24. Unwelcome Home

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"Y/n, uh, I want to spend more time with you." 

"Oh, Okay. Yeah we can." You were a bit flustered by his words.

"Especially with everything that happened."

"Yeah." You didn't know what else to say.

"When can I see you again?"

"Well if you want to come be emotional support for me when I go see my mom today then we could see each other then." You half laughed.

"Is she going off the rails? I can't blame her, you know, you're the only family she has."

"I know, I know, I just... eh. She's gonna want me to move in with her so she can keep an eye on me or something. I just know it."

"Maybe that wouldn't be so bad?"

"You don't know her. It would be hell."

"Yeah well, anyway, I'll go with you if you think it would help."

"Yeah it would, thanks Natsuo."

"It's really no problem." He laughed awkwardly. "I'm the one who wants to see you so... yeah."

"Hey! I want to see you too. You idiot."

"Do you always verbally abuse people like this?"

"Only the people I care about. Anyway, I got to go, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah! I'll pick you up."

"Okay, bye."


You hung up and set your phone on the counter. Tomura eyed it angrily.

"Who was that?" He grumbled.

"My friend."

"It better not be that guy from the hospital." Tomura scowled.

"Well you have a long memory. He has a name you know!"

"I don't care." He scratched his neck. "What is it?"

"You're an idiot, and his name is Natsuo."

Dabi shot you a glance from across the room. "Boss, don't get your panties in a twist. She's allowed to have guy friends." He interjected.

"This doesn't concern you." Tomura snapped.

"Actually it does cause I'm a guy, and I'm her friend." He emphasized the word friend with a sharper tone. "How would you feel if I was dating y/n and I suddenly got jumpy about you talking to her?"

Tomura looked like he was about to disintegrate Dabi. You pulled him back against you so he couldn't go after the black haired villain.

"Whoa whoa, calm down I can't have you fighting in my apartment. Someone might call the police." You quickly stepped between Tomura and Dabi, watching both men to make sure they were listening to you.

"Now if you'll both Excuse me, I have to go see my mother." You stepped over and pressed a light kiss against a surprised Tomura's cheek before going to get ready.


"Ready?" Natsuo smiled sheepishly as you climbed on the motorcycle behind him. You fastened your helmet and wrapped your arms around his middle.


At your cue he immediately revved the engine and sped down the street. He took the route you had told him earlier. The buildings became increasingly nicer as you drove through the different neighborhoods. It wasn't that you lived in a poor area, your mother just lived in the most expensive part of town. Her fame allowed her that privilege, which is probably why you hated the area so much.

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