and one day, he decided to share his opinion with Jessica and Angel.

"You know, there's no logic to putting handles on push doors! If I see a handle, I'm going to pull it!" Jay shouted.

"I know, I even told my Dad about what you said, and even he agrees with your argument," Angel said.

"Exactly! And which genius decided to make PVA glue? When was the last time you used it and it actually worked?" Jay asked.

Angel and Jessica stayed silent for a while.

"You see? Every time with that stupid glue! You stick something on, then it just starts to slide back down! For goodness sake, there's a Pritt Stick for a reason!" Jay shouted.

"You know, I actually do remember a time that PVA glue worked, it was when...." Jessica began.

"No, PVA Glue has never worked!" Jay objected, cutting her off. "Whoever created PVA Glue should die!"

"Well what if they're already dead?" Angel asked.

"We take them out of the grave and we shoot them again" Jessica suggested.

"Exactly what she said, they deserve to die twice!" Jay shouted. "And don't get me started on sleeping! What's the point of sleeping if you can't enjoy it? It literally feels like you've been sleeping 2 minutes, and then you wake up and you feel all sleepy and annoyed!"

"Well be grateful that you aren't Blake, and have a fire alarm to wake you up," Jessica said.

Blake was some stupid guy from the House called Klide. You probably won't hear of him again. But maybe you will. He has a literal fire alarm as his alarm. I wonder what'll happen when there's an actual fire.... I guess that he would think that it's his regular alarm, and want to sleep in, but meanwhile the house would be burning. I guess he'd be burnt toast.

"I guess so," Jay agreed. "Another thing though, the School Wi-Fi is horrific! What's up with them being able to buy textbooks and all that rubbish, but they can't even get proper Wi-Fi?" 

"Well the good thing about the bad Wi-Fi is that Microsoft Teams meetings never work, so if your isolating, you basically don't have to do a thing" Jessica said.

" I guess so, but the benefit only goes to those isolating!" Jay said. "And don't get me started on false pockets!"

"Yes please don't start...." Angel sighed, now getting fed up of Jay's rants.

However, Jay continued on. He ranted about people taking ages in lines, people forgetting things they shouldn't and even people in general. He went on for quite a long while about stupid, small random things, that I could've sworn he had memorised that whole list of stuff. He couldn't have just gotten all all this from scratch. Right?

"And I hate mean people!" Jay exclaimed. 

"You talking about Matilda?" Jessica asked.

"And I hate chatterboxes!"

"Hypocrite!!!!!!!!!" Jessica and Angel shouted simultaneously.

"Oh right... Whoops. Well thank you for letting me take up your time...." Jay said, stepping back a little.

"You're not welcome!!" Jessica shouted after him.

I guess Jay just really hates everything on this Earth. Even the people on it! I guess that's why he's devising World Domination...... But we don't talk about that. Anyways, please leave a vote, it really helps!

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