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{ That pic tho ♥}

Luke's POV

I looked down at the bruised boy carefully.

He was shaking, even though he was wrapped in a blanket.

" Louis, is it"?

" Yes"?

" If you don't mind me asking, what happened to you"?

" I was walking to my boyfriend Harry's house, when the car, came out of no where" Louis shook his head as he sipped his tea.

" Did you see who the driver was"? I asked hoping it wasn't Matt.

" Yes, it was a guy, around my age, blonde hair, a little bit of scruff"

I froze in my spot and held my stomach I felt sick.

" Matt" Was all I let out.

" Who"? Louis said looking up at me.

" Matt was the man driving the car, my ex-boyfriend"

" Your Luke"! Louis said un-wrapping himself.

" What do you mean"?

" Matt Zuggler right"?

" Yes"

" You Luke Hemmings"?

" Yes"

Just as I said that Louis rose to his feet and was walking out the door.

I tried to catch up, but Miracle wasn't making that possible.

" Louis"!

" I need to be far away from you"!

He was limping down the road far out of my eye sight.

I went back inside and locked the door and sat on the couch.

I heard footsteps in front of me, but I knew it was Michael.

" Where's Louis"? He asked sitting next to me.

" He can't be around me, he knows Matt Michael"

" So, that doesn't mean he can't be around you"?

" Apparently it does"

I laid my head on Michael's shoulder.

I just wanted to fell some sort of comfort.

His arms wrapped around me and held me tight like I needed them to be.

He kissed my temple and told me everything was going to be okay.

I didn't believe him, Matt always has something planned.

And it's never good.


Matt's POV ( roll with the changes)

" Why can't you just do what your supposed to do for once"!

 I rubbed my forehead in frustration as I stared at my little hacker.

" I'm sorry sir,  he fell put of view"

" Harry! he's your boyfriend, how come he can't do shit"!

" Don't talk about Louis like that! we are all you have so I suggest you calm your shit"

I sat down in the chair next to Harry as we saw Luke walk back into the house.

" I'm sorry Harry, it's just I need this to move forward"

" I understand, but it will take 5 days"

Anger grew in me. I slammed my fist on the table.

" 5 fucking days"!

" Nothing is in place yet! Michael is always with him"

" There is no way we can drive him away

I watched as Harry moved the mouse on the computer around and type something in.

" No, 5 days is what we have to wait" Harry said falling back into the chair.

"  I guess that will do"

Soon the door busted open and Louis walked in, well limped in.

" You asshole"! He said pointing to me.

" Me? asshole?" I asked dramatically

" You almost killed me"!

" Is that true Matt"? Harry asked looking me down.

" No! he was in the middle of the road, I was in a rush, just knocked him a little"

" A little! My leg is fucking broken"!

Harry stood up and helped Louis sit on the couch.

He propped Louis's leg on his lap.

Harry took his scarf off and wrapped it around Louis's leg placing  kiss on his lips.

" Ok you two, can we pick a place now" I said rolling my eyes as they kissed again.

Harry placed a kiss on Louis's forehead as he walked over and sat in the chair.

" Ok, I narrowed I down to 3 places" He said clicking on the screen.

" Ok, show me"

" Here's option 1, 2 bedrooms 1 bath"

" Too small"

" Ok, option 2, this has 3 bedrooms, and 2 baths"

" You don't need to show me option 3, I want option 2"

" I thought so" Harry said pressing the buy button.

" Well, I will need room for Luke and I and Miracle and more children to come"

" How did you find out the gender and name"? Harry asked turning to me.

" I always keep and eye on my princess Harry, I always do" I said smirking to myself.


Larry is working with Matt, shit. They cant be trusted.

How do you guys feel about that?

about this chapter overall?

about Larry?

Also, don't forget to comment, share and vote!

And if you guys want you can check out my other Muke stories!

That would mean so much to me.

Well I will see you beautiful mermaids next chapter!




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