52. Shirakumo Gets his Ramen... Finally

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Shirakumo and Geten starred each other down for a good five minutes.

"You may be fooling her but you ain't fooling me, kid."

Geten folded his arms and leaned back against the wall without saying a word.

"I could sniff out a villain like you from a mile away, so don't even try denying it."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Geten said in an icy tone.

"I think you do." Shirakumo glared down at the shorter man before him. "Liberation army or whatever it's called? That's the organization you're a part of right?"

Geten's pale eyes flashed with anger. "What do you know of it?"

"I know a lot, let's just leave it at that." Shirakumo's fingers itched to throttle the man in front of him, but he held off the urge. "Now about y/n, are you here to recruit her or something?"

"No!" It was obvious that Geten was taken aback by the accusation. "Nothing like that."

His pale skin became flushed at the thought of you. Your uncle inspected him with a narrowed gaze.

"So she doesn't know what you are. Has she told you anything about her past, her previous boyfriend?"

"No, sir."

Shirakumo raised a blue eyebrow but continued. "Well it's not my place to tell you all that. It's up to her when she decides to let it all out. Just make sure she knows the truth about you by then. Till that happens I'll be keeping an eye on you, shrimp. And so help me, if you ever try to hurt her-"

"I'd never hurt her! And if someone ever tried and laid a hand on her I'd freeze them to death." Geten snapped.

Shirakumo began to say something but stopped and looked over Geten's shoulder. He gritted his teeth as he saw Dabi sitting down and throwing an arm over your shoulder.

"What..." Geten trailed off and followed your uncle's line of sight.

Before Shirakumo knew it, Geten was already inside.


"Is this your new man, y/n? Damn you DO have a type." Dabi snickered. "Short, anger issues, and-"

Before Dabi could utter another word his face was slammed into the table. Shirakumo gripped the back of the scarred villain's neck, keeping him planted against the hard wooden surface. You gasped and reached out for your uncle so you could pull him back but Geten tightened his grip on your hand. People in the restaurant gawked at your group, some probably contemplating whether or not to call the police.

"Why don't we take this outside, I'm sure we need a minute to catch up, it's been a while." Shirakumo's words were as icy as Geten's quirk. You had never seen him like this before, absolutely livid.

"Catch up? Who the hell are you?" Dabi said through a mouthful of blood.

Your uncle dragged Dabi out by the collar of his shirt, almost like a limp kitten being carried by its mother. Before he exited the building however, he ordered a bowl of ramen to go, only then did he toss Dabi out onto the sidewalk. You extricated your hand from Geten's grip and ran after the pair.

Shirakumo had a foot planted in Dabi's chest while they yelled at each other. You noticed your uncle's blue hair going dark at the roots.

"Get off me you psycho!"

"You don't remember me huh?" Your uncle pressed his foot deeper into Dabi, causing a yelp of pain.

"I've never seen your face in my life, dammit!"

"Maybe if I go full dark mode on your sorry ass, you'll remember!" His hair darkened and the air seemed to thicken with mist.

Dabi's eyes widened with disbelief. "No fucking way..."

"Uncle, stop it!" You yelled. Geten, who was now beside you again and wielding a large chunk of ice, tried to push you behind him.

Your words made Shirakumo whip around to look at you with his now glowing yellow eyes. He was going too far, you knew you needed to stop this. A burst of blue flames shot out and caught onto your uncle's pants. In shock, Shirakumo jumped up and Dabi was free. The scarred villain scurried away, yelling at you. "See ya later babe!" Before disappearing.

Shirakumo, now back to his normal state, danced around in a circle trying to relieve himself of his flaming pants. He ripped them off and stamped on them. Both you and Geten gawked at your uncle's taco print boxer shorts, which were now in full view.

"Well, darn! The little bastard got away!" He walked into the ramen shop and came out with a large To Go bag five seconds later.

Geten covered your eyes then handed Shirakumo the now scorched and holey pants.

"Wear something, please." Geten said, tiredly.

"No thanks, I'll get a new pair back at the hospital." Shirakumo strolled down the sidewalk. "You kids coming or what?"


You let out a loud sigh as you walked towards UA. You had left your uncle in the hospital's care, and said bye to your boyfriend along the way. Geten had wanted to walk with you at least part of the way but you just wanted to be alone. Everything had been too much and you just needed a second to think.

A number you didn't recognize appeared on your phone. At first you ignored it but your phone buzzed again and again.

"Hello?" you said exasperatedly.

"Don't hang up."

You almost dropped your phone when you heard the voice. "Tomura I thought I made it clear we were done."

"I need to talk to you." He persisted.


"PLEASE! It's for your own safety."

You hesitated, but only for a moment. "Goodbye." was all you said before hanging up.

You continued to walk along the sparsely populated sidewalk for a few more blocks. A familiar shiver passed down your spine, one you hadn't felt in a while.

"You should really listen to me sometimes." Tomura said behind you.

"I told you to leave me alone." You turned to find him lowering his face mask which did a decent job of hiding his identity. A black hoodie was pulled up over his now pure white locks.

"I know I was a shit boyfriend, but I miss you." His red eyes were pleading with you. "I hurt you and I'm so sorry. I get it, you don't wanna be with someone like me but I just can't seem to live without you. I'm so lonely and all I can think about is you."

"Tomura, I can't listen to this..." You said but he immediately started talking over you with desperation in his eyes.

"My master will take everything from you if you don't. I'm trying to protect you. I know you must hate me but I can protect you from him. If he knows you're important to me and you've joined our cause then he won't bother with you. I'm sure of it." There was a crazed look in his eyes. And with a quick motion he captured your lips with his. "I know you don't feel the same way but I love you. And if you ever trusted me with anything, trust me on this and let me protect you."


Y/N has a type... hence the pic I chose for this chapter. Rip Dabi. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed! Peace out!

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