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Darla was finally back home on bed rest. Blue made his mom breakfast in bed. "Mama you're awake?" She opened her eyes with a smile forming on her face. "I am. That's for me?" He nodded as his dad stood close by him. "Always spoiling me with breakfast in bed" Ralph Angel sat down on the side of the bed placing his hand on his wife's leg. "You deserve it after everything you've been through since giving birth to my sister. The least I can do" Ralph Angel was smiling at his son. "Well thanks for the breakfast" she picked up her toast. It was burnt like the many times he has made it. But she wasn't about to hurt her own sons feelings so she took a bite and pretended as if it was the best toast on earth. "Wow so good. Better than the last time" she said with a hand in front of her mouth. "Yes!" Ralph Angel chuckled knowing she was lying as usual. "Go get ready. Your Uncle Hollywood and Aunt Vi are on their way to pick you and your sister up" he said. "Sweet" he rushed out of the room. "Always lying to that boy" she giggled. "It's not that bad" she told her husband before coughing. "Mhm.." he side eyed her which made her laugh. "It could be worse" she said. "Mhm.." she giggled. "Will stop that" he chuckled. "How you feeling?" she sighed. "Like crap... like I can't do anything. Sucks because Christmas won't be the same this year..." he rubbed her hip since she was laying on her side looking up at him. "It'll be a little different but I'm happy to still be able to spend it with you. This time in bed. Eating Christmas dinner. Then feeding you dessert then ending the night giving you a foot rub" a soft smile formed on her face. "Can't lie, that sounds nice" she grinned at him.

Spelivia and the gang were outside in front of the fire pit like old times. Eating s'mores and reminiscing. "Can we all agree that Vegas was lit?" Coop said. "It was Boo. You killed it" Patience said with Coop bringing her hand up to kiss it. "Thanks baby. It was dope especially with the gang being there especially my girl and best friend" Spencer raised his glass before taking a sip of Hennessy. "I still don't understand how Liv flew out and ain't nobody knew about it but Spence, Jordan, and Simone. "Girl got skill. She'd do anything to be close to Spence. Right Liv?" Though Simone was right, Olivia felt a bit uncomfortable with Layla seated right across from her. "Um.. next subject please" she was twirling her straw around in her water glass. "The fact that Jordan and Simone got married and almost got their ass beat by Mr. and Mrs. Baker" the gang laughed at Patience who changed the subject quick. "A guy had to do what a guy had to do. I love her" Jordan smiled over at his wife who smiled back. "Yo, Spence..." JJ chuckled before continuing "remember the time you stole Layla from Ash and then stole Liv from Ash" everyone stopped laughing. "Still too soon?" JJ looked around seeing how awkward it just got. "Bro you just don't go there" Coop chuckled. "Yeah dawg" Spencer was a bit surprised he blurted that out. "My bad but you got to admit you got Trey Songz beat with the whole Mr. Steal Yo Girl vibe" JJ chuckled. "JJ I think it's best for you to stop talking right now" Layla told him. "I agree. Some things you should keep to yourself" Layla looked over at him "thank you" Chris gave her a smile. "And for the record Spencer is not a Mr Steal Yo Girl type, he's an Olivia Baker soon to be Olivia James type" she told JJ. "Damn right babe" he leaned over kissing her on her cheek. It was an awkward silence until JJ broke the silence. "God it's awkward" he said. "Ya think? Bro you're acting out of pocket" Coop said. "My bad Spence, Liv, I mean no harm" he said. "You good man.." Spencer told him. "Thanks man—" JJ was cut off "I think I'm in love with Layla" Chris blurted out loud. "What did you just say?" Asher looked over at him. "I said I'm in love with Layla" Chris said unapologetically. "You're bold as hell to say that in front of me" Asher was highly offended. "Guys please don't do this" Layla said as she sat between the two guys. "Don't do what? This guy just said he's in love with you" she shrugged. "Okay? So..." she trailed off. "What do you mean so??? It's disrespectful" he told her. "Asher don't be ridiculous. I'm with you. It doesn't matter how anybody feels" she said. "So I'm supposed to sit here and pretend like he didn't just disrespect me in front of all of our friends?" Chris let out a chuckled. "Is there something funny?" Before it was getting out of hand Olivia decided to step in. "Guys we're supposed to be having fun" she said. "We are Liv" Chris told her before looking back at Asher. "I don't think you're funny but your girl does" Asher stood up. "Keep talking" Asher threatened. "Or else what?" Chris stood up. "Yo. Sit y'all asses down and act like you got some damn sense or leave. We're not about to be having drama at the cabin this time around" Spencer told them. "Stay away from my girl" Asher warned him. Chris sat back down and scooted his chair closer to Layla then folded his arms looking back up at him. Asher clenched his jaw before walking off. "You ain't gonna chase your man?" Coop asked Layla. "If he's gonna be immature because another guy likes me then that's a hell no" she said. "Layla I love you girl but you're not making things better by checking Chris" Patience said. "Checking me for what?" Chris was acting clueless. "Boy don't act dumb" Kia told him. "You need to go after Asher unless the feeling is mutual" Coop told Layla. "I'm good. If he wants to act like a big baby. Then let him be a big baby. I'm having my fun" she folded her arms.


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