Almost Thanksgiving

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Relax Darla, you're doing just great" the doula said over the speaker phone. She was in so much pain. This wasn't what they planned. The doula wasn't able to come in time. So she had to deliver the baby on her phone with the doula giving her direction over the phone. "I can't do this" she cried. "Yes you can baby, squeeze my hand as tight as you want. Like you said, our daughter wants to meet us" he told her. He was trying to hide his nervousness but he was struggling. He didn't like that they were on their own and even though Darla suggested for them to go to the hospital, they wouldn't make it in time because she was so far in. And he wanted her to have a home birth because that's what she wanted. She screamed in pain as she felt all the pain from her contractions. This time squeezing Ralph Angel's hand almost knocking the wind out of him. "I'm sorry" she cried. "No you're doing good baby. Keep squeezing. Break my damn hand off if you have to" he smiled nervously at her. "You're doing good Darla" Charlie said as she stood besides her sister Nova, Uncle Hollywood, & Aunt Violet. Their friend Prosper and his daughter Billie were in the living room with Darla's and Ralph Angel's son Blue. "I don't think I can do this" she said before a scream left her mouth. "Okay Ralph Angel I need you to check to see if you see the baby's feet" the doula told him. He was about to check but she had a grip on his hand. "Baby I need to see" he told her. "Don't let me go" she panted. "I'll do it" Aunt Violet told them. "I see feet" she said. "Oh my God..." Darla panted. "Okay Darla I need you to push as hard as you can on the count of—" Darla didn't wait. She screamed as she pushed as hard as she could while squeezing Ralph Angel's hand. A few more pushes and the baby was finally brought into the world. Ralph Angel cried as he held his baby in his hand. "Darla?" He looked at his wife when his sister Charlie called out her name. She wasn't unconscious. "Baby?" He held his daughter in one hand, cradled towards his chest as he shook Darla's shoulder with his hand but she wasn't responding.

Ralph Angel's POV

Seeing our baby being brought into the world brought so much joy into my heart

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Seeing our baby being brought into the world brought so much joy into my heart. But it suddenly went away when I realized Darla was unconscious. She wasn't breathing. My heart damn near stopped. I started to panic. I can't lose my wife from giving birth. This shit is bad. I can't live without Darla, that's my soulmate. I left the baby with Prosper and Billie while I rushed Darla to the hospital. Blue stayed with them too because I didn't want our son to see his mom like this. Though he was upset about it. Charlie, Nova, Aunt Vi, and Hollywood all came to the hospital as well.

"Somebody tell me something. Is my wife gonna be okay?" He shouted. "Ralph Angel, baby just relax" Aunt Vi tried to get him to calm down. "Relax? My wife stopped breathing after giving birth to our daughter and you're telling me to relax. There's no relaxing until I know she's alright" he started to pace back and forth. "Youngblood, I get it you're anxious right now but you can't beat yourself up right now. We have to be positive for Darla's sake" his uncle Hollywood told him. "We all know Darla is a fighter. She's been through so much in life, she can get through this" his sister Charlie told him as tears were welling up in his eyes. "It'll be okay Ra" she held his hand.  "I—I can't lost my wife Charlie" tears began to fall. "I know Ra, and you won't. You just have to be strong for her" she hugged him. "Yeah, just know Darla will make it out of here alive little brother" Nova joined in on the hug. The doctor came out which made them break away from the hug ready to hear good news. "Doc, please tell me some good news. Is my wife Darla Bordelon gonna be alright?"

Noise was coming from the kitchen as Spencer was searching for the right pan. Pans rumbling against each other distracting Jordan. Who ended up looking over his shoulder as he sat on the couch playing a video game. "Spence, chill man" Jordan told him. "Chill? How can you sit there and tell me to chill when I'm freaking out" Jordan chuckled as he paused the game. He got up and walked to the kitchen. "Bro, what are you freaking out about?" He rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Thanksgiving..." he responded. Though he gave Jordan an answer, he wasn't convinced. "What's there to be nervous about Thanksgiving? All you need to do is make the dessert and you never fail to do so" Jordan told him. Spencer sighed before leaning against the sink counter. "What?" Jordan wasn't sure what was running through his friends head but he knew there was something he needed to get off of his chest. Spencer slowly took a small gray box from out of his pocket. "What's that?" A clueless Jordan asked him. Spencer opened the box as Jordan finally went around the island table to see what it was. "It's a diamond ring, what about it?" Spencer was waiting for Jordan to get it. "Bro..." Jordan looked at him clueless as he smiled "what man?" Spencer motioned his eyes back on the ring "it's a diamond ring" he repeated. "I see that? I don't understand" Spencer chuckled. "What?" He was so confused. "Bro I'm gonna propose to Liv at Thanksgiving dinner" he said. Jordan was shocked which caused Spencer to laugh. "What?! No way! She would be so stoked" he said. "Yeah, yeah, I know man. But you can't tell anybody" he said. "Can't tell anybody what?" Billy walked in with Spencer quickly closing the box and putting it back in his pocket. "That uh.. Spencer added a new recipe to his famous chocolate cake this year for Thanksgiving" Jordan lied. "Really? Well I can't wait to try it" Billy told him. Spencer was relived. He would love to be able to ask Billy and Laura for their blessings but he wasn't sure if he was ready for that just yet.

Olivia was in the pool with Layla getting some quality time together. "So, how are things between you and Asher?" Layla blushed. "What do you mean?" Though her and Asher has hooked up a few times, they haven't placed a title on their relationship. "I think you know what I mean. You two have been hooking up for the longest time now. Why not just make it official" Liv told her. "Me and Asher are just friends. We like how things are between us. Don't want to mess things up like we did in the past" she admitted. "How would you know if you don't try? Besides, you were young back then when you first started dating. You both are way mature now. And get each other on a very personal level. He might be the right person for you this time around" she told her. "I don't know Liv... I like how we are" she shrugged. "What? Friends with Benefits? I never understood that. You choose a guy who you find attractive and you have sex with them and sooner or later feelings revolve. In your case it'll be sooner because you both are ex's. Why not just save the hassle and just be boyfriend and girlfriend?" She sighed and got out the pool. "Maybe because that's not what I want Liv. You do know the guy who I was in love with, you stole him from me right? But hey, I'm over that" she shrugged sarcastically because entering the house. Olivia turned around so that her back is facing the wall of the pool, sighing. Spencer came out to the pool "hey baby" he pulled his shirt off and took his shoes and pants off before getting in. "Hey..." she moved so that she was in front of him. He wrapped his arms around her waist. "What's bothering you?" She shook her head a bit before telling him about Layla. "Layla doesn't want a relationship with Asher. She wants to just be friends with Benefits. You know how Asher wants it to be more now..." she said before he added. "And he'a not the same Asher he used to be. The boy has changed" she nodded in agreement. "Exactly, but she doesn't want it to go any further than what it is. I just don't want him to get hurt, you know?" He kissed her shoulder softly. "As always, you care so much. But baby, it's not your call. You can't force Layla to date Asher if that's not what she wants. And clearly she doesn't want that" he said. "Yeah because I feel like she's still not over you..." she looked over her shoulder at him. "Well that's too bad because I'm in love with you" he told her. She turned around, wrapping her arms around his neck. "And I'm in love with you too" a smile formed on her face.

Ralph Angel slowly walked through the hallway of the hospital. He finally made his way to Darla's room. His vision was blocked from the tears that were welled up in his eyes. They suddenly fell when he got closer to her bedside. She was allowed only one visitor. They all visited her one by one. He wanted to be last because he couldn't see her like this. Being in a coma. He took her hand in his as more tears fell. "B—Baby..." his voice cracked. He brought her hand close to his lips, kissing it multiple times. "I love you Darla" he leaned his head down resting it against her chest as he sobbed in her chest. It was almost Thanksgiving and as of right now, it was cancelled for the Bordelons. He lifted his head up, looking at his wife. He brought his face closer to hers, giving her soft kiss. "I love you baby... I need you. I can't do this alone. B—Blue... our baby girl. I can't do life without you. I need you to wake up baby" he said.


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