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Michaels POV

When he kissed me, it was like I was on cloud nine.

I wanted it to last longer, but it didnt.

He pulled away with a smile on his face, but not any smile a real smile.

" That was amazing, Iv never been kissed like that before"

He looked down and his cheeks were red.

" Shut up Clifford"

He didnt stutter..

" Luke? "

" Yea"

" How come you stutter sometimes, and the other times you dont"?

" Well, I stutter when Im scared or nervous, when Im not I talk just fine"

He smilied after that, the real smile.

" Well, its pretty late we should get some sleep"

He nodded and layed on the couch,  didnt want him too but he insisted.

I made my way up the stairs and into my bed.

I difted off to sleep.


Lukes POV

I kept tuning in my sleep, meaning I couldnt sleep.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

It was onlt 12am.

I got up and dragged myself up the stairs.

I peeked into Michaels room and saw him fast asleep.

I slowly walked over to the side of the bed he was facing.

" M-Mikey"

His nose twitched.

" Are you a-awake"?

" Luke"?

" I cant sleep"

He scooted over, enough room for me to fit in.

I slid into the spot and covered mself witht he covers.

Soon Michaels arms snaked around my waist and his hands held my tummy.

I smiled as I felt his warm soft lips kiss my temple.

Before I dirfted asleep I heard Michael say something.

" I love Luke" He said sleeply.


Authors Note.

Ok so first order of business would you guys like to have a charater ask futher on in th story?

I one of my other stories I did one and no one asked questions.

So would you guys like that futher on in the story or no?

Ok second order of bussiness.

So my wifi is uneasy atm.

It cuts in and out, its really annoying.

So when its on I will update this story only on my computer.

When its not working, Ill update this story on my phone.

Its supposed to get fixed Saturday.

And I hope it does because this is annoying.

And I cant use my hotspot on my phone, because it dosent reset till saturday.

So its no good anyways.

Ok third order of bussiness.

Would you guys like to see what I look like?

I feel like we are all close enough that you can know what I look like.

If so next chapter Ill leave a selfie at the top.

Ok Im done.

Well dont foreget to leave babyy namess andbokk suggestions for me.

Because next chapter or the chapter after that Lke finds out what sugar is.



see you next chapter loves!


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