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Michaels POV

Luke wanted baby Miracle to have my last name.

I just looked a him and blinked.

We werent even together, I thought we were good friends.

Even though I want to be much more.

" Mikey"? Luke said waving his hand in front f my face.

" Why do you want her to have my last name"?

" W-Well because, you are more of a dad then Matt and I-I really l-like y-you" He looked down at his hands.

I grabbed his hand and looked him in the eyes.

" I would love nothing more than to be yours and you mine" I said leaning in.

His eyes widened .

" Could I"? I said making sure if he wated to kiss me or not.

He nodded with a smile on his face.

I leaned in more until our lips brushed.

I connected our lips and I swear fireworks went off.

We moved in perfect sync.

I pulled away and I could see he still had his eyes closed with a smile on his face.

I giggled a little, Ive been waiting for that moment.

" That w-was g-great"

" I know"

His hands wondered to his tummy and he wrapped his arms around it.

I reached my hand out and touched his belly.

It felt so unreal, yet so real.

I pressed my hand lightly on his side and felt something move around.

I looked at Luke with wide eyes, he looked at me with wide eyes.

" Shes never done that before" He said feeling the spot I felt.

I smilied.

Luke kept his hands pressed to his tummy, then he grabbed my hands.

He layed my hands on his hands.

We could both feel her move around

I bent down and left a kiss above his belly button.

" Michael"?

" Yea Luke"

" Be mine"


I loved this chapter I really did.

So I came up with a scedule.

I will update dreams and lost every firday because thats when I hae lots of time.

How did you feel on the first Muke kiss?

Miracle moving a little? Sorry if this isnt an accurate preganacy I just wanted it to be cute.

Thoughts overall?

See you next chapter my little mermaids and merman if there are anyy.


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