Secret Lover

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I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need (and I)
Don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking there upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't make me happy with a toy on Christmas Day
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
You, baby

Blue was dancing with Ebony in his arms. "Careful Blue" Darla said. "I am mom, I won't drop her" he assured her. She was on the ladder putting the Angel on top of the tree. They were back at the farm. They couldn't be more than happy. Blue was going back to D.C. with Darla's parents after New Years. They felt whole again. Ralph Angel was in the kitchen checking on the gumbo. She climbed down the ladder. "What do you think?" Blue walked over with Ebony in his arms. "It looks amazing mom" she grinned down at him placing her hand on his back. "Thank you baby" she leaned down, kissing the top of his head. "Dinner is almost ready put Ebony back in her crib and get cleaned up" he nodded as he walked him and his sister to the bedroom. Darla entered the kitchen seeing her husband making dinner. "It smells so good baby" she wrapped her arms around him from behind resting her head against his back. "I hope it taste just as good as it smells" he looked over his shoulder at her with a smile. "I know it will because I married a master chef" he chuckled. "Gassing me up I see" he turned around to face her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he placed his hands on her hips. "It's true. I'm in love with your cooking. I'm in love with everything about you Ralph Angel. You know this already" he kissed her softly. "Yeah, I know. I'm in love with all of you too" Blue came walking in. "Get a room" he joked. "Boy don't temp us" Blue made a face which caused them to laugh.

Olivia was sleeping in bed with her head rested on Spencer's chest who was also sleeping. His phone vibrated on the night stand. It startled both of them in their sleep. He slowly opened his eyes, squinting them because of the sun coming through the blinds. He reached over searching for his phone on the nightstand until he finally placed his hand on top of it. He grabbed it without seeing who was calling. He answered as he held the phone to his ear shutting his eyes. "Hello?" He didn't realize it was a FaceTime. "Boy why am I looking at the inside of your ear?" He opened his eyes before looking at his phone seeing it was a 4 way FaceTime with JJ, Asher, Jordan, and Chris. "What the hell do y'all want?" He was confused and half awake. "We're setting up a get together at the cabin" JJ told him. "How you gonna set something up at my cabin?" JJ chuckled. "Boy are you naked?" He found it to be humerus. "Yeah" he rubbed his eyes. "What do y'all want?" Olivia mumbled with her eyes closed. "Hey Liv, we're setting up a Christmas get together at the cabin" Asher told her. "Huh?" She lifted up her head looking at the phone confused. "How are you gonna set up a Christmas party at Spencer's cabin?" Spelivia wasn't down for it because something bad normally happens at the cabin. "Come on, it'll be fun" Jordan told them. "And I'm down so that says a lot" Chris added. "How about y'all call us at a decent hour" Spencer mumbled. "Bro it's a decent hour. It's 2:00 in the afternoon" Jordan chuckled. Spencer looked at the time on his phone. "I see y'all had a way too much fun last night" Chris chuckled. "Yeah, yeah... we'll call you back when we can fully function" Spencer left the chat placing his phone back on the nightstand. "I think it'll be fun" Olivia looked up at him. He sighed not really up for it. "Come on baby we hardly see our friends anymore because everyone is so busy" she said. "If you're down then I'm down" he kissed her softly.

Asher was seated on the couch after getting off of FaceTime with the guys. "Hey you" Layla came downstairs. He looked over his shoulder giving her a smile. "Hi gorgeous" she walked over and sat down next to him. "I have something to ask you" he was excited to tell her that they'll be spending time at the cabin even though Spencer and Olivia didn't give them a proper answer. "What's up?" She waited patiently. "You know how we haven't all been able to spend time together because we have different lives now" she slowly nodded. "I know how you miss the girls so we decided to have Christmas at the cabin. Friends only. It'll be on Christmas Eve though" he told her. "Oh...." She trailed off. "You don't seem ecstatic about it" he looked at her. "I just... I don't know. You really think it's a good idea? Something always goes down at the cabin. Whether if that's secrets or couples fighting, I don't think I'm ready for that. Look at Coop and Patience. They've been fighting a lot lately and I don't think my mental health can handle it right now" she told him. "Everything will be fine. We'll all be in the Christmas spirit. Drinking alcohol, well.. not Liv but everyone else while we're at the fire pit telling stories and etc. It'll be amazing" he told her.

Darla entered the bedroom where Ralph Angel was sitting in bed against the headboard. Ebony's crib was in Blue's room. He wanted her in there with him. "The chickens are fast asleep" she crawled into bed. She sat between Ralph Angel's legs feeling his arms wrap around her. "How did we get so lucky" she looked up at him. "You mean how did I get lucky? To have Blue, Ebony, you, I'm blessed.
It starts with you. After finding out that Blue wasn't my biological son, you could've easily took him and left but you didn't. You still allowed him to be in my sons life" he told her. "You know I would've never done that to you Ralph Angel. You love Blue and he loves you. It's something that I couldn't take away from any of you. You're the best father for him" she placed her hand on top of his which was rested on her abdomen. "I know but still. It just shows how beautiful of a person you are. And after years of pain I caused you. Constantly bringing up your past and just the way I treated you. You still managed to love me. You allowed me to make you my wife. And then blessing me with Ebony and not choosing to leave when I robbed the Landry's and losing our farm for a short amount of time..." he trailed off. "We both have done things that we weren't proud of. We both have hurt each other in ways that you wouldn't think it could've been repaired. It just shows how strong we are together. Our love is forever. It's unmatched" a smile formed on his face. "You damn right" she looked over her shoulder up at him. He leaned down kissing her lips softly.

Darnell was washing dishes when he felt two arms wrap around him from behind him. "Hey" he looked over his shoulder. "Hi" Kia smiled up at him. "I heard there's a Christmas get together at the cabin, I was thinking we should go. Make it official. You and I" she told him. "You think that's a good idea? Like how would people feel?" he turned the water off so that he could turn around to lean against the counter. "Who cares about what people think. We deserve to be happy" she said. "I get that but Spencer is my boy and you're his ex" he wasn't ready to see his friend's reaction. "Layla is his ex as well and he accepts Asher and her. He wouldn't care. If anything he'll be happy for you" she told him. "I don't know Kia I just—" she paced her fingers to his lips. "He won't care and even if he does, he'll get over it" she removed her fingers. "Yeah I guess you're right" he sighed. "I'm always right" she hugged him.


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