Thanksgiving Day

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Ralph Angel's POV

It was officially Thanksgiving and my heart was still empty

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It was officially Thanksgiving and my heart was still empty. Seeing Darla in a coma makes me feel lifeless. Each time I kiss her lips, they feel colder and colder. She's a lot paler than normal. It just breaks my heart to see her this way. But I ain't leaving and I ain't giving up either. It's hard because I don't want her suffering but I guess I'm selfish. I'm not pulling no plug. My wife deserves to live after all she's been through. And Blue needs her and our daughter does too. I haven't named her yet because I want us to do it together.

"I feel so bad for Ra. It's like he can't ever be happy" Nova told Charlie while they were making their way to the room. Though it was only 1 guest allowed. The Bordelon's don't mind breaking rules for family. "Yeah, but we just have to continue to think positive" Charlie responded before they entered the room. Both women stopped when they saw their baby brother massaging her feet and talking to her. "I know how much you love massages. Many times in the past it led to us making love" he looked at her with tears in his eyes as a smile formed on his lips when he thought about it. "You said I'm a master at massages and that it turns you on" he looked down chuckling to himself. "I'm gonna buy some nail polish so that I can paint your nails. So that when you wake up, you can see how a disaster my work of art is" both sisters laughed. He looked towards the door at them. "I'm sure Darla would love it regardless" Charlie said as they walked over. "It's supposed to be one guest" he said. "Well, you should know we don't listen" he chuckled. "True..." he stood up and gave them a hug. "Thanks for coming" they rubbed his back. "No need to thank us. Darla needs all the support right now" Nova told him. After they pulled away from the hug. "Don't worry about the farm, we have everything handled. Just worry about Darla. And we will get some nail polish so that you can paint those toes" he wiped his tears before nodding.

Spencer stood in the bathroom looking down at the ring he bought his girlfriend. He was ready but also nervous. He didn't want to pressure her. They haven't really talked about the future so he was nervous about her reaction. Though Jordan said she would be excited. He had anxiety about the proposal. "Spencer?" Olivia knocked on the door from the outside "you in there?" He placed the ring back in the box before placing it in his pocket. He opened the door "yeah" he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I didn't hear the toilet nor did I hear hands being washed. What were you doing?" He realized he needed to come up with a quick lie. "Just needed time to think" he told her. "About what?" She was confused. "About all the things I'm thankful for. Including you" a smile formed on her face. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Well I'm thankful for you babe. Life has been incredible lately" she kissed him. "Get a room" Jordan hollered from across the room. They pulled away with Olivia looking at her brother. "Keep it up and we will" he gave them a gross face. Spencer laughed as she looked back at him. "Our lives will only get better baby" he kissed her before taking her hand, walking towards the kitchen. Olivia went to Jordan who was seated at the island table. "Don't be such a hater all your life bro" he rolled his eyes playfully. "But all seriousness, have Spencer been acting weird lately?" She looked at Spencer who went outside to have a conversation with Billy and Laura. "It's Spence, he is weird" she hit his arm. "I'm being serious. Like he's hiding something" she said. "He seems fine if you ask me. No homo" she giggled. "You know saying no homo makes you sus" he rolled his eyes. "Whatever sis. If he's acting weird or like he's hiding something from you. How about you just ask him" he told her.

"Coach, Mrs. Baker, can I talk to you for a second" he asked them. "Of course you can Spencer, have a seat" she pat the cushion besides her. He sat down and sighed. "What is it Spencer?" Both saw how nervous he looked. "I'm a little nervous to ask you both this because I don't know how you'd react" he told them. "You do know you are family and you can always tell us anything. There's no judgement" Laura said. He slowly pulled out the gray box, handing it to them. "What's this?" She asked before opening it. A gasp left her mouth when she realized what it was. "I want to ask your daughter to marry me, at dinner. But I also want your permission as well" he said. "You didn't get our permission to date her so why do you need our permission now" Laura looked at her husband "Billy..." he looked at her. "It's true Laura but with all seriousness. You are family and you have treated our daughter with nothing but love and respect throughout the years. If anybody could take her hand in marriage, would be you" a smile formed on Spencer's face. "And we will both love to have you as our son in law" Laura said. All three of them stood up and both parents gave him a hug. Olivia watched from inside with confusion on her face.

Ralph Angel was painting Darla's nails while Charlie and Nova watched. "That is by far the worst paint job I've ever seen" Charlie said. "You should've just had one of us do it" Nova suggested. "If y'all don't mind, my wife would rather have me do it" Charlie surrendered her hands. "Whatever you say little brother. We just feel like those nails deserves Justice" he chuckled a little. "As long as she'll love it, that's all that matters" he said. "Oh she will because she loves you that much. She won't ever say anything to purposely hurt you so you're good" Charlie told him. "She looks peaceful" Nova told them. "Yeah she does" Charlie agreed. "And beautiful as always" he placed his hand on her ankle before rubbing his hand up and down her leg. "The night she told me she was pregnant... it blew my mind. I almost thought she was joking for a second until she reassured me that she wasn't. She stays blessing me and I just want to be able to bless her right back" he told them. "You do bless her. All your hard work. The support throughout the years. Good and bad, you manage to stay by her side. And you put a ring on it and put a baby in her. You're her blessing Ra, don't forget it" he sighed. "Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday but it won't be the same this year. With her being in a coma, I ain't whole."

After Thanksgiving dinner Spencer felt major anxiety. "So, when is this big proposal happening?" Laura walked up to Spencer who was doing the dishes. "Soon..." he trailed off. "You do know we have a dishwasher right? Why not just use it" she told him. "Cause I'm nervous" she giggled. "I remembered when Billy was nervous" he looked over at her. "Coach was nervous?" She nodded. "It's understandable because you never know what the answer will be but when there's a bond like Billy and I and like you and Liv, there's nothing to worry about. You can let anxiety stop you from your future. I'm sure a proposal will be highly unexpected but she will be honored" she nudged him a bit before walking out the kitchen to leave Spencer in his thoughts. He looked over his shoulder seeing Olivia, Billy, Jordan, Simone, and Laura having a blast on the patio. He placed the plate down in the water before drying his hands off.

Olivia's POV

I was having such a great laugh with my family when I realized Spencer wasn't around

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I was having such a great laugh with my family when I realized Spencer wasn't around. Just when I was about to head inside, he came out to the patio. He looked so nervous as he walked up to me. He gave me a kiss on my forehead as he slowly took my hands. All eyes were on me. I felt how sweaty his hands were. I have no idea what's going on but I just know my heart was racing.

"Liv, I love you. Nah, scratch that. I'm in love with you. Since the moment I met you at Beverly. I thank your Pop for the opportunity to get me to play for him because I would've never met such a beautiful soul" tears welled up in his eyes. "I love you too Spencer" she told him. "I never thought this day would come where everything in my life is going smoothly. But there's one thing that's missing. A piece of my future, our future" he slowly got down on one knee. Olivia placed her right hand over her mouth while he held onto her left hand. "Olivia, I promise to be the best husband I can be for you. The best father to our future children" tears began to fall from her eyes. "Olivia, you're my best friend. My soul mate. You make me a better man as the days goes by. I promise to love you forever. Will you marry me?"


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