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Did you guys really think that was the real ending?

ha no.

Here's the real ending.

Luke's POV

Everything flowed through my mind.

Matt and his little crew were locked up for good.

Michael and I can finally be with our daughter and not have to worry about Matt or anyone coming after us again.

I laid on the bed with Miracle laying on my chest.

Every no and then I would feel here ball her hand into a fist and then relax it again,

I rubbed my hand up and down her tiny back to sooth her, hoping she would fall asleep.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Michael walk in and lean up against the door frame.

" Is she sleeping"?

" No, not yet at least"

" Hm, try humming to her"

" I already tried that, she fell asleep but then woke back up"

" Here, let me hold her"

Michael walked over and gently picked up the small bodied human.

He laid down next to me and laid her on his chest.

Soon little hums were heard from inside his chest.

I didn't really recognize the song, but it seemed to put Miracle right to sleep.

Once Michael was sure that she was fully asleep, her gently took her and placed her in her crib that was next to our bed.

He came back and he knelt down right in front of me.

" Mikey I'm not in the mood" I said giggling.

" Luke, I'm not trying to suck your dick"

" Oh phew"

" I just wanted to say somethings that were on my chest"

" Okay, go for it" I said with a smile.

" Every since the first day I met you, you've always been the light in my life. Whenever I'm around you I always have butterflies in my stomach and I feel like I'm in the 1st grade again. When we kiss I feel like I'm on cloud nine and I don't wanna get off that cloud. With you everything is different, everything is so much clearer and brighter and I can see. With you nothing can go wrong. With you my heart beats 10x harder than it should. With you, I find myself falling in love".

" Michael...."

He reached in his back pocket.

" So, Luke Robert Hemmings, I want you to be mine for eternity and I want to make more babies with you and I want to raise all our kids with you and yes Miracle included because she is my daughter too. So, will you do me the honors in marrying me"?

" Yes, a thousands times yes"!

I jumped off the bed with tears down my face as Michael wrapped his arms around me.

When he let go of me he slipped the ring on my finger. The ring was beautiful, but he was more beautiful.

I held his face in my hands and kissed him with so much passion.

As we kissed we heard Miracle make a little giggle which made Michael and I giggle more.

This was it, I had finally had my family and the love of my life...




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