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Luke's POV

His fingers trailed down my shoulders and down my spine.

I shivered from his touch.

He brought his finger to my lip, I pressed a kiss to it.

His eyes locked with mine.

We smashed our lips together.

My hands got tangled in his hair.

I felt his hands trail to my pants waistline.

My breathe hitched.

" Are you sure" He whispered.

" Yes"

His hands slowly guided my pants down to my ankles.

He kissed my shoulders, down to my side and to my thigh.

I gripped his shoulders, I needed him.

I tugged down his pants, trailing my fingers inbetween his thighs.

He put his finger to my lip again.

This time he moved and grabbed a bottle from the nightstand.

He walked back over to me.

The moonlight casted a shadow on his face.

His eyes were darkened, lustful, hungry.

He laid the bottle on the bed.

His hand gently pushed my chest so I was now laying on the bed.

He brought his lips to my jawline.

A quite moan escaped my lips.

His lips trailed his lips to my neck.

He sucked love bites along my neck and chest.

Moans poured out of my mouth.

He reached right above my length.

His lips slowly wrapped themselves around my tip.

I found my way to Michael's hair and tugged on.

As moans escaped my mouth, he went deeper.

" Fuck" I said tugging on his hair as he had me all the way in his mouth.

He moaned, sending vibrations through my body.

I felt the pit of my stomach tighten.

But before I came un-done Michael pulled away.

A whimper left my mouth.

" Don't worry princess, Daddy's gonna take care of you"

He reached for the bottle, pouring the liquid in his hand and running it along his dick.

" Spread your legs"

I did as told and opened my legs.

Michael lined himself before my entrance.

I felt his tip enter my hole.

I clenched the sheets of the bed as my back arched.

Soon, before I knew it Michael was fully in me.

I opened my eyes that were met with his.

I nodded my head.

Soon he began to thrust into me.

Moans escaped our mouths.

We connected our lips.

My fingernails dug into his back as his thrust became faster .

My moans were becoming so powerful I had to bite Michaels shoulder.

I could feel my high coming.

" Michael"! And with the scream of his name I came all over my chest.

Michael clenched his eyes shut.

I knew his high was near as well.

" Luke'! And with the scream of my name, I felt him fill me up.

He collapsed next to me.

We both were panting.

I felt his arms grab me and bring me close.

I stroked his face with my finger.

" I love you Michael Clifford"

His eyes locked with mine.

" I love you too Luke Hemmings"


How did I do on the smut you guys?

Oh and what Michael and Luke did was love.

So they made love, forgot to mention that, lol.

And muke Moan audio on top/side ;)


See you beautiful mermaids next chapter.

Bye beautifuls.

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