Biggest Fool

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Spelivia was walking hand in hand behind the crew. "I can't wait for the holiday to be over with so that we could focus on our big day" a smile formed on Spencer's face thinking about marrying the love of his life. "Being able to choose the colors for our bridesmaids and groomsmen. Cake tasting. All of that. Tell me I'm not the only one who thinks about since your proposed" she grinned over at him. "You're not alone baby. I've been thinking about it since we started dating" she stopped them from walking. "Are you serious?" He nodded. "Yeah. I always knew I wanted to marry you. You wasn't a date until I find the one type. You are the one baby girl. No other girl could ever compare" Olivia wrapped her arms around her man's neck. "Well I knew since Beverly that I wanted to be all yours" he chuckled. "Is this some type of competition?" He raised an eyebrow playfully. "No baby, it's just that I knew all alone that I wanted to be the future Mrs. James" he grinned. "Well I'm glad I'm able to make your dream come true" he leaned in to kiss her. "Spencer you gotta look at this tree" Rochelle grabbed his arm away from Olivia to show him a Christmas tree. "No that bitch didn't" Olivia was furious all over again. Olivia walked over but standing a distance away. Olivia shook her head as she folded her arms. "You good Liv?" Darnell walked over. "Yup" she lied. "Nah you look like you could rip someone's head off in any given second" he chuckled. "It's that obvious?" He nodded. "So are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" She sighed in frustration. "I haven't been so jealous of someone around Spencer since him and Layla. And now I'm jealous that he's around Rochelle. I know her intentions are bad. I don't trust her Darnell. And if you tell me that she's with Chris......" she glared up at him. "Actually I was gonna say I notice a little sus between the two. But mostly on her part. I'm surprised Chris hadn't said anything about it. And Spencer knows better. It's starts with him. He should put her in her place" he said. "Thank you! He thinks I'm overreacting" she rolled her eyes. "Bruh why you talking to my girl?" Spencer walked over to them. "I can't talk to Liv now? Since when?" Darnell was confused. "Since your ass is secretive as hell. And you have a little history now of taking my sloppy seconds" he said. "Spencer!" Olivia was surprised by his actions. "I know you're not talking about sloppy seconds. You might as well hop on Asher's dick because first Layla and then Liv—" "Guys!" Olivia was trying to get them to stop. Spencer got in his face. "Darnell's don't let me lay your ass out in this store" he balled his fists. "Spencer what the hell is wrong with you?" She grabbed his arm. "Nah it's all good Liv. He's just a little confused right now with his feelings" Darnell fists were now balled. Both were seconds away from fighting. "Boy you have no idea "Spencer clenched his jaw angrily. "No you don't have no idea. You all over Rochelle when you have yourself a Queen right here. Many people would do anything to be with a woman like Liv and you're acting dumb. Letting Rochelle grab at you and shit. You're the biggest fool right now bruh. What me and Kia has going is none of your damn business. We don't owe you no fucking explanation" Coop came over with Jordan. "Guys chill" Jordan didn't want to get kicked out of the store. "Spence, come with me dawg" Coop tugged at his arm. Chris and Rochelle watched from a distance. "I'm good" he started to get calm. "I'm glad that you are because I'm not" Olivia walked off. "Spence, what the hell?" Jordan said before running after his sister.

Darla was seated in bed with her back against the headboard resting since she's been on her feet a lot lately. She needed a little bed rest. Especially since the family was getting together for the holiday. She was reading a spiritual book when Spencer came into the bedroom. He looked at his wife who's focus was on the book. He waited a few more seconds before he walked to the dresser turning on the Vinyl. Marvin Gaye's sexually healing started playing. Her eyebrows raised still not looking at her husband. She was trying to focus on her book but he was making it hard. He began to sing along to the lyrics. 🎶Ooh baby, I'm hot just like an oven, I need some lovin', And baby, I can't hold it much longer, It's getting stronger and stronger🎶 she tucked her lips in trying her hardest not to smile. 🎶When I get that feeling, I want sexual healing, Sexual healing, oh baby, Makes me feel so fine, Helps to relieve my mind, Sexual healing baby, is good for me, Sexual healing is something that's good for me🎶 he finally took the book from out of her hands. "Hey!" 🎶Whenever blue teardrops are fallin', And my emotional stability is leaving me, There is something I can do, I can get on the telephone and call you up, baby 🎶 Darla folded her arms staring at him. Finally got her attention he stood on the bed taking his shirt off slowly. 🎶And honey I know you'll be there to relieve me, The love you give to me will free me, If you don't know the thing you're dealing, Oh I can tell you, darling, that it's sexual healing, Let's make love tonight, Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, 'Cause you do it right🎶 she got out of bed and walked to the Vinyl turning it off. "Hey" he held his arms out. "What you stop the music for? I was getting started" he said. "You were two seconds away from putting baby number three in me" he laughed. "What you talking about girl" he jumped down sitting down at the end of the bed. "I wouldn't have let you pull out because that was one helluva show you just put on for me baby" she bit down on her lip. "You already know I wouldn't mind you pregnant again but I also know things were much complicated this time. Shit was scary baby. I wouldn't want us to go through that again" she walked over sitting next to him. "Me neither" she looked down. "It was complicated because of my past actions. If it wasn't for me being a prostitute and getting sexually assaulted...." she tucked her lips in as she looked down. "Don't do that. Your past doesn't define you. You are much better, much stronger, than you ever had been before. Shit happens for a reason. And no matter what I'm still in love with you" he wiped the tear underneath her eye before continuing. "No matter what."

Olivia was seated outside on a bench when Jordan came out. He sighed seeing his sister was emotional. "Liv...." He slowly walked over. "I didn't want anybody following me" she sniffed. "You're crazy to think I wouldn't follow you. You're my twin. I would never let you out of my sight. Especially when you're hurting" he sat down next to her. "What is wrong with him Jordan? Why is he acting like an asshole" she looked down as tears were falling. "Because Spence is an asshole? Honestly, I'm a bit shocked. He's mad at Darnell because he'a dating Kia and now finding out about it" he said. "What does it fucking matter?! What Darnell and Kia does doesn't concern him. Or at least it shouldn't concern him. He has me... I try my best. I know I'm not perfect but, my love for him is definitely certain. The fact that he's allowing Rochelle to grab at him and flirt with him hurts... I even told him and he doesn't seem to care" Jordan felt bad for his sister. "How about we escape this little cabin Christmas whatever it's supposedly called and just have a brother and sister evening?" She looked over at him "I can't do that to Simone. This is supposed to be a fun Christmas get together with friends but... I'm the only one who isn't having fun" he wiped a tear underneath her eye. "How about you and Spence talk. Tell him how you're feeling" he said. "I don't feel like repeating myself. Besides, I don't want to talk to him right now either. I don't even know if I want to be engaged anymore" Jordan sat back in the bench. He was completely speechless. She slowly slid the engagement ring off and placed it in Jordan's hand. "I'm going for a walk... please don't follow me" she began walking off.


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