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Olivia entered hers and Spencer's room. "What is she doing here?" Spencer followed behind closing the door. "I don't know Liv. I guess she's Chris's date" he wasn't caring about the whole situation with Chris and Rochelle. He was too busy thinking about Darnell and Kia. "I don't trust her. I truly don't. Maybe that gut feeling you were having up to now is her being here" she looked at him. "Are you going to say something?" She placed her hands on her hips. "Liv, she isn't as bad as you like to put her out to be" she rolled her eyes at his response. "Like hell she isn't. That's why the second you and Layla broke up when she threw that shitty birthday party for me and Jordan years ago, she was trying to get with you. She just couldn't wait" she swung her hands making them smack against her thighs. "She wouldn't be here if she was to start drama. Chris must really like her and she must really like him" he sat down on the bed. "I'm just trying to figure out how come Darnell never told me about him and Kia. I thought him and I are friends" she slowly shook her head at him. "I don't like how you're trying to change the subject" he looked up at her. "Liv you're overreacting" he told her. "Or maybe I'm not. What if she tries to make a move on you. Maybe you'll allow it" she frowned. "You really believe I'll allow someone to make a move on me? Liv I'm in love with you. We are engaged. I would never hurt you. Come on, you know this" she looked down at her hands. "I just... I don't trust her Spencer" she looked up at him as tears welled up in her eyes. "Maybe I should've listened to your gut feeling because now I don't even want to be here anymore" she left the conversation at that as she left the room causing him to sigh.

The Bordelon's were making Christmas cookies. Ralph Angel was trying to make an outline with the frosting on his cookie but failed miserably. "Your cookie looks like butt Pops" Blue said to Ralph Angel. "No they not. I just messed up a little that's all. It's fixable" he said. "Nope. You messed up so badly that the only fixable thing to do is trash it" he told his dad. "You just gonna diss me like that?" Blue shrugged before laughing. "So you can do better?" He smiled as he raised an eyebrow at his son. "I sure can Pops" he began to decorate. Darla came in with Ebony in her arms. "How do the cookies look?" She looked down at the cookies. "Mines are great, Pops on the other hand isn't" she looked at her husbands cookie he was decorating. "Tell this boy that my cookie doesn't look bad" she made a nervous look. "Um.... I would say I agree Blue but I don't want to sleep on the couch tonight" she joked. "Oh I see how it is" he smiled before standing up to go check on the other cookies that were in the oven. "Love you too baby" she giggled down at Blue. "Daddy sounds jealous" he told his mom. "Totally" she kissed Ebony's forehead. "Can I hold her?" Blue stood up wanting to hold his sister. "Yes you can" Darla gently handed over Ebony to Blue. "Be careful with her" she told him. "I will" he sat back down with his sister in his arms. Darla walked into the kitchen wrapping her arms around Ralph Angel from behind after he shut the oven door. "Who this cause I'm temporary divorced" he joked. "No you are not" she laughed. He turned around placing his hands on the counter laughing as he leaned against it. She wrapped her arms around him. "You're not going anywhere.. not again.. not even temporarily" she rested her head against his chest. "You right" he wrapped his arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

The gang was deciding if they should grab a Christmas tree to make it more Christmasy. "A Christmas tree would be great. Otherwise it doesn't really feel like Christmas without any sort of decoration" Jordan told them his suggestion. "I agree baby" Simone said who was seated on Jordan's lap. "Yeah I say let's do it" Asher said. "Aight. I think we should all pitch in then." Spencer mentioned. "I agree" Rochelle smirked at him causing Olivia to roll her eyes at her. "So who's rolling with me to get a tree?" Spencer asked. "I'll go with you dawg" Darnell told him. "Me too. How about all of the guys go. We don't know how huge the tree will be and might need an extra amount of hands" Jordan told them. "I'll come with" Rochelle said. "What for?" Jordan looked at her confused. "You guys might choose an ugly one. Me being there will make sure it won't be ugly" she gave Spencer a smile. "Aight I guess..." Spencer said which made Olivia leave the room. "Someone is sleeping on the couch tonight" Jordan mumbled with Simone agreeing. Spender went on to check on Liv before leaving with the guys and Rochelle. "You have some nerve to come in here and ask me if I'm okay. You know how I feel about her. And you're allowing her to go with you and the guys to pick out a Christmas tree" Olivia was disappointed. "Liv you're overreacting. Chris will be there and not just that, you should trust me" he told her. "Trust has to be earned Spencer" she shook her head at him. "Yo Spence, you coming?" Chris was knocking on the door. "I'll be out bro" he walked up to Olivia holding his hand out. "Come with us" she looked up at him. "Please?" She slowly took his hand. She stood up looking at him sadly. "I just don't trust her Spencer" he caressed her cheek. "Baby, just trust me. You know I would never hurt you" he said. She slowly nodded knowing he is right. "Just kiss me and tell me everything will be alright...." He didn't hesitate. He kissed her with so much passion before pulling away to stare into her beautiful brown eyes. "Everything will be alright Liv."

Ralph Angel was walking to the bedroom when he heard his wife talking to their baby in the kid's room. Blue was asleep while Ebony wasn't. She was holding her baby in her arms as she was telling Ebony about how her and her dad met. "We were so in love. But we were young and made many mistakes which made us be apart for a short amount of time. But we never stopped loving each other during the times we were split up. We came together again and got engaged but something came up... it caused us to be apart again. It devastated the both of us. It was because of my past mistakes but I learned the truth. An ugly truth. One that changed both of our lives. Maybe someday when you're older I can explain it to you. Until then just know we ended up together again. This time for good. It's shows that true love never dies. My love for your father is exquisite. I never loved anyone the way I love him and never will. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me besides you and your brother" Ralph Angel had tears in his eyes. He made his way to the bedroom sitting on the bed waiting for his wife to come. She finally did a few minutes after him. "They're finally asleep" she took her earrings off and placed them on top of the dresser. "Why are you so quiet?" She walked over standing in front of him. She massaged the top of his head as he looked up at her. "I'm so in love with you" he told her emotionally. "I'm in love with you too" she gave him a smile. "I heard what you said to Ebony. Thank you for always standing by my side even when it seemed like we hated each other when times were tough. You always showed love no matter what" she sat down in his lap. "And I'll never stop showing you love. You're my better half Ralph Angel. You truly are" she leaned forward to kiss him softly.


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