Losing Hope

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"Liv, I love you. Nah, scratch that. I'm in love with you. Since the moment I met you at Beverly. I thank your Pop for the opportunity to get me to play for him because I would've never met such a beautiful soul" tears welled up in his eyes. "I love you too Spencer" she told him. "I never thought this day would come where everything in my life is going smoothly. But there's one thing that's missing. A piece of my future, our future" he slowly got down on one knee. Olivia placed her right hand over her mouth while he held onto her left hand. "Olivia, I promise to be the best husband I can be for you. The best father to our future children" tears began to fall from her eyes. "Olivia, you're my best friend. My soul mate. You make me a better man as the days goes by. I promise to love you forever. Will you marry me?" He pulled the ring from out of his pocket, holding it up. Everyone was waiting for her answer including Spencer. He felt anxious as he was looking at his girlfriend. "Spencer... I don't know what to say" she cried. "How about a yes or no.. hopefully a yes" he smiled nervously. "I love you so much. Since Beverly... I knew you were my person. I'm glad that things happened the way it did. Because I got to be your best friend before lovers. To have a best friend as a lover is the greatest feeling ever. So yes I'll marry you" Spencer wiped a tear from underneath his eye. He slid the ring on her finger before standing on his feet. She wrapped her arms around his neck as they shared a passionate kiss.

Spencer James's POV

Words can't express how happy I am

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Words can't express how happy I am. I'm a fiancé! Liv is the best thing that has ever happened to me. To her those beautiful eyes light up when I proposed made my heart melt. And not to mention her beautiful smile, I'm the luckiest man alive.

Olivia was standing in the kitchen looking down at her ring on her finger with a smile. Spencer walked in "ready babe" she looked up at him. "I am" she said. "Good cause I am starving" he walked over to her. "Wait, you are?" He nodded. "Says the person who had about 3 plates and 2 plates of dessert" he chuckled. "I haven't had my favorite dessert just yet" he wrapped his arms around her waist. He kissed her neck softly. "Spencer we're still at my parents house" she moaned. "Not like your room is taken. We can always go upstairs" she giggled, pressing her hand against his chest. "Or we can go to the cabin where we can be alone" she bit her bottom lip. "Well let's get outta here cause I'm ready to make love to my fiancé" she giggled some more as he took her hand and led her towards the door.

Ralph Angel was painting Darla's finger nails the same nude color he did with her toenails. "Man you gonna be disappointed when you see how hideous these nails are. But I ain't no nail tech so it should be understandable. Even with a hideous paint job, your hands and feet still lookin good. Nothing about you is ugly, Darla. I love all your flaws and all. And I'm blessed that you love all my flaws and all cause I have plenty of them. Especially after all the hell I put you through throughout the years. I'm blessed to still have you by my side" he spoke as he painted her nails. He accidentally ran the brush outside of her nail once again. "Damn I'm not good at this" he said.

Darla's POV

Yes you are

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Yes you are. You're doing amazing. Though I cannot see the final job, I know I'll love it. I wish I can wake up to see them. I love how he still takes care of me during a difficult time. It's frustrating that I can hear him but I can't manage to open my eyes. I can't manage to move my body. He sound so sad. I just want to hug and kiss my husband. I want to hug and kiss Blue. I want to hold my newborn baby.

Aunt Vi called Ralph Angel to check on him. "Happy Thanksgiving Ralph Angel. How are things baby?" He sighed as he was standing, looking at his wife. "Nothing changed. She's getting colder and paler" he said. "I'm sorry Ralph Angel. But you have to stay—" he cut her off. "Strong, I know. I keep hearing that but I don't know how long I can take. Seeing her like this is breaking me heavily" he said. "I know but you need to be strong for Blue, for the newborn. Speaking of, did you come up with a name for her yet?" He shook his head. "No Aunt Vi. That's something me and Darla needs to do together. That was the plan" he placed his hand on his wife's leg. "I know you're going through a difficult time but that baby needs a name. And you need to come and see her and Blue" he didn't like the sound of that. "You can't do me a single favor. Watch them while I'm here for my wife" he began to get frustrated. "I've done many favors for both you and Darla. You're not the only one with a lot of things on your plate you know" she said. "Oh so I'm supposed to leave here to go and get Blue and my daughter? As if Blue won't have questions about his mama. As if he won't ask me nonstop to bring him here to see his mama" he was aggravated. "Maybe that's what you need to do—" he lost his calmness. "I'm not gonna bring him here Aunt Vi. He doesn't need to see her like this. It's hard enough for me to see her like this let along Blue. If you can't watch them then I'll just ask Charlie or Nova" he told her. "I raised that boy and provided for him" she fought back. "And we both appreciate it. Me and Darla are better parents now. Why are you doing this? My wife is in a coma. A damn coma after giving birth to our daughter" he was suddenly emotional. "My heart hurts to see her like this. I can't catch a break. How much can a man take?" Tears fell from his eyes. "I just want my wife to be okay. I can't watch Blue and our daughter like this. I'm hurting heavily. I just need someone to watch my kids until Darla wakes up" his voice cracked. "Ralph Angel what if she doesn't wake up? Then what? You're gonna have to be a daddy to these kids right now" she told him. "Her not waking up isn't an option but it's all good Aunt Vi. I'll call Charlie. Happy Thanksgiving Aunt Vi" he hung up before she could say another word. He placed his phone in his pocket as he watched over his wife. He broke down as he looked down at her. He leaned down hugging her as he cried into her chest. His ringtone went off making him pull back. He pulled his phone back out seeing it was Hollywood. He answered his phone "Hollywood..." he was so angry with his Aunt Vi that he didn't have no more strength in him. "I heard everything Youngblood. Don't worry about Vi. I'll deal with her. Blue and your daughter is in good hands. You take as long as you can. Be there for Darla because she truly needs you" he held his fist to his mouth as he cried silently. "I got you always Youngblood" Hollywood told him. "Thanks..." he forced out his words as his voice was giving out.


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