Second Guessing

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"Bro don't worry about it. Just know I'm bringing my girlfriend to the cabin" Darnell said over FaceTime. He was glowing. He was so happy and Spencer saw it but didn't know who was making his friend this happy. "How come you never told me about this girl before" Spencer was curious. "I haven't told anybody. I want this to be a surprise" he said. "Yeah, yeah. Well, see you soon Bruh" he ended the FaceTime. He sighed to himself. Spencer was still second guessing this get together. He was seated on the bed thinking about what could go wrong. Olivia was in the bathroom getting some things bagged up. "Baby make sure you don't forget our chargers" she hollered from the bathroom. They were going to make the get together be on Christmas Eve but a lot of them were too busy to do it that day so they decided to do it a week before Christmas. Olivia didn't get response from Spencer so she stuck her head out of the bathroom seeing him seated on the bed in his own thoughts. She walked over and sat next to him. She took her hand in his rubbing it with her thumb. "What's on your mind?" He shrugged. "How long we've been knowing each other? You know you can tell me anything" she told him. "I'm just second guessing this. Being with the crew all over again. Something always happens. Especially when we link at the cabin. I just can't get it out of my mind about what could go wrong" he told her. "How about you think about what could go right" he sighed. "Baby, you're overthinking this. Nothing bad will happen. You have to stop stressing yourself out about this. Our friends misses us and we miss them too. This is a great thing that we're linking up for a friendly Christmas get together" he slowly nodded. "Besides, I never gotten to make love to you at the cabin so that would be the first" he chuckled at her statement. "Well tonight we'll be able to" he kissed her cheek.

Spencer's POV

Maybe Liv is right

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Maybe Liv is right. Maybe I am overreacting but I don't know. Deep in my soul I feel like this is a bad idea. We're different people now. Coop and Patience are rocky. Who knows about Asher and Layla. Jordan and Simone they seem happy but that could go south. Chris I don't even know why he would want to come because he has no girlfriend. But then again, JJ never has one either. Darnell claims he has a girlfriend and is bringing her. I don't know why I never met this girl but I can tell that she makes him happy as hell. He deserves that.

Ralph Angel was taking a nap when there was rambling from the kitchen. He looked over seeing that Darla wasn't by his side. He got out of bed and walked to the door, opening it up. He stepped out hearing more rambling. "Shit..." he heard his wife's voice. He entered the kitchen seeing that she was having a hard time making Christmas cookies. She looked overwhelmed as she placed her hands on the counter looking down taking a deep breath. "You good baby?" She raised her head before turning around to face him. "I'm so overwhelmed. Blue wanted me to make Christmas cookies but I just feel so weak. Like it's been 2 weeks now since I woke up from a coma. I should be recovered" she told him. "Not necessarily. Your body needs rest. You have been running around trying to avoid it" she shook her head. "I don't need rest. I need to keep my mind busy otherwise I'll think about it..." she told him. "Baby.." he walked up to her wrapping his arms around her waist with her looking up at him. "Can't keep thinking about it. You're healthy and Ebony is healthy. You're alive and that's a pretty damn good feeling" she sighed. "How about we toss these cookies away and later buy more before picking up Blue and Ebony from Aunt VI's and we can make them as a family. Until then I'm gonna run you a nice bath and you gonna get in and relax while I give you a foot massage" she snickered. "And then when you get out I'll give you a full body massage" he bit his bottom lip. "I'd like that" she hugged him resting her head against his chest.

Spencer and Olivia were getting situated at the cabin when loud music was being played from a distance and suddenly gotten closer. They walked out of the cabin to see JJ pulling up. "Showtime" he mumbled. JJ got out the van excited to see his friends. "Hey guys what's happening" he was cheesing from ear to ear. "Hey JJ" Olivia walked down the steps to meet him for a hug. "It's good to see you" she pulled back from the hug. "It's good to see you too" he looked passed her at Spencer who stayed in the same spot. "Sup Spence? Not gonna give me no love?" He held his arms out. Olivia looked over her shoulder giving her fiancé a glare. He sighed before walking down the steps to hug his friend. "Sup JJ" he said. More vehicles began to come. Jordan and Simone got out of their car first. "Hey, hey, hey" Simone rushed over to give her sister in-law a hug. "Hey sis, good to see ya" Olivia hugged back. "Hey guys" Jordan dabbed up Spencer and JJ. Spencer looked over his shoulder seeing Layla and Asher walking over. "Hey guys" she hugged Simone and Olivia. Asher went and dabbed up the guys. Then Darnell pulled up with Kia. "Is that Kia with Darnell?" Asher asked. Spencer looked over his shoulder seeing them get out. Kia walked around the car to take his hand. Olivia held her hands to her mouth in shock. "Fuck yeah! Bitch why didn't you tell me" Kia giggled as she met up with the girls. Darnell walked over to the guys. "So you and Kia I see. Congrats bro" Jordan said. "Thanks man" he looked at Spencer as his smile faded. "Hey bro" Spencer cleared his throat not looking at him "hey man" he said. "This isn't awkward at all" Jordan said sarcastically. "He's amazing" Kia told the girls. "Well I am happy for you" Olivia told her. Chris pulled up behind Darnell's and got out with Rochelle. "Oh hell no..." Olivia spoke out loud enough for her to hear. "Hi girls" she said with a smirk. Olivia wasn't feeling this now. She thought this would be a good get together but with Chris coming with Rochelle she was now second guessing. She acknowledged all the women but Olivia. She then made her way to Spencer giving him a hug. "Are you gonna take that?" Simone looked at Olivia who was furious.

Darla was leaning on the back of the tub with her hands on her lap. Ralph Angel sat on the edge as he had her left foot in his lap massaging it. "That feels so good" she whispered. "That's all ever wanna do is make you feel good baby" he continued to massage her foot. "Keep it up, the kids might have to spend the night at Aunt Vi's" he chuckled. "Turning you on?" She raised her eyebrows at him. "I been turned on" he chuckled some more. "You already know I wouldn't mind. Whatever to get your mind off of certain things. I can fuck it out of you" she bit her bottom lip. He sat her left foot down and took her right in his hands massaging it. "A little stiff I see" she gave him a nod. "What's that face?" She was staring at him seductively. "I want you... right now" she moved her foot against the top of his pants. It took him for a surprise as he looked at her with his mouth parted. She continued to grind her foot against his boner. "Are you gonna just stare at me Ralph Angel or are you coming in" he sat her foot back down in the tub. He stood up slowly undressing himself. She stood up on her knees in the tub gripping his waist staring up at him before she slowly took his dick in her mouth. He tucked his bottom lip in seeing his wife pleasuring him.


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