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Luke's POV
I woke up with a pain in my lower back.

I rubbed the spot and let out shaky breathes.

Michael wasn't here, he was at school, I kind of dropped out.

I stood up and tried walking down the hallway, but failing and falling to my knees.

I rubbed my stomach hoping it would calm miracle, and she would stop putting me in pain.

But it didn't help at all, it just got worse.

Tears brimmed my eyes as the pain worsened.

Soon I heard the door get busted open and 5 guys running in, wearing all black clothing .

" Who..who are you guys?" I said cradling myself.

They all turned their heads towards the door where Matt stepped in smiling.

"No..no"! I said scooting away.

"Lukey! I'm here to help" he said walking closer to me.

"No, get away from me"!

After I said that I felt water rush down my leg.

" Niall, grab him and put him in the truck"

" But Matt, I think the baby's coming we need to get I'm to a hospital" Niall said looking worried.

Matt angrily jumped up and down.

" That's why I hired your dumbass, you're the doctor stupid"! Matt yelled.

Matt's yelling stirred me and out I yelled out in pain.

"Matt I-I can't do this, he needs a real doctor"!

Matt pulled at his hair.

" Fine! Fucking fine, lets load him into the van and go to the hospital.

As they carried me into the van the pains got worse.

If I moved an inch it felt like I was being stabbed.

All of a sudden the van started moving and it just made things a lot worse.

I screamed in pain.

" Shut the fuck up Luke!" Matt yelled at me.

 I shrunk down as he yelled at me.

" Matt, he's in a lot of pain right now, leave him alone" Niall said rubbing my head.

Matt noticed and slapped Niall's hand away.

We arrived at the hospital and quickly Niall and Matt had me in their arms.

Tears streamed down my face as I let out blood curdling screams.

I looked to my right and saw a girl look at me gasping then run off down the street.

After that, things went...dark.

- Michael's POV-

 I was gathering things at my locker when I heard running footsteps.

" Michael! Michael!"

I turned my head to see my friend Maria running towards me.

" Hey Maria, what's up"?

" You have a blonde headed boyfriend right"? She said catching her breath.

" Yeah, Luke, why"?

" I just saw him being carried into the hospital with these guys, 2 blonde headed dudes were carrying him".

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