Christmas Day

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Darla and Ralph Angel was in bed sleep. It was almost 9am and the only one was up was Blue. Ebony was also sleeping. Blue made his parents breakfast. He knew gifts won't be opened until after breakfast so he wanted to speed things up. He entered his parents room seeing that they were both still sleeping. "Mommy, Pops, you awake?" He sat the tray on the bed besides Darla. He rubbed her shoulder "Mommy wake up" he whispered. He startled her a little but she kept sleeping. "Mommy wake up" he rubbed her arm again. "Blue, let ya momma sleep" Ralph Angel was now awake, rubbing his eyes. "But it's almost afternoon and we haven't eaten breakfast" he said. "You mean you haven't opened up presents?" He looked at his son. "That too" Blue said. "We will open up presents when your mama is up" he said. "I'm up" she mumbled. "Awesome! I made you breakfast" Blue told her. "You did?" She opened her eyes with a smile forming. "Merry Christmas my handsome boy" she rubbed his cheek. "Merry Christmas" he was smiling. "How about you let mommy and daddy eat our breakfast and afterwards we'll open up presents but give me some time to feed your sister first" she said. "Yay!!" An excited Blue rushed out of the room. "Walk Blue and fix up your bed" he said out loud. "That boy is something else" Ralph Angel shook his head. "True but we love him" he grinned. "That's right" he responded. "Merry Christmas" she looked at him. "Merry Christmas" he watched her eyes land on his lips. He came closer to her giving her a soft passionate kiss.

Spencer left the kitchen when the doorbell rung. He opened the door to find Billy and Laura at the door. Merry Christmas" Billy was holding presents alongside of his wife. Spencer held the door opened so they could walk inside. "Merry Christmas" Laura placed the gifts down to hug Spencer. "Merry Christmas" he hugged back. "So where's Olivia?" She searched the room with her eyes after pulling away from the hug. "She's still getting ready" he said. "Women" Billy said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Laura looked at him. "Nothing" Billy mumbled. "No you said it for a reason. What's that supposed to mean?" Laura wasn't letting it go which made Spencer raise his eyebrows knowing Billy should've kept his mouth shut. "Laura I—" Olivia came down the stairs. "Hi mom, dad. Merry Christmas" she hugged them both. "Merry Christmas" Billy grinned at his daughter. "Don't think this conversation is over with Billy" Olivia was confused as she looked at her dad. "Did I miss something?" She asked with Laura walking off. "Laura come on" he followed after. "What did I miss?" Olivia looked over at Spencer. "Nothing besides your pops putting his foot in his mouth" he took her hand revealing the diamond ring. "I love you" a smile formed on her face. "I love you too" they were about to kiss but her parents arguing stopped them. "Oh God" they picked up the gifts that her parents brought and placed them underneath the tree. They then walked into the kitchen. "If it'll make you feel better, I'm sorry" he told her. "Sorry doesn't cut it" the doorbell rung. "I'll get it" Spencer told her. He walked to the door and opened it with Grace, D'Angelo, Jasmine, and Dillon at the door. "Merry Christmas" he opened the door wider for them to walk in. He shut the door and hugged them all. "Can you two stop it. It's Christmas" Olivia told her parents. "What's going on?" Grace asked about Billy and Laura. "Trust me you don't wanna know. Let me get your jacket" she took it off and handed it to him. He opened the closet door and hung it up and did the same for Jasmine's. Dillion and kept his jacket on and D'Angelo took his off and hung his own up. "Whatever" Laura walked out of the kitchen but stopped when she saw Grace. "Everything alright Mrs. Baker?" She nodded "sure thing" she went over and hugged her. "Good to see you" Laura told her. "Good to see you too" Grace said back. "Why would you even say that?" Olivia asked her dad. "It just came out but I didn't think it was serious. I didn't expect her to get so mad" he told her. "Well fix it" she said. Billy nodded before leaving the kitchen. Olivia sighed to herself. She turned around to check the food in the oven. "Everything alright?" Spencer walked in. "I don't know" she closed the oven sighing. "Well maybe this will make you feel better" he handed her an envelope. "What's this?" She was confused. "Open it and find out" he said. She slowly opened it seeing it was tickets. She pulled them out and her eyes slightly widened. "Spencer...." She looked up at him slowly. "How.." he was smiling. "Said you want to go to the Bahamas for Vacation so why not. Let's do it" she walked over to him hugging him tightly. "I love you" he hugged her back "I love you too. You deserve the best Liv" she pulled back to look at his face. "I already have the best. I get to marry you and have kids. I have everything I want through you" she kissed him. "Oh get a room" Jordan walked in with Simone. Spelivia pulled away laughing. "Who said we need a room?" Spencer bit his lip at his fiancé. "Gross" Jordan shook his head looking at them disgusted making Simone laugh. "When did y'all sneak in?" Olivia asked. "A few minutes ago" Dillon and Jasmine walked in the kitchen. "Do y'all always have to be boo'd up?" Dillon asked about Spelivia. "Jealous much?" Spencer asked his brother. "I think they're cute" Jasmine told him. "Thank you. Dillon is mad because he can't pull a Queen like Liv and Simone" Spencer had his arm around Olivia's waist. "Since who?" Dillon wrapped an arm around Jasmine's waist. Both Spelivia and Jimome were shocked. "Wait, what?" Dillon smirked before kissing Jasmine on the cheek. Right when that happened Grace and D'Angelo came walking in.

Christmas tones were being played as Darla was in bed resting. The lights were dimmed with candles lit up throughout the house. "That feels so good" she whispered. Ralph Angel was giving her a foot rub. She was wearing a bracelet that him and Blue got her for Christmas. "All I ever want to make you feel is good" he told her. "Which you never fail to do so. I know I said it doesn't feel like Christmas but honestly it does. Blue and Ebony spending time with Vi and Hollywood. Micha, Charlie, and Nova it's what they need. So that we can have the house to ourselves because I can't entertain them as much due to being on bed rest and you being here for me which you don't have to—" he cut her off. "I do have to. You're my better half Darla. I can't have fun while you're laid up in bed alone. Being able to be here for you. Giving you massages and just holding you while we listen to Christmas tones makes this Christmas just as good as any other in the past" he told her. He covered her feet so that he could laid down to hold his wife. "I love you so much Ralph Angel. You never fail to make me happy" she looked up at him. "You never fail to make me happy" he told her. "Well... I have something to tell you. But you have to promise me you won't get mad" he slowly nodded. "I promise" he said. "Well I called my mom and dad. I asked for my college savings so that we can be on top of the bills. Until we get things settled" he sighed. "You don't need to put everything on you. I'm your better half, right? So let me help us be on top of things. I don't want to lose this farm ever. We're going to raise our kids here. We're going to grow old here. Just please don't be mad" she said. He looked back at her before a smile formed on his face. "I ain't mad Darla. I appreciate it. Really I do. The way you hold it down for me, for the kids, I thank you. My pops would be proud" he told her. "I would've loved to have known him much better. Gotten the chance to sit and talk with him. Tell him how in love I am with his son. I love you baby. To see how far we've come. And how patient we have been with one another. It's exquisite" she told him. "We have come along way huh?" She nodded. "I love you too Mrs. Bordelon."

Laura and Billy made up. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that. I didn't expect it to get out of hand" he told her. "No.. I overreacted" she said. "Does that mean I get to sleep in bed and not the couch tonight?" She laughed. "You was never sleeping on the couch" she said. They were hearing Grace and D'Angelo in the kitchen so they walked in seeing everyone in there. "So you mean to tell me you two are a couple?" Grace and D'Angelo looked disappointed. "Why everybody gets to have their happy ending but we can't?" Dillon was frustrated. "Because you're like family" D'Angelo told him. "By marriage!" He raised his voice. "Time it down" Grace told him. "It's true. Related by marriage. I can't help how I feel about her. We liked each other before you two even liked each other" both parents realized he had a point. "We're sorry if we disappointed you but the heart wants what it wants" Jasmine told them. "So all of those times when your dad and I would go on dates or have something to do at the school, you were together?" She nodded. "My God" D'Angelo shook his head in disbelief. "I honestly don't see what's the big deal here—" Liv was cut off by Spencer. "You should probably stay out of this Liv" with Laura and Billy agreeing. "For what? Nobody in this house is perfect. Everyone has done things that disappointed someone. We've all done sneaky shit. And we're also happy and in love. They deserve that too. Despite their parents being married. It's just by marriage" she said. "We're going to be together with or without your support" Dillon held Jasmine's hand. "We're hoping with your support" she looked at her dad who was struggling to accept it. "He makes me so happy and he will never hurt me dad" she finished. "Come on it's Christmas. Let's celebrate each other. Let's celebrate happiness" Simone added. "Simone...." she looked at her husband. "What? Liv is right, they deserve to be happy" he sighed. "They're right.... As hard as this is to accept. They are right D'Angelo" Grace looked up at her husband. "I guess..." he sighed. "If you're happy, I'm happy" Jasmine hugged her dad full of joy. "Thank you so much" he rubbed her back. "You're welcome" he said with a smile. "You better not hurt her" he gave Dillon a serious look. "You know I won't" he said. "Congrats little bro" Spencer did his signature handshake with his brother. "Thanks man" Dillon said. "See what happens when y'all listen to me" everyone laughed at Liv. "It took 2 years for Spencer since he wanted to pretend like he wasn't in love with me" he rolled his eyes playfully. "Here you go" she laughed. "You love me" she wrapped her arms around his neck. "That I do" he held her waist before kissing her.


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