50. I Want You Back

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Just as soon as you had settled into your new life, it was overturned. The villain that All Might had taken down during the summer had escaped. The air was tense at UA high, everyone knew eventually someone would have to face All for One.

The details were fuzzy, but it was plain to see that your uncle's portal quirk had been instrumental in the escape and had fallen unconscious. Oboro Shirakumo had been hospitalized ever since and hadn't woken up in the past three days.

To your dismay you hadn't been allowed to see him until now.

Faded wisps of mist floated around his form, sometimes revealing his true face underneath.

Your mother had to leave soon after seeing him. She was now back on duty as a hero after nearly six years, working with Endeavor's agency. Or, The Shitty Parent Agency, as you and Shoto called it. Not exactly a name that had much of a ring to it but neither of you felt like mixing it up.

Her new hero uniform was lavender to match her hair, with black detailing on the pants and jacket. Battery packs to fuel her quirk were lined up on her belt. With her long hair tied back in a ponytail she looked just like the hero she was supposed to be. She had squeezed your shoulder before leaving you alone with him in the guarded hospital room.

You sat on the side of the hospital bed, watching the wisps of mist float around him. Sometimes you could catch sight of his sky blue hair through the darkness that surrounded him. After all this, he looked so peaceful that part of you wondered if this was the end for him. Years and years after you thought he was gone for good. You had lived through his death and funeral once, you couldn't survive that again.

"Uncle?" You started talking to him tearfully. "Please wake up."

The only things that betrayed that he was still in fact living were the steady beep of the heart monitor and the soft puffs of breath he expelled. There were so many things he had missed, so many things you needed to tell him. Before you knew it you had started talking in hushed tones. Speaking of how you grew up alone after both him and your mother had disappeared from your life.

"Can you hear me, Uncle Oboro?" You asked his unconscious form.

Mist continued to float away from him. You couldn't tell if your eyes were tricking you or not but it seemed that there was less of it than there had been when you started talking. Even so, if that mist was gone, would that bring him back to you?

For a moment you thought you could see his eyes moving under their closed lids. Darkness once again covered your view and you sighed shakily. You leaned down against his chest and hid your face in the soft hospital shirt he was now wearing. Softly, his heart could be heard beating in his chest. The noise quickened and he shifted slightly. Your breath caught when an arm was moved up and around your shoulders.

Your eyes shot open but you dared not move. It was all your imagination right? You looked down and saw his hand, free of mist, holding onto your arm.

"Hey kiddo." Oboro Shirakumo said tiredly.

Gasping, you shot up to a sitting position and saw him grinning sleepily. You watched as the last of the mist floated away and dispersed in the air. His face, now completely visible. He looked older, yet not exactly the age he should be.

"Is... is it really you?" You choked out.

"Who else would I be!"

Tears streamed down your face, blurring your vision. "I thought..."

"I know, don't cry, y/n. Come here." Oboro leaned up a bit and held his arms out to you. "I'm right here."

You dove into his embrace and cried out fourteen years of pain and loneliness, suddenly feeling again like that five year old who depended on him for everything. "You're here, you're alive?"

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