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Spencer came outside of the store looking for Olivia. "What do you mean you don't know where she's at?" Spencer was worried. "As in I don't know. She told me not to follow her" Jordan told him. "And you fucking listened?!" He shouted in frustration. "What the hell does it matter to you? You're the reason why she's upset" Jordan stood up. Spencer looked down at his phone to call her. He held his phone to his ear and it went straight to voicemail. "Liv I know you're upset let's just talk about this. I'm sorry aight? I just want everybody happy but the one person who I want to be the happiest, I hurt. Let me make it up to you. Baby please... call me back" he ended the call. "Sweet!!!" Spencer held his hands on his head not knowing where to look for her at. "I found her" he quickly put his arms to his side. "Thanks to find your sister app" Spencer raised his eyebrows. "That's a thing?" Jordan nodded. "Whatever where she at?" He took Jordan's phone to spot her. Kia came out of the store ready to give Spencer a piece of her mind. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She walked up to them. "Not now Kia—" she cut him off. "How dare you treat Liv like she's some side piece. She is your fiancé! Did you forget about that?" The rest of the crew came out. "For you to allow this bitch flirt with you...." She shook her head in disbelief at him. "Excuse me?" Kia turned around to face her. She had some words for the way she's been throwing herself onto Spencer knowing he's engaged. "I said—" Kia was cut off immediately. "You're messing with the wrong fiancé" Olivia walked up to them. "Oh shit.." Jordan mumbled under his breath knowing his sister doesn't play about Spencer. "I let it slide so many times and I'm done. If you touch my man. If you look at my man. I will mop the floor with your trifling ass. Starting with that messed up wig of yours" she had everyone speechless. "Now.. " she turned around to face Spencer who had an apologetic look on his face. "I'm disappointed in you Spencer" she shook her head in disbelief. "I know.." he looked down. She came closer to him placing her hand against his cheek caressing it. He looked into her eyes seeing the pain in her eyes. "Just so that we're clear, you're sleeping on the couch tonight" she then walked towards the van. "Damn Spence, you fucked up big time" Coop told him. "I know..." he said softly. Chris took Rochelle's hand about to walk towards the van. "When we get back to the cabin, you gotta take her home" he told Chris. "Excuse me?" Rochelle raised her eyebrows. "Did I stutter? I made shit bad by allowing you to stay knowing how my girl feels about you. You gotta go" he told her. "Damn Spence, you for real...." Spencer nodded at his friend. "How about she just stays? No offense Chris but she disrespected Liv. And not only Liv but you as well" Chris knew they were both right. "I'll call you an Uber" he told Rochelle. "Wait, what?! You're joking right?" Spencer turned around walking to the van. Minutes later everyone but Rochelle was in the van. "Where's Rochelle?" Jordan was confused. "She ain't coming" Spencer mumbled.

Ralph Angel and Blue were the first ones up so they went to the store to grab blueberry pancake mix so they can make breakfast. On the way home Ralph Angel couldn't help but to stop at the floral shop. He wanted to surprise his wife with flowers. "Think ya mama would like this Blue?" He shrugged. "Don't know Pop" he looked at his son confused. "What do you mean you don't know?" It was many different flowers to choose from but he wanted to get roses and sunflowers as a combination. "She'll love whatever you get her" that brought a smile to his dads face. "You know what? You're right" he went on and paid for the flowers and began heading home. Darla's sleep was startled as she began wincing in pain. She felt a sharp pain erupt in her abdomen. She sat up in bed breathing hard. She shut her eyes tightly placing her hand towards her abdomen. R-Ralph Angel" she called out. She felt something went underneath her realizing she was heavy bleeding. She was panting as tears started to fall down her cheeks because it was hard to manage and she was now panicking. Her vision suddenly gotten blurry. She tried getting out of bed but hit the floor hard.

When they arrived back Liv rushed into the house ignoring the girls calling out her name. "What's with Liv?" Layla asked. "And where is the tree?" Patience was confused. "Couldn't buy one because we got kicked out" Jordan said to them. "Kicked out? Why?" His wife asked. "Long story—" Spencer then blurted out "because of me. I was being foolish" he told the gang. "What did you do?" He shook his head not wanting to talk about it. He walked off with Coop rushing behind him. "Spence wait up" she caught up to him. "Not now Coop" he felt terrible. "Y'all need to chill. You and Liv both love each other. This will die over" she told him. "I don't know...." Coop pat him on the back. "Trust me it will. Just give her time. She's just upset right now" Meanwhile, Chris went on to check on Olivia. "Go away Spencer" she yelled out when he knocked on the door. "Not Spencer it's Chris" she opened the door. "Can I talk to you for a second?" She folded her arms "Spencer sent you?" He shook his head. She turned around and sat back on the bed. He walked in and shut the door behind him. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have invited her" she looked down at her hands. "Spence loves you. And he's an idiot for making you feel this way. But you know how he is. Always playing superhero. Putting an S on his chest. I'm sure he didn't want to tell me to send Rochelle home because he wanted me happy. But honestly I only invited her to make Layla jealous" she looked up at him confused. "Huh?" He chuckled to himself. "Didn't mean to say that out loud. But yeah, I like her. I know she's with Asher or fucking with him but I like her. I can't help it" she was surprised. "I never expected that" he chuckled. "Maybe you should tell her" she suggested. "Maybe I will but on one condition. You talk to Spence" she sighed knowing she wasn't ready to have a conversation with him but can't wait forever. After his talk with Coop, Spencer was seated at the dock alone when Jordan walked out to him. "So when are you going to talk to Liv?" He shrugged. "When she's ready. I don't want to push it because she's upset right now.." he sat back. "What if I told you she's waiting for you in her room" he looked at Jordan. "Chris told me she wants to talk to you" he didn't waste any time. He stood up and was headed up the dock but Jordan stopped him. "Spence wait" he stood up. "What man?" Spencer turned around just in time to catch Liv's engagement ring. "Put it back on her bro" Spencer pointed at him "I owe you dawg" he turned back around and took off running.


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