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Luke's POV

I woke up in Michael's arms, which were the best things.

I brought my fingers to his face, just admiring his features.

His little cat nose and the way it would scrunch up when he laughs.

His eyes flickered and they started to open up.

" Good morning" He said smiling at me.

" Morning"

" Were you touching my face"? He said nuzzling his face in my neck.

" Maybe"

" Your fingers are soft"

I brought my fingers to his head, I started softly stroking his head.

We stayed like this, just enjoying each others presence.

" Is she hungry"? Michael asked now looking at me.

" How did you know"?

" I felt her hand on my face" He said sitting up and climbing out the bed.

He walked over to my side of the bed and took my hand.

He placed a soft kiss to my cheek and we walked down stairs.

He held my hand all the way downstairs.

Michael went in the kitchen and made me a big bowl of cereal and sat in in front of me.

I started eating and then stopped and looked at Michael .

" She likes you"
" Who likes me"?
" Miracle does"
" How do you know that"?
" With the whole telling you she's hungry "
" All baby's do that"
I was cut off by a knock at the door.
I looked at Michael and he got up.
I watched as he went to the door opening it.
" P-pleas help m-me" a guy with brown hair appeared at the door.
He was all bruised and bloody .
"Michael help him"!
He takes the man by his arm and carries him to the couch.
" Be careful" I said walking over.
" Sir"? His eyes are going back into his head.
" Is he dead"? Michael asked.
" No, don't know yet"
I stare at him.
His brown hair in a little quiff.
His tattoos show.
" What's your name" I say trying to keep him awake .
His eyes shot open.
"Louis, m-my names Louis"
What did you guys think of this chapter?
Sorry this took long I've been busy with test and homework so sorry it took long.
Thoughts on injured Louis?
Thoughts overall?
See you beautiful mermaids next chapter .

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