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The End.
Luke's POV
Michael and I left the hospital with Miracle.

The doctors said she was perfectly healthy, which I was thankful for.

Matt and his whole crew got locked away and are to be locked away for 10 years.

Serves him right, I found out he used to run a drug business 3 years ago. And the cops have been on the search for him since then.

Turns out he cheated a lot people out of their money and they were out to kill him.

My mind was now cleared of Matt and all his troubles that followed him. I was now focused on my daughter and my boyfriend.

I watched as Michael held her small body to his chest as soft snores escaped her lips.

Michael hummed a song to her which I didn't recognize. But it sounded very beautiful.

Michael looked up at me and gave me a goofy grin which just made me look at him weird.

He layed Miracle down in her play pen and walked over to me.

"Luke, are you okay"?

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be"?

" You were looking at Miracle and I weirdly, that's why I gave you that goofy face"

"Oh it's nothing, I'm just glad to see everyone is safe and okay" I said giving him a reassuring smile.

He nodded and walked into the kitchen and started making tea.

I slowly got up off the couch and went up to the room.

When I entered the room I reached under the bed and grabbed the brown box.

In it was the phone I needed. I called the only number on it.
"When it's time" was the contact name.

*ring* *ring*

"Yeah um it's me"

"Did you do as planned"?

"Yeah, um she was born remember and Michael seems very fond of her"

I bit my lip.

" good, when do you wanna do it"?

" How about tomorrow, right now would be too early"

"Luke, we've been waiting 2 years"

" I know Matt and I'm sorry, but he thinks I love him and that we will have this perfect family"

" You know that was the plan, fake an abusive relationship, find Michael, get pregnant, get a crew together, fake a kidnapping and arrest"

" I know, please don't remind me it all sounds so fucked up"

I bit my lip harder.

" Luke, tonight is the night. Grab Miracle and her stuff and when you put her in the car with me and the guys, shoot Michael"

" but"

" This is what we wanted right"?


" Every since we found out he was back in town, we had to get rid of him, and it helped that he was in love with you"

" True, okay, tonight"

" There you go my love, see you at midnight"

I hung up the phone and put it back in the box and slid it back under the bed.

The clock stroke 11 and I knew what I had to do.

I know what you're thinking. What the hell.

Well here's a back story for you.

Matt and I are madly in love. We always have been. I was with Matt when he started his drug business. It was a way to make easy money. Until we ran out of the good stuff and had to sell the fake stuff. One day a man came in looking for some weed. It was Michael. Matt sold him the fake shit. And when Michael always came around he talked to me, but had to idea I was in on the business because at that time I was pregnant with my son Max. When Michael found out all the weed was fake, he said to Matt that he'd come after him and he'd claim me. That night I had a miscarriage and lost Max. And that night Matt and I fled and lived in the house close to Michael for years. I dyed my hair blonde and went to school with Michael. Faked screams and bruises so he'd notice me. Made him think I was in love with him. And during this I got pregnant with Miracle. Matt and I planned the fake kidnapping so we could led Michael on. The arrest. Was a set up. Fake cops. Matt and the crew lived right next to use still. Watched us. And now to the present.

I went into the closet and grabbed the silver gun and put it down in the back of my pants.

I saw Michael asleep on the couch and so I grabbed Miracle and he diaper bag as I heard the car pull up.

I handed my little girl to her dad and he took her bag. He nodded at me and I kissed him and went back inside.

I stood right above Michaels face. I held my finger on the trigger.

One of his eyes opened.

"Luke what the hell"?

" Do you remember me yet"?

" What are you talking about"?

" My name back then was Tyler remember, I worked with Matt in the drug business and he sold you fake weed and you threatened to come back to him and take me"

His eyes widened.

" All this time, everything was an act"!

" Yes and I'm not sorry"





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