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Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I've been real busy. But I'm back! Holla!


Harry's POV

I snuggled in closer to Louis, breathing in his scent of green apples.

My thumb drew circles on his bare chest, as he let out quite snores.

His legs were tangled into mine as his toes would curl up when he got cold.

I kissed his shoulder as I removed the duvet from covering me.

My bare feet smacked against the wood flooring as I rubbed my eyes and ruffled my hair.

I stretched my arms back behind my head and curled my toes.

I finally got up off the bed and walked down the cold hallway.

At the end of the hallway I could see Matt talking to someone on the phone.

" Did you get all the furniture"? He asked pacing back and forth.

" God damnit Payne. I need that shit today"! He screamed hanging up on the person.

I walked into the kitchen as he cocked an eyebrow at me.

I poured myself some coffee and poured Louis some too, knowing he would be up soon. 

" Who was that on the phone"? I asked sitting on the bar stool.

" His name is Liam, he is the decorator" He said scratching his scruff.

" Do you have like a 'posy' now or some shit" I asked sipping my coffee.

" Sort of, your my hacker, Louis is my camera guy, Niall is my doctor, Zayn is my weapons, Liam is my decorator" He said scrolling on his phone.

" Weapons, why do you need weapons"?

" Because, people " He said making a disgusted face at me.

" Its not like people are after you"?

He looked up at me.

" Ok nervermind" I said putting my cup in the sink.

" Also because Michael, cant have him screwing things up"

" He doesn't seem that bad of a person to me" I said shrugging my shoulders.

" He took what was mine, and now I'm getting it back"

" Luke is not an 'it' Luke is a guy"

" So, it, he , she could care less"

" What about Miracle, how do you feel about her" I said crossing my arms.

" Honestly, could care less about that baby" He sad chuckling.

I looked at him dumbfounded, he should be lucky he is having a kid.

" You know, your lucky that you can even have a kid" I said growing angry.

" Oh Im sorry that your 'boy toy' cant fucking get pregnant not my problem" He said starting to walk away.

" Don't give me that, do you know how badly we want a kid"!

" Pretty bad Im guessing by the tone in your voice"

" Louis cried for months"!

He turned himself around and smacked his finger against his chin.

" How about this, I don't want the kid, so when she is born you and Louis and have her" He said smiling.

I stopped breathing for a minute, what about Luke?

" Luke loves that child, I will not do such a thing and take her away from him"

" Luke could care less about that child, trust me"

But was he right?


Louis woke up 3 hours later.

He went to Michael and Luke's house and set up the cameras.

He was now back resting in the bed watching Henry Danger.

I needed to talk to him about Miracle.

" Hey babe"? I said running my fingers through his hair.

" Yes honey-pie"? He asked turning to face me.

" So, earlier Matt said he doesn't want Miracle and neither does Luke apparently, so he said once she was born we could have her"? I asked, but came out more like a question.

" I couldn't do that Harry, I feel like Luke wants the baby" He said wrapping his arms around his waist.

" I couldn't do that either, but what if this is our only chance"?

" Or we can just adopt a baby"? He asked climbing in my lap.

I held him by the waist as we locked eyes.

"  Are you sure"?    I asked caressing his cheek.

He kissed my nose.

" Positive"


Hey guys! How are you all, keeping well, doing well ,making  good choices?

So sorry I haven't updated in 18 days, I had test and field trips it was crazy.

But im out of school now! So more updates.

So a lot happened in the chapter, and I know Zayn isn't in 1D, but I still feel like he is so...

Larry wants a baby! So there might be a new member in the household.

Also, I want you guys to vote, boy or girl for Larry.



Which ever has the most votes wins! leave '$' for your vote.

Again, which ever with the most money signs wins.

3 chapters left :(

I will see you amazing people next chapter!



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