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Michaels POV

I walked out the building, but something told me to go back in.

I pushed the door open and made my way down the hallway.

I rushed down the halls, trying to figure out what made me come back in here.

I went down one hallway and at the end of it I saw long legs. Luke.

I rushed to where he was and he was sitting up.

Hie eyes were closed and he had dried tears on his face and a red hand print on his cheek.

" Luke"? I said crying.

He didnt move, but he was breathing.

I shook his shoulders. " Luke"!

Soon he jolted up.

I grabbed his cheeks.

" Luke its okay its me, Michael"

" M-Michael"?

I nodded my head a him.

He lifted himself into my lap an started crying again.

I rubbed his back and hummed to try and calm him down.

" H-He s-said he w-would h-hurt s-sugar" He sad inbetween sobs.

" Who said they would"? I said looking into his eyes.

" M-Matt"

Anger grew inside me.

I rubbed my thumb over the hand print on his face.

"Did he hurt you"?

He nodded and grabbed onto my shirt.

I lifted his body up and stood to my feet.

I carried him bridal style out of the school and sat on the steps.

I lifted his chin so he was looking at me.

" I wont let him or anyone hurt you or sugar, ok"?

He nodded his head.

I kissd his cheek.

" And I promise that"


This was by far my favorite chapter so far.

It was cute and a little intense.

 I hope you guys liked it too.

I will update this again, dont worry.

Im updating again beacue shit goes down.

you can still leave baby names.



see you next chapter.


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