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Ralph Angel and Blue arrived back home with groceries. Ebony was in her crib crying. "Ebony seems sad" Blue told his dad. "Yeah she does. I wonder why Darla isn't feeding her or something to get her to stop crying" he was taking the groceries out of the bags. "I'll go check" Blue skipped down the hall. Blue went to her side but realized he wasn't tall enough to take her out of her crib. "Blue I got it" Ralph Angel entered the room and went to the crib. He took Ebony out of her crib realizing she had a full diaper. "I gotcha" he said. Blue left the room to go to his moms and dads room. When he entered he saw Darla on the floor by the bed side. "Mommy?" He walked over seeing blood on the sheets and around the crotch area of her pajamas. "Papa?!" He shouted loudly. "Blue what you yelling for?" Ralph Angel entered the room with Ebony in his arms. "Mommy is hurt" he was looking over his shoulder with worried eyes. "D-Darla?" Ralph Angel was froze. "Blue take your sister and go into your room" Blue did what he said. Ralph Angel rushed over kneeling down. "Baby" he tugged at her shoulder.

Ralph Angel's POV

Seeing my wife like this has me worried all over again

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Seeing my wife like this has me worried all over again. She's bleeding. I know she's supposed to after giving birth but this is all bad. This seems severe. I can't lose my girl. I called the ambulance and they came as soon as they could. They gave her a breathing machine. I called my nephew Micha to come by to watch the kids. I didn't want to ask anyone else because I don't want to put so much on them during the holidays. When I arrived at the hospital I had to wait hours to hear about my wife's condition. Finally the doctor came out to tell me that she suffered from postpartum hemorrhage. She lost so much blood in a short amount of time which caused her to have a hysterectomy. My heart dropped. Can't wifey catch a break?! Her blood pressure dropped which caused her to faint at the farm.

"Hey you" Darla whispered. She could barely keep her eyes opened. He walked over and stood by her side. He held her hand feeling her thumb rub against his hand. "How you feeling?" she slowly closed her eyes. "Exhausted..." she admitted. "You should get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up" he told her. "Sorry... I keep putting you through this. Christmas will be terrible because of me" tears welled up in her eyes. She was physically and emotionally drained. "Baby, never apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. Christmas isn't important. What's important is your health. Everything else can wait" she slowly opened her eyes. "I won't be able to do anything besides be in bed on Christmas" a tear fell down her cheek. "That's fine. I'll be right there with you. You won't be alone. We can lay in bed. Watch Christmas movies and eat Christmas dinner in bed" she struggled to smile. "I think I'd like that" he leaned down kissing her forehead. "Me too."

Spencer's POV

I knew this wouldn't be easy

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I knew this wouldn't be easy. I have a lot of explaining to do. A lot of apologizing to do. Before I start with Liv, I had to apologize to Kia and Darnell.

"What's up man" Darnell walked out of the room with Kia. "I owe you both an apology for the way I acted at the store. And when you both arrived. Y'all deserve nothing but happiness. I'm happy for the both of you. I mean that" Kia grinned. "Well you were an asshole but I forgive you but the person you need to apologize to is Liv" she said. "Yeah..." he trailed off. "It's all love bro" they did their signature hand shake. "Go talk to your girl" Darnell told him. He nodded before walking to his and Olivia's room. He closed the door behind him when he entered. She was laying down with her back facing him. He walked over and sat down on the side of her. He turned his body to face her. "Liv...." He could see that she was sad. "I'm sorry for how I acted since we came here. You didn't deserve any of it. I promise to make it up to you" he told her. "You humiliated me Spencer. You allowed her to flirt with you in front of me. You know how that made me feel?" She refused to look at him. "I love you but you made me feel worthless" she told him. "I'll never make you feel that way again. I promise you that" he rubbed her shoulder. "I love you Liv. No one will ever take your place" he got down on his knees facing her. "Can I put this back on your finger?" He held up her ring. She slowly looked at the ring. "Please?" She slowly held out her left hand. He held the tips of her finger with his left hand and slid the ring on with his right. "I love you too. Never be an idiot like that again" she said firmly. "I won't" she sat up in bed looking down at her hands. Suddenly music began to play. Boys 2 Men On Bending Knee. "Darlin' I, I can't explain, Where did we lose our way? Girl it's drivin' me insane, And I know I just need one more chance, To prove my love to you" She looked up at him seeing him dancing and singing terribly which caused her to laugh. "Spencer what the..." he continued. He held out his hands with her taking them. She was dancing and laughing.  Can we go back to the days our love was strong? Can you tell me how a perfect love goes wrong? Can somebody tell me how to get things back, The way they use to be?" He chuckled knowing he sounds bad but didn't care because he wants to make her feel better. "A little advice, never sing. You sound awful. And this song doesn't fit our situation you act like we broke up or something" he chuckled. "Can't a brotha just serenade to his girl?" She laughed "Babe that was not serenade unless you making your girls ear bleed counts then I guess" he chuckled. "Damn" she wrapped her arms around his neck. "But it's okay because I love your horrible singing no matter what" he rolled his eyes playfully before kissing her.


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